Gayennina Gertsch, 1935: 21
publication ID | 10.1206/0003-0090(2003)277<0001:TSSAAA>2.0.CO;2 |
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Gayennina Gertsch, 1935: 21 |
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Gayennina Gertsch, 1935: 21 (type species by monotypy Gayennina britcheri Gertsch, 1935 ).
SYNONYMY: The type species of Samuza and Abuzaida are here considered typical members of Arachosia . Gayennina britcheri is a junior synonym of Oxysoma cubana , also transferred to Arachosia here. Arachosia corresponds well with the idea that previous authors had of Oxysoma ( Simon, 1897a; MelloLeitão, 1922; Barnes, 1953; Platnick , 1974).
NOTE: MelloLeitão (1915) seemed to have committed a lapsus by creating the genus Eusamuza for Samuza praesignis Keyserling.
DIAGNOSIS: Easily distinguished from oth er Amaurobioidinae by having thick, erect setae on the anterior lateral spinneret bases (compare fig. 68A–F) and a tracheal spiracle relatively advanced. Only some Philisca have similar setae on the spinnerets, but they have a normal, deep anterior epigynal pouch (fig. 94E) instead of the transverse, more superficial pouch found in Arachosia (fig. 75C, D).
DESCRIPTION: Generally with flattened body, partially covered by whitish hairs (fig. 67). Legs well scopulate, even on posterior tibiae. Carapace narrowed in front, posterior eye row strongly procurved. Males with smaller chelicerae, carapace narrower in front, wider behind, legs more spinose. Chelicerae with three teeth on promargin, generally two, occasionally three, on retromargin. Tracheal spiracle around midpoint between spinnerets and epigastric furrow, may be slightly advanced from midpoint, mostly in males. Base of anterior lateral spinnerets with thick erect setae. Male palp with short tibia, large cymbium. Embolus thin, basal process flattened, weakly sclerotized, associated membranous area folded. Paramedian apophysis simple, with small tip close to median apophysis (fig. 70). Secondary conductor large, fused to anterior dorsal margin of tegulum, with deep canal arising at base of paramedian apophysis. Primary conductor absent or reduced. Epigyne with anterior pouch transverse, M or inverted Ushaped (fig. 69), with shallow or double lumen. Median field weakly sclerotized behind anterior pouch. Insertions of epigastric muscles depressed. Copulatory openings in deep depressions, close to epigastric furrow. Copulatory ducts long, slender, ducts of accessory bulbs long.
NOTE: MelloLeitão (1922: 18–19) noted the thick, erect setae on the anterior lateral spinnerets of Oxysoma polytrichium , but believed these to be a diagnostic character of this species only, hence its name.
DISTRIBUTION: South and Central America, and Southwestern U.S.
COMPOSITION: In addition to the species detailed below: Anyphaena oblonga Keyserling, 1878 (female holotype from Mexico, Veracruz, in BMNH 1890.7.1.617, examined, new combination; see also Note under Arachosia cubana ), Arachosia albiventris MelloLeitão, 1922 (7 females and 8 immatures, probably syntypes, of two different Arachosia species, in MNRJ 674, examined), Arachosia arachosia MelloLeitão, 1922 (male probably holotype, in MNRJ 675, should be 390, examined), Arachosia freiburgensis Keyserling, 1891 (male holotype in BMNH 1890.7.1.406, examined), Arachosia mezenioides MelloLeitão, 1922 (two females, probably syntypes, in MNRJ 677, should be 41, examined), Arachosia minensis ( MelloLeitão, 1926) , Arachosia puta O.P. Cambridge, 1892 (female holotype in BMNH 1901.3.3.325, examined), Gayenna bonneti MelloLeitão, 1947 (female holotype in MNRJ, examined, new combination), Gayenna duplovittata MelloLeitão, 1942 (male immature holotype in MLP 15580, examined, new combination), Gayenna proseni MelloLeitão, 1944 (female probably holotype in MLP 15115, and female probably paratype in MNJR, examined, new combination), Oxysoma bifasciatum MelloLeitão, 1922 (male holotype in MNRJ 662, examined, new combination), Oxysoma dubium Berland, 1913 (three penultimate syntypes [one male, two females], in MHNP, examined, new combination), Oxysoma polytrichium MelloLeitão, 1922 (penultimate female holotype, pharate, in MZUSP 541 ex 721, examined, new combination). Many probable undescribed species similar to A. bergi or A. cubana , some may be intraspecific variants instead.
TYPE NOT EXAMINED: Arachosia sulfurea MelloLeitão, 1922 (presumably in MNRJ, not found).
Arachosia anyphaenoides O.P. Cambridge
Arachosia anyphaenoides O.P. Cambridge, 1882:
426 (female holotype from Brazil, Amazonas,
Prof. Trail coll., probably in BMNH, not found). Simon, 1897a: 101. MelloLeitão, 1922:
NOTE: I could not examine the type, but from the illustrations in the original description it is clear that this species is closely related to (and perhaps a senior synonym of) A. honesta Keyserling.
Arachosia praesignis (Keyserling) ,
new combination
Figures 61A View Fig , 67A View Fig , 69B View Fig , 71 View Fig , 72 View Fig
Samuza praesignis Keyserling, 1891: 135 (female holotype from Brazil, state of Rio Grande do Sul, no specific locality, V. Ihering coll., in BMNH, examined).
Gayenna praesignis : Petrunkevitch, 1911: 485. MelloLeitão, 1925: 457. Di Caporiacco, 1948: 678.
Eusamuza praesignis MelloLeitão, 1915: 144 (see Note under Arachosia View in CoL ).
Tomopisthes tripunctatus MelloLeitão, 1945: 265 (female holotype from Argentina, Corrientes province, Manantiales, no date, Apóstol, MLP
16595, examined). NEW SYNONYMY.
SYNONYMY: The holotypes of the species synonymyzed were compared; no relevant differences were found.
DIAGNOSIS: Distinguished from other Arachosia by the absence of a prolateral projection on the male secondary conductor (fig. 71A), the narrow anterior epigynal pouch, and the characteristic course of the female copulatory ducts (fig. 71C).
FEMALE (holotype): Total length 6.65. Carapace length 2.67, width 2.00. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 1.30/1.17; II, 1.28/1.18; III, 1.07/1.08; IV, 1.52/1.67. Spines: leg I, femur d 1–1–1, p 0 d1 (1d1), r 0 d1 d1; tibia v 2– 2–2, d r1–1 bristles; metatarsus v 2bas. II, femur = I; tibia v 2–2–2, p 0–1, d r1–1 bristles; metatarsus = I. III, femur = I or p (2 d1)ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1–2–2, p 1 d1– 1, r d1–1, d r1–1; metatarsus v 2–0–2, p and r d1 d1–1, d 0 p1–2. IV, femur d 1–1–1, p (1 d1)ap, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1–2– 2, p and r 1 d1–1, d r1–1; metatarsus v 2– 2–2 or 2 r1–2, p and r d1 d1–1, d 0 p1–2. Abdomen length 4.12, width 2.43. Spiracle– epigastrium 1.50, spiracle–spinnerets 1.27. Color: type faded, anterior part of dorsal abdominal stripe remains. In fresh specimens (fig. 67A), pattern similar to that of male, but paler: lateral stripes on carapace narrow, on abdomen discontinuous; venter pale. Entire abdomen with white guanine reticulum. Legs yellow with brownish violet dots. Epigyne (figs. 69B, 71C): anterior pouch transverse, inverted Ushaped, with double lumen. Copulatory ducts long, thin, ducts of accessory bulbs long, parallel.
MALE (Pelotas): Total length 2.70. Carapace wide, globose, with thoracic groove de
(Malleco, Contulmo). D–F. Arachosia bergi (Simon) (Buenos Aires, Hudson, 13.XI.1988).
pressed, length 2.80, width 2.33. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 2.17/1.93; II, 2.03/1.83; III, 1.60/1.47; IV, 2.03/2.13. Chelicerae small, narrow. Sternum length 1.38, width 1.08. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia p and r 1 d1 1 0, d r1 0 1 0; metatarsus p and r (d1–1)bas, d 0 p1 0 2. II = I. III, tibia = I, but v p1–2–2; metatarsus v 2–2–2. IV, femur = I; tibia and metatarsus = III. Abdomen length 3.00, width 1.73, spiracle–epigastrium 1.27, spiracle–spinnerets 0.77. Col or: carapace brown with three dark brown longitudinal stripes, one median, one on each margin, ocular area black, with median longitudinal brown spot. Clipeum with two dark stripes diverging toward chelicerae, and white triangle in between. Legs grayish with dark brown longitudinal lines, spots. Chelicerae with anterior internal dark spot, extending up to twothirds of their length. Coxae, endites, and sternum yellow, labium brown. Abdomen yellow, with brownish violet pattern on sides, cardiac area, dorsoventral muscle insertions, plus several chevrons on posterior half, ending in spot above anal tubercle. Venter pale, with diffuse dark band from spiracle to spinnerets. Palp (figs. 71A, B, 72): tibia short, as long as wide, cymbium globose. Embolus thin, basal process flattened, weakly sclerotized, associated membranous area extended, folded. Paramedian apophysis simple, straight, parallel to median apophysis. Primary conductor absent. Secondary conductor large, striated obliquely, fused to anterior margin of tegulum; canal conspicuous, arising at base of paramedian apophysis.
VARIABILITY: Males can be much darker than females, with entire dorsal and ventral median abdominal bands, and the sternum with dark margins. One specimen from Buenos Aires is completely brownish violet, with two small white spots at sides of the ocular area, white endites, and yellow pulmonary plates. Spines: tibiae III, IV, v 2–2–2.
NATURAL HISTORY: This species builds retreats on foliage, occasionally also under bark.
DISTRIBUTION: Southeastern Brazil and northeastern Argentina (in Misiones, Chaco, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, and Buenos Aires provinces).
OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: BRASIL: Rio de Janeiro: Nova Iguaçu, no date, Blanc, 4♀ ( MNRJ). Rio Grande do Sul: Cachoeira do Sul , Alto dos Casemiros, 26.IX.1992, R. Buss, 1♀ 1 immature ( MCTP 3369 View Materials ) ; Cachoeira do Sul, Cordilheira , 27.VIII.1992, 23 ( MCTP 3366 View Materials ), 27.X.1992, 1♀ penultimate ( MCTP 3358 View Materials ), 13 1♀ ( MCTP 3364 View Materials ), R.G. Buss ; Erval Grande , I.1994, A. Braul, 1♀ ( MCTP 4484 View Materials ) ; Pelotas , XII.1960, C. Biezanko, 33 3♀ 1 immature ( AMNH) ; no specific locality or date, B. Rambo, 13 12 immatures ( MNRJ 41661 View Materials ). ARGENTINA: Misiones : Loreto, no date, A.A. Ogloblin, 13 ( MACNAr) ; Iguazú Natl. Park, Cataratas , XI.1989, M. Ramírez, 13 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; Puerto Rico, XII.1943, J.M. Viana, 1 immature ( MACNAr) ; Refugio Piñalito , XI.1954, R. Schiapelli and M.E. Galiano, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; Río Uruguaı´, km 30, W. Partridge, 13 ( MACNAr) ; Ruta Nac. 11 and Arroyo Garuhape´, VII.1980, P. Goloboff, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; San Ignacio , 1.IX.1963, M.E. Galiano, 1 immature ( MACNAr) ; San Javier , XII.1948, M. Birabén, 23 3♀ ( MLP) ; Santa María , IX.1956, J.M. Viana, 2♀ ( MACNAr) ; XII.1947, J.M. Viana, 23 ( MACNAr 2554 ). Chaco: Resistencia, X.1943, Freiberg , 1♀ ( MACNAr). Catamarca: Estancia El Chorro, 20 – 31.I.1953, W. Partridge and Núñez, 1♀ ( MACNAr), 1–15.II.1953, W. Partridge and Núñez, 1♀ ( MACNAr). Corrientes: Paso de la Patria, 29.VIII.1963, M.E. Galiano, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; Santiago Alcorta, VI.1943, M. Birabén, 1♀ ( MACNAr). Entre Ríos : Concordia, no date, Hayward, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; El Palmar Natl. Park, 14.X.1984, M. Ramírez, 23 1♀ penultimate ( MACNAr) ; Villaguay , XI.1988, M.E. Galiano, 1♀ (MACNAr) ; no specific locality, 1942, Haedo, 1♀ ( MACNAr). Buenos Aires: Atucha , 27.VII.1985, P. Goloboff, M. Ramírez, 13 1 immature ( MACNAr) ; Boulogne , X.1938, A. Prosen, 1♀ ( MLP) ; Capital Federal, Ciudad de Buenos Aires , IV.1940, F. Monrós, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; X.1940, H. Gavio, 1 immature ( MACNAr) ; I.1952, G. Casal, 4♀ ( MACNAr), 1.IV.1983, E. Maury, 1♀ ( MACNAr), 19.IX.1990, M. Ramírez, 1♀ ( MACNAr, photo MJR 353–357), 15.VIII.1998, M. Ramírez, 13 ( MACNAr) ; winter 1979, P. Goloboff, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; Caseros , X.1947, no collector, 1♀ (MACNAr 196) ; Castelli , X.1960, J.M. Viana, 1♀ penultimate ( MACNAr) ; Delta, Arroyo Carancho , 30.XII.1951, A. Bachmann, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; Delta del Parana´, 20.XI.1940, J.B. Daguerre, De Carlo, 1♀ ( MACNAr 32904 ) ; VII.1940, F. Monrós, 1♀ (MACNAr); Delta, Paraná de Las Palmas , III.1942, H. Hepper, 1 immature ( MACNAr) ; Escobar , V.1938, A. Prosen, 13 ( MLP) ; Estación San Alfonso, Pieres , II.1973, Bejarano, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; Florencio Varela, F.C.S., XII.1939, F. Monrós, 13 1♀ 1 immature ( MACNAr) ; Hudson , 2.X.1984, M. Ramírez, 13 ( MACNAr) ; Ing. Maschwitz , XI.1941, A. Prosen, 1♀ ( MLP) ; Isla Martín García , I.1938, J.M. Viana, 1♀ ( MACNAr 326 ) ; IV.1938, J.M. Viana, 1 immature ( MACNAr 404 ), 1940, J.M. Viana, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; 25.V.1990, M. Ramírez, 8 immatures ( MACNAr) ; La Plata , 22.XII.1978, P. Goloboff, 13 ( MACNAr) ; no date, Birabén, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; Los Talas , XII.1985, Scioscia, 13 ( MACNAr) ; Mar del Plata , 4.XI.1988, J. Farina, 2♀ 1 immature ( MMLS) ; Necochea , V.1975, Balech, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; Reserva Otamendi , 10.VI.1997, M. Ramírez, L. Compagnucci, C. Grismado, F. Uehara, 13 penultimate ( MACNAr) ; Paraná de Las Palmas , 17.IX.1963, M.E. Galiano, 13 ( MACNAr), A. Bachmann, 1 immature ( MACNAr) ; Punta Lara, Ensenada , III.1943, A. Moreno, 1♀ ( MLP), 19.III.1943, 4♀ ( MLP), 1.I.1947, W. Partridge, 13 ( MACNAr), 16.XI.1947, no collector, 2♀ ( MACNAr 198 ) ; III.1961, M.E. Galiano, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; 28.VII.1979, P. Goloboff, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; 28.XI.1985, M.E. Galiano, C. Scioscia, 13 ( MACNAr), 18.IX.1986, M. Ramírez, 1♀ penultimate ( MACNAr) ; San Fernando, no date, J.B. Daguerre, 1♀ 1 immature ( MACNAr) ; San Isidro, Punta Chica , 5.XI.1941, A. Prosen, 2♀ ( MLP) ; Sierra de la Ventana, Cerro Negro , 12.IV.1974, Cesari, 1 immature ( MACNAr) ; Tandil, 1939, S. Holmberg, 2♀ ( MACNAr 2614 ) ; Tigre , I.1938, J.M. Viana, 1♀ ( MACNAr 301 ) .
Arachosia striata (Keyserling) ,
new combination
Figure 73 View Fig
Abuzaida striata Keyserling, 1891: 133 (female lectotype here designated from Brazil, state of Rio de Janeiro, Nova Friburgo, in BMNH, examined; the immature paralectotype mentioned by Keyserling was not found). Simon, 1897a: 104.
Gayenna striata : MelloLeitão, 1925: 457.
DIAGNOSIS: Resembles A. bergi in having the epigynal median field relatively small and short, but can be distinguished by having the shorter copulatory ducts.
FEMALE (lectotype): Total length 5.30. Carapace length 2.17, width 1.60. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 1.12/0.97; II, 1.17/1.00; III, 1.05/1.05; IV, 1.37/1.63. Chelicerae with three teeth on retromargin. Spines: leg I, femur d 1–1–1, p 0 d1–2, r 0 d1 d1; tibia v 2– 2–2; metatarsus v 2bas. II = I. III, femur = I; patella r d1; tibia v p1–2–2, p 1 d1–1, r d1–1, d r1–1; metatarsus v 2–0–2, d 0 p1–2, p and r d1–1–1. IV, femur = I; patella r d1; tibia = III; metatarsus v 2 p1–2, d 0 p1–2, p and r d1–1–1. Abdomen length 2.83, width 1.67. Spiracle–epigastrium 1.10, spiracle– spinnerets 0.80. Color (lectotype faded; from MCTP 0481): yellowish brown, with median dorsal brown band on carapace and abdomen, ocular area darker. Chelicerae brown, with darker anterior distal area. Sternum with three dark patches in front of coxae I–III. Legs yellow with brown dots, mostly on femora and tibiae. Abdomen with brown ventral longitudinal band, brown dots on sides. Epigyne (fig. 73): anterior pouch transverse, shallow. Copulatory ducts relatively short, ducts of accessory bulbs long, arched. MALE: Unknown.
DISTRIBUTION: Only known from the type locality.
OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: BRASIL: Rio Grande do Sul: Barracão, 20.I.1989, F. Franco, 1♀ (MCTP 0481).
RELATIONSHIPS: This species was not included in the analysis, because males are unknown, and for the remaining characters it is practically identical to the other representatives of the genus. The relatively short copulatory ducts (not scored in this analysis) suggest a basal position relative to other Arachosia .
Figure 74 View Fig
Arachosia honesta Keyserling, 1891: 127 View in CoL (female holotype from Brazil, state of Rio Grande do Sul, no specific locality, in BMNH, examined). MelloLeitão, 1922: 22.
Oxysoma ramboi MelloLeitão, 1943c: 238 (female presumably type, from Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, B. Rambo coll., in MNRJ 42237, examined). NEW SYNONYMY.
SYNONYMY: According to the original description, the holotype of Oxysoma ramboi should be 41379. In any case, the illustration of the epigyne ( MelloLeitão, 1943c: fig. 64) allows reliable identification. No relevant differences were found between the presumed type of Oxysoma ramboi and the holotype of Arachosia honesta View in CoL .
DIAGNOSIS: Distinguished from other Arachosia by having a large, triangular epigynal median field and a characteristic course of the copulatory ducts. Males have genitalia very similar to that of A. bergi , but differ by having the AME larger than the ALE , and a larger paramedian apophysis. Also distinguished from A. praesignis by having a prolateral projection on the secondary conductor.
FEMALE (MNRJ 42237): Total length 8.25. Carapace length 3.23, width 2.57. Chelicerae with three teeth on retromargin (fig. 74E). Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 1.83/1.57; II, 1.86/1.63; III, 1.63/1.60; IV, 2.30/2.43. Palpal tarsus length 1.03. Sternum length 1.67, width 1.27. Spines: leg I, femur d 1–1–1, p 0 p1–2, r 0 p1 p1; tibia v 2–2–2; metatarsus v 2bas. II, femur = I; tibia v 2–2–2, p 1 0 1 0; metatarsus v 2 bas, p 1 or 0. III, femur = I; patella r d1; tibia v 2–2–2, p and r 1 d1–1, d r1–1–0; metatarsus v 2–0–2 (right 2–0–1), p and r d1 1 0 1, d p1–2. IV, femur = I; patella r d1; tibia = III; metatarsus v 2– 2–2, p and r d1 1 0 1, d p1–2. Abdomen length 4.92, width 2.79. Spiracle–epigastrium 1.33, spiracle–spinnerets 1.73. Color (slightly faded): pale brown, carapace and abdomen with dorsal median dark band, margins of carapace with dark line. Sternum with margins dark. Femora with dark dots. Some specimens darker, with dark brown areas at sides of abdomen, median dark band from spiracle (or epigastrium) to spinnerets. Epigyne (fig. 74F): median field hourglassshaped, anterior half larger, wider; anterior pouch wide, transverse, forming cavities at lateral ends. Epigastric muscle insertions deeply depressed. Copulatory ducts long, thin, ducts of accessory bulbs long, parallel.
MALE (Iguazu´, MACNAr 9823): Total length 6.90. Carapace globose, thoracic groove on depressed area, length 3.27, width 2.70. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 2.30/2.07; II, 2.30/2.03; III, missing; IV, 2.43/2.60. Chelicerae slightly narrower than those of female. Sternum length 1.63, width 1.27. Spines as in female, except: leg I, femur d 1–1–1, p 0 d1–2, r 0 d1 d1; patella r d1, d 1–0–1; tibia v 2–2–2, p and r 1 d1 1 0, d r1 0 1 0; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r d1–1–0, d 0 p1–2. II, femur = I or r 0 d1–2; patella, tibia and metatarsus = I. III absent. IV, femur, patella, and tibia = I; metatarsus v 2– 2–2, p and r d1–1–1, d 0 p1–2. Abdomen length 3.59, width 2.13, spiracle–epigastrium 0.87, spiracle–spinnerets 1.33. Color: carapace brown with dark brown stripes (fig. 74A). Legs grayish, almost totally covered by brownish violet pattern. Abdomen brownish violet, dorsum yellow with median band brownish violet. Palps pale gray from femur to tibia, endites, labium, and sternum brownish violet, sternum with median cream patch. Chelicerae dark, with oblique dark band and pale apical internal area. Palp (fig. 74B–D): tibia short, width/length 0.88, cymbium globose. Embolus thin, basal process flattened, weakly sclerotized, associated membranous area ample, folded. Median apophysis short. Paramedian apophysis very short, apex close to tip of median apophysis. Secondary conductor large, striated obliquely, fused to anterior margin of tegulum, with conspicuous canal, arising at base of paramedian apophysis; prolateral portion with conspicuous fingershaped apophysis (fig. 74D). Primary conductor absent.
VARIABILITY: May have three or two teeth on cheliceral retromargin (only one female from São Paulo MZUSP 10167 with four). Some males with longer median and paramedian apophysis, prolateral projection on conductor.
NATURAL HISTORY: This species builds retreats on foliage.
DISTRIBUTION: South and southeastern Brazil, states of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Rio Grande do Sul (probably also in Paraná and Santa Catarina), Mato Grosso, and northeastern Argentina, in Misiones province.
OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: BRASIL: Mato Grosso: Utiariti, VII.1961, Lenko, 1♀ ( MZUSP DZ3551 View Materials ). São Paulo: Cocaia , 25.XII.1949, H. Urban, 1♀ ( MZUSP 10167 View Materials ) ; Pirassununga, Baguaçú , 28.V.1949, O. Schubart, 1♀ 2 immatures ( MZUSP 7094 View Materials ) ; Pirassununga, Emas , 2.X.1948, O. Schubart, 2♀ ( MZUSP DZ7594 View Materials ), 15.II.1949, O. Schubart, 1♀ 23 ( MZUSP DZ7595 View Materials ) ; Onda Verde, Fazenda São João, I.1946, E. Leme, 1♀ ( MZUSP 14053 View Materials ). Rio Grande do Sul: Pinhal, 40 X Ar, I.1949, A. Maller, 13 ( AMNH). ARGENTINA: Misiones: Iguazú Natl. Park, XI.1948, M. Birabén, 1♀ ( MACNAr), X.1985, P. Goloboff, 1♀ ( MACNAr), Cataratas, 30.VIII.1986, M. Ramírez, 13 ( MACNAr 9823 ). Mistaken Locality: Río Negro , El Bolsón, 1965–1966, A. Kovács, 13 ( AMNH), probably from Argentina, Misiones province (see Platnick and Ewing, 1995: 7) .
Arachosia bergi (Simon) , new combination Figures 67B View Fig , 68D–F View Fig , 69A View Fig , 70 View Fig , 75 View Fig
Phidyle bergi Simon, 1880: 345 (four males and three females probably syntypes, labeled ‘‘mission B. Aires, Paraguay’’, in MHNP 4013, examined).
Oxysoma bergi : Simon, 1897a: 100. Berland, 1913: 103.
NOTE: According to the original publication ( Simon, 1880: 346), the type series comes from ‘‘territorio des Missions (coll. E. Simon, reçu du Dr C. Berg)’’ and should include at least one adult male and one penultimate female (‘‘epigyne non developée’’), which disagrees with the three vials found in MHNP (4013 referred before; 22736 from La Plata, Silvestri coll., one male; 21201 from Buenos Aires, one female, and one female of A. cf. cubana View in CoL ). The identity of the types is hence problematic. I decided to identify provisionally as syntypes the sample in MHNP 4013, which better agree with the type locality as was published. It is not clear, however, that the forms identified here as A. bergi are different from A. cubana View in CoL , because there are many specimens with variants of epigynal shapes, including intermediates. Wide variability is also found in specimens from a single locality. Variability in the male copulatory bulb seems to be even more problematic. Only those specimens most similar to figure 75 are listed below .
DIAGNOSIS: Provisionally distinguished from the very similar A. cubana by having a narrower epigynal median field, and thinner, shorter paramedian apophysis. A. striata is similar in having a similarly shaped median epigynal field but differs by the course of copulatory ducts.
FEMALE (MHNP 4013): Carapace length 3.60, width 2.83. Ocular diameters: AME 0.13, ALE 0.19, PME 0.15, PLE 0.15. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 2.37/2.07; II, 2.17/ 1.97; III, 1.80/1.77; IV, 3.00/3.00. Spines: leg I, femur d 1–1–1, p 2ap, r 0 d1 d1 or d1; tibia v 2–2–2, p 1 d1–1; metatarsus v 2bas. II, femur d 1–1–1, p d2ap, r 0 d1 d1; tibia = I; metatarsus = I. III, femur = II; patella r d1; tibia v p1–2–2 or 2–2–2, p and r 1 d1– 1, d r1 (1 bristle); metatarsus v 2–0–2, p and r d1 1 0 1, d 0 p1–2. IV, femur d 1–1–1, p 0 d1 d2 or d2ap, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia = III; metatarsus v 2–2–2 p and r p1 1 0 1, d 0 p1–2. Metatarsus III with scopula. Abdomen length 6.40, width 2.43. Anterior spinnerets with thick setae. Spiracle–epigastrium 2.07, spiracle–spinnerets 2.40. Color as in male. Epigyne (figs. 69A, 75C, D): anterior pouch transverse, wide, Mshaped. Copulatory ducts long, ducts of accessory bulbs long, sinuous.
MALE (MHNP 4013): Carapace length 3.80, width 2.97. Ocular diameters: AME 0.14, ALE 0.19, PME 0.15, PLE 0.15. Chelicerae slightly smaller than those of female. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I. 3.17/3.10; II, 2.83/2.77; III, 2.27/2.10; IV, 3.33/3.40. Spines as in female, except: leg I, femur r 0 d1 d1; tibia d r1–1; metatarsus p and r d1 1 0 0, d p1–0. II, tibia and metatarsus = I. III, patella d 1–0–1; tibia = I. IV, femur p d2ap; patella d 1–0–1; tibia = I. Metatarsus III with scopula. Abdomen length 5.00, width 1.50. Anterior spinnerets with thick setae. Spiracle–epigastrium 1.50, spiracle–spinnerets 1.87. Color (fig. 67B): pale brown, legs darkening distally, with small darker spots. Dorsal darker band diffuse on carapace, fading on abdomen. Three small brown spots between median band and margins of carapace. Abdomen with dark posterior dots, venter and sternum pale. Palp (figs. 75A, B, 70): tibia short, width/length 0.81, cymbium globose. Embolus thin, basal process flattened, weakly sclerotized, associated membranous area ample, folded. Paramedian apophysis very short, base flattened, close to median apophysis. Primary conductor triangular, flattened, arising from same sclerotized piece as paramedian apophysis. Secondary conductor large, fused to anterior margin of tegulum, with conspicuous canal arising close to base of paramedian apophysis; prolateral portion with conspicuous fingershaped apophysis.
VARIABILITY: Some females have only faint sutures between median field and lateral lobes, and shallow anterior pouch. The dorsal band may be solid or double. The posterior half of abdomen may become gradually brown uniform. Some specimens from São Paulo, Botucatu, have median band weakly marked. The venter may have a diffuse band.
NATURAL HISTORY: Very common in grasslands and periodically flooded areas. Females make retreats on ‘‘serrucheta’’ ( Eryngium spp. ), the large pampa grass (‘‘cortadera’’, Cortaderia selloana ), or between the leaf bases of regular grasses. Occasionally they try to escape collection by diving into the water accumulated between Eringyum leaves. They are exasperatingly fast.
DISTRIBUTION: Southeastern Brazil (states of São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul, probably also in Paraná and Santa Catarina), Uruguay, and Northeastern Argentina, extending up to Buenos Aires province. Sympatric with Arachosia cubana (or similar forms).
OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: BRASIL: São Paulo: Botucatu, Distrito Vitoriana , Fazenda Goldfarm C., 5.XI.1987 b, I. Rinaldi and L. Forti, 1♀ ( UNESP) ; Botucatu, Usina São Manoel , 10.XII.1986, 13, 4.VIII.1987 b, 13, 5.XI.1987 b, 13, 6.XI.1986 b, 23 1♀, I. Rinaldi and L. Forti ( UNESP) ; Botucatu, Fazenda Nossa Senhora da Conceição , ‘‘parte aérea de Saccharum officinarum ’’, 23.IX.1998, L.I. Rinaldi, B. Mendez do P, 13 1♀ ( UNESP) ; Botucatu, Sítio Novelli , 9.IX.1987 b, 13, 8.VI.1988 b, 2♀, I. Rinaldi and L. Forti ( UNESP) ; Botucatu, 23.IX.1998, I. Rinaldi, 13 1♀ ( UNESP). Rio Grande do Sul: Pelotas, 27.III.1956, C. Biezanko, 1♀ ( AMNH). URUGUAY: Departamento Rocha: Laguna de Castillos , 19.V.1993, M. Ramírez and F. PérezMiles, 1♀ ( MACNAr). ARGENTINA: Formosa: Pilcomayo Natl. Park, Laguna Blanca, XI.1990, M. Ramírez, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; Puerto Pilcomayo, V.1943, Fourcade (?), 1♀ ( MLP). Corrientes: Arroyo Mandisoví Grande and Ruta Nac. 14, 15.VII.1985, M. Ramírez, 23 ( MACNAr). Tucumán: ruta 307, 10 km NW El Indio, 24.XI.1994, M. Ramírez and P. Goloboff, 1♀ ( MACNAr). Entre Ríos: Arroyo Brazo Largo, 16.XI.1979, P. Goloboff, 13 ( MACNAr). Buenos Aires: Allen, VIII.1945, Cuccioli, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; Atucha , IV.1982, P. Goloboff, M. Ramírez, 1 3 ( MACNAr) ; 23.VI.1985, P. Goloboff and M. Ramírez, 23 ( MACNAr), 15.IX.1990, M. Ramírez, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; Delta, no date, no collector, 1♀ ( MACNAr 36228 ) ; Delta, Abra Vieja , V.1944, F. Monrós, 3♀ ( MACNAr) ; Delta, Arroyo Carancho , on Eryngium pandanifolium , 30.XII.1951, A. Bachmann, 13 ( MACNAr) ; Delta, Arroyo Carreras , VIII.1941, F. Monrós, 63 5♀ ( MACNAr 908 ) ; Delta, Canal Arias , VI.1941, F. Monrós, 13 ( MACNAr) ; Paraná de Las Palmas , 19.XII.1963, A. Bachmann, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; Delta, Río Esperita, X. 19?? (illegible), F. Monrós, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; Delta, Río Luján , 9.VI.1941, F. Monrós, 13 ( MACNAr) ; Delta, Tigre, Río Luján and Arroyo Guayraca´, VI.1982, M. Ramírez, 13 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; Dique Luján , VI.1938, F. Monrós, 1 3 ( MACNAr) ; Escobar , 23.VII.1984, M. Ramírez, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; Estancia El Tonelero, Pdo. Gral. Lavalle , cerca canal 2, 15– 21.XII.1951, J. Cranwell, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; Hudson , VIII.1982, P. Goloboff, M. Ramírez, 13 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; IV.1984, M. Ramírez, 13 ( MACNAr) ; 2.IX.1984, M. Ramírez, 1♀ ( MACNAr), 13.XI.1988, M. Ramírez, 13 ( MACNAr, photos MJR 257, 258), 1♀ ( MACNAr, photos MJR 259, 260), 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; Isla Talavera, Las Palmas , FCGM, 2.XI.1980, P. Goloboff, A. Zanetic, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; Magdalena, no date, P. Goloboff, M. Ramírez, 1♀ ( MACNAr), 20.V.1989, M. Ramírez, 1♀ ( MACNAr, photo MJR 287) ; Otamendi , 5.IX.1980, A. Zanetic, P. Goloboff, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; Reserva Otamendi , 10.VI.1997, M. Ramírez, L. Compagnucci, C. Grismado, F. Uehara, 13 ( MACNAr) ; Paraná de Las Palmas, 7.IV.1963, M.E. Galiano, 1♀ ( MACNAr), Punta Lara, Ensenada , 2.VIII.1931, J.B. Daguerre, 13 ( MACNAr 27594 ) ; 4.XII.1981, F. Miranda, M. Ramírez, 5♀ ( MACNAr) ; 6.III.1982, F. Miranda, M. Ramírez, 13 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; Río Luján , estación F.C. G.M., marsh with ‘‘espadaña’’, 5.X.1993, M. Ramírez and A. Pérez, 1♀ ( MACNAr) ; San Isidro , VI.1962, A. Martínez, 1♀ (MACNAr) ; San Pedro , 2.XI.1991, M. Ramírez, 2♀ ( MACNAr) ; Tigre , IX.1945, J.M. Viana, 13 ( MACNAr) ; VI.1955, J.M. Viana, 1♀ ( MACNAr) .
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
Genus |
Gayennina Gertsch, 1935: 21
Tomopisthes tripunctatus MelloLeitão, 1945: 265
Mello-Leitao, C. F. de 1945: 265 |
Oxysoma ramboi MelloLeitão, 1943c: 238
Mello-Leitao, C. F. de 1943: 238 |
Gertsch, W. J. 1935: 21 |
Gayenna striata
Mello-Leitao, C. F. de 1925: 457 |
Eusamuza praesignis MelloLeitão, 1915: 144
Mello-Leitao, C. F. de 1915: 144 |
Gayenna praesignis
Caporiacco, L. di 1948: 678 |
Mello-Leitao, C. F. de 1925: 457 |
Petrunkevitch, A. 1911: 485 |
Oxysoma bergi
Berland, L. 1913: 103 |
Simon, E. 1897: 100 |
Samuza praesignis
Keyserling, E. 1891: 135 |
Abuzaida striata
Simon, E. 1897: 104 |
Keyserling, E. 1891: 133 |
Arachosia honesta
Mello-Leitao, C. F. de 1922: 22 |
Keyserling, E. 1891: 127 |
Phidyle bergi
Simon, E. 1880: 345 |