Excorallana berbicensis Boone, 1918

Cházaro-Olvera, Sergio, Winfield, Ignacio, Ortiz, Manuel & Álvarez, Fernando, 2002, Peracarid crustaceans from three inlets in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico: new records and range extensions, Zootaxa 123, pp. 1-16 : 9-10

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Excorallana berbicensis Boone, 1918


Excorallana berbicensis Boone, 1918 View in CoL

Material Examined: CNCR­20401; number of specimens: 1, 1; PR station; collection date: 28/11/98.

Type locality: Guyana, South America.

Distribution: This species occurs in Guyana, French Guiana, Guadeloupe ( Kensley & Schotte, 1989); Brazil ( Thatcher, 1995) and the Gulf of California ( Delaney, 1984).

Range extension: This is the first record for the Gulf of Mexico at PR inlet, Términos Lagoon, Campeche State, Mexico.

Remarks: Members of the genus Excorallana are known to be parasites on fishes, including sharks and rays ( Delaney, 1984). There are 25 species included in the genus Excorallana ( Kensley & Schotte, 2000) . Of these, eight species have been reported in the Gulf of Mexico ( Cantú­Díaz & Escobar­Briones, 1992). However, this is the first record of E. berbicensis in this region.

The salinity and temperature range measured at the collection site were 25 to 27 %o and 25 to 26 °C, respectively.

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