Eurydice paxilli, Schotte & Kensley, 2005

Schotte, Marilyn & Kensley, Brian, 2005, New species and records of Flabellifera from the Indian Ocean (Crustacea: Peracarida: Isopoda), Journal of Natural History 39 (16), pp. 1211-1282 : 1234-1236

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scientific name

Eurydice paxilli

sp. nov.

Eurydice paxilli View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figures 13 View Figure 13 , 14 View Figure 14 )

Material examined

Holotype: USNM 280285 About USNM , one ovigerous female (2.9 mm), sta 2I1A, Persian Gulf, south of Ras Tanajib , Saudi Arabia, intertidal, coll. J. McCain, 31 May 1982 . Paratypes: USNM 280286 About USNM , two males, three females, four juveniles, from six stations, Persian Gulf (five south of Ras Tanajib and one north of Safaniya), intertidal, coll. J. McCain, January and May 1982 .


Female. Body length about 2.5 times greatest width. Pereonites 2–6 progressively longer; pereonite 6 longer than 7. Coxae without acute angles at posterolateral corners. Pleonites of equal length. Pleotelson with dorsal depression faint; posterior margin truncate, bearing two short, blunt peg-like setae each with an accessory flagellum and separated by four long, simple setae, with additional long seta lateral to each peg-like seta. Maximum width of pleotelson 3.5 times width of posterior margin.

Antennule barely reaching mid-point of eye, flagellum composed of four articles, articles 1–2 with at least two aesthestascs each. Antenna extending to mid-length of pereonite 1; flagellum of five articles. Maxilla 1 and 2 and mandible as figured. Frontal lamina broadly rounded at apex, somewhat projecting, not reaching mid-point of antennular basal article.

Pereopod 1 with large, thick serrate seta, nearly as long as dactylus, at posterolateral margin of propodus. Pereopods 2 and 7 as figured.

Pleopod 1 rami subequal in length, endopod less than one-half width of exopod. Uropodal endopod subtruncate, bearing about 10 plumose setae. Exopod much narrower, shorter, rounded apically, bearing about eight long setae and two small spine-like setules. Both rami shorter than pleotelson.

Male. As female but body more slender; length of antenna and antennule unknown; pleopod 2 appendix masculina arising proximal to mid-point of endopod, tapering abruptly near toothed apex; sparse, tiny setules on lateral margins. Penes short, unfused, longer than broad.


The present species is the second of the genus to be described from the Persian Gulf, following Eurydice peraticis Jones, 1974 . Eurydice paxilli differs from all congeners by the configuration of the pleotelsonic apex in having four simple setae between two small blunt spine-like setae, which are each flanked laterally by a simple seta. The five species described from Kenya by Jones, 1971, E. agilis , E. cavicaudata , E. chelifer , E. inornata , and E. longipes , have either four or no small spine-like setae at the pleotelsonic apex. Likewise, both E. arabica Jones, 1974 from the Red Sea and E. peraticis bear four such setae there.


The specific name is the plural of paxillus (Latin for a small peg), referring to the two diagnostic small, blunt spine-like pegs on the apex of the pleotelson.

Genus Metacirolana Nierstrasz, 1931 View in CoL

Restricted synonymy. Metacirolana Nierstrasz 1931, p 147 View in CoL , 162; Kussakin 1979, p 212; Bruce 1981, p 950, Figures 1f–i View Figure 1 , 2c–f View Figure 2 , 3c, d View Figure 3 , 4b View Figure 4 , 5e–g View Figure 5 ; Bruce 1986, p 31; Kensley 1984a, p 42 (remarks); Kensley and Schotte 1989, p 153; Bruce 1996, p 157.

Paracirolana Nierstrasz 1931, p 147 View in CoL .


Pereonites 1–2 subequal in length. Pleonite 5 lateral margins not overlapped by those of pleonite 4. Antennular peduncle articles colinear, article 2 longest. Antenna peduncle with five articles. Frontal lamina anterior margin dilated, freely projecting; clypeus with triangular blade projecting ventrally. Pereopods 5–7 slender with few setae or spines. Pleopods rounded; only endopod of pleopod 5 without setae. Appendix masculina inserted basally or sub-basally. Uropod peduncle medial margin produced, rami with setae on all margins.














Eurydice paxilli

Schotte, Marilyn & Kensley, Brian 2005


Nierstrasz HF 1931: 147
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF