Epidendrum fruticulus Schltr. (1921: 84)

Quispe-Melgar, Harold Rusbelth, Llacua-Tineo, Elizabeth Santiago Ayala Yashira Stefani & Hágsater, Eric, 2023, Synopsis of the Peruvian species of Epidendrum (Orchidaceae: Laeliinae) belonging to the Scabrum group, subgroup Soratae: diversity and description of a new species, Phytotaxa 603 (1), pp. 1-26 : 13-14

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scientific name

Epidendrum fruticulus Schltr. (1921: 84)


7. Epidendrum fruticulus Schltr. (1921: 84) . ( Figure 4F View FIGURE 4 ).

Type:— PERU. Junín: Berge westlich von Huacapistana, 3000–3100 m, January 1903, A. Weberbauer 2053 (holotype: B, destroyed). neotype: F! designated by Hágsater & Santiago, 2009: t. 1248 , PERU. Pasco: Paucartambo on road to Yaupi, 3600 m, 20 February 1965, D. E. Bennett Jr. 1415, isoneotypes: AMES! UC x2! USM!)

Distribution:— Peru and Bolivia. In Peru it is found in the departments of Junín, Pasco, Puno and San Martín. The species is distributed in the eastern cordillera of the Andes from north to south, is one of the species with the largest number of records, and has a wide altitudinal distribution range, being the species with the lowest elevation record.

Notes:— Epidendrum fruticulus is morphologically similar to E. chrysomyristicum , but is distinguished by the tall plants, the short, oblong to ovate, rounded, bilobed leaves, a short, sub-erect inflorescence, the deeply 3-lobed lip, the mid-lobe rectangular, widened and rounded and the apex, which is somewhat emarginate, the linear petals and 9 mm long sepals (Santiago & Hágsater in Hágsater & Sánchez Saldaña 2009: t. 1248). Epidendrum chrysomyristicum has leaves lanceolate or narrowly elliptic with a sub-acute apex and the lip 3-lobed with the mid-lobe “T” shaped with a prominent apiculus.

Conservation Status:— DD. Data deficient, but it is listed in CITES appendix II and at national level has been suggested as Vulnerable.

Examined specimens:— PERU. San Martín: Prov. Rioja: Distr. Pardo Miguel: Venceremos , 1772 m, 9 October 1921, J . D. Edquén 5222, ( KUELAP!) Pasco: Paucartambo on road to Yaupi, 3600 m, 20 February 1965, D. E . Bennett Jr. 1415. ( F! (illustration, AMO) AMES! UC x2! USM!) Puno: a 6 km del pueblo de Chía, 3390 m, 09 September 2017, H . Trinidad 4180, ( USM!) .


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Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Harvard University - Oakes Ames Orchid Herbarium


Upjohn Culture Collection


Universiti Sains Malaysia


University of the Witwatersrand


Herbario AMO


University of Helsinki

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