Ephelota truncata Fraipont, 1878

Chatterjee, Tapas, Dovgal, Igor & Fernandez-Leborans, Gregorio, 2021, A checklist of ciliates (Ciliophora) inhabiting on cnidarians, Zootaxa 5039 (2), pp. 151-178 : 159

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Ephelota truncata Fraipont, 1878


Ephelota truncata Fraipont, 1878

Record as epibiont on cnidarians: The species was described on hydroid Sertularia argentea Linnaeus, 1758 (named as S. cupressina ) from Ostende, Belgium ( Kahl 1934)

Record from other hosts/substrata: The species was found at artificial substrates (glass slides) from scallopculturing waters near Qingdao, China ( Chen et al. 2008b).

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