Dubininia lorina ( Trouessart, 1885 )

Mironov, Sergey V., Ehrnsberger, Rainer & Dabert, Jacek, 2017, Feather mites of the genera Dubininia and Cacatualges (Acari: Xolalgidae) associated with parrots (Aves: Psittaciformes) of the Old World, Zootaxa 4272 (4), pp. 451-490 : 474-477

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https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4272.4.1

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scientific name

Dubininia lorina ( Trouessart, 1885 )


Dubininia lorina ( Trouessart, 1885)

( Figs. 17–19 View FIGURE 17 View FIGURE 18 View FIGURE 19 )

Protalges lorinus Trouessart 1885: 57 ; Gaud 1980: 10. Dubininia lorina, Gaud and Atyeo 1981a: 69 .

Material examined. Male lectotype, 2 female paralectotypes ( MNHN 30 About MNHN F7) from Lorius domicella (Linnaeus) (Psittaculidae) , Indonesia, Moluccas, no other data (lectotype and paralectotypes designated here) ; 2 males ( AMNH 617962 About AMNH , YSU 2280), same host and location, Ceram 19 July, 1911, E. Streseman ; 1 male, 1 female ( AMNH 617967 About AMNH , YSU 2278), same host and location, Amboina , 3 April 1906, H. Kühn . 1 male ( AMNH 618009 About AMNH , YSU 2292) from Lorius garrulus flavopalliatus Salvadori (Psittaculidae) , Indonesia, Moluccas , Obi Island, September 1897, W. Doherty . 1 male (AMU01761) from Lorius garrulus (Linnaeus) (Psittaculidae) (UMB1732), no other collection data.

Description. Male (lectotype). Idiosoma, length × width, 310 × 220, length of hysterosoma 210. Prodorsal shield shaped as narrow trapezium, with a pair of median ridges, posterior margin straight, with short truncate median extension, length along midline 73, greatest width 70 ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 A). Scapular setae se, si situated in posterolateral angles of the shield, bases of setae se separated by 55. Hysteronotal shield completely fused with humeral shields, anterior margin convex, greatest length from anterior margin to level of setae h3 235, surface with poorly expressed striated patches mesal to area of humeral shields (striation indistinct in several non-type specimens). Setae c2 situated on hysteronotal shield near its anterior margin. Outer margins of opisthosoma slightly convex, width of opisthosoma at level of setae f2 95. Opisthosomal lobes long and almost straight; terminal cleft semi-circular, with strongly divergent margins at lobar apices; interlobar septa extending to level of setae e2; length of cleft from anterior end to bases of h3 40, length of cleft including septa 95. Interlobar membrane welldeveloped, incision in this membrane triangular, 52 long; terminal extensions of interlobar membrane acute, length of these extension from bases of setae h3 to tips 32. Lateral membranes with smooth lateral margins and acute posterior extensions ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 B). Setae d2 extending to anterior end of terminal cleft; setae e2 (broken in lectotype) extending to lobar apices (in additional specimens). Setae h2, h3, f2 situated on lobar apices, their bases arranged in slightly oblique row, setae ps1 situated at level of setae f2. Setae f2 lanceolate, 70 long, 10 wide, extending beyond apices of tarsi IV. Setae ps2 situated on lateral margins of terminal extensions of interlobar membrane. Distance between dorsal setae: c2:d2 50, d2:e2 64, e2:h3 100, h2:h2 80, h3: h3 68, ps1:ps1 44, ps1:h3 7, h3:ps2 17.

Epimerites I fused as a Y, sternum about 1/4 the total length of epimerites, area between anterior parts not sclerotized ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 B). Rudimentary sclerites of epimerites IIa present. Epimerites IIIa long, with wide sclerotized area. Coxal fields IV open. Genital apparatus enlarged basally 22 × 12; paragenital apodemes present, fused at anterior ends into horseshoe-shaped sclerite; genital shield absent, setae g on soft tegument. Adanal shield entire, bow-shaped, bearing setae ps3, with tips not extending to level of adanal suckers. Adanal suckers circular, diameter 18. Setae 3a and 4b situated at same transverse level. Setae 1a filiform, extending to midlevel of trochanters III; setae 4b reaching the level of setae g; setae 3a lanceolate in basal part, extending to midlevel of opisthosomal lobes. Distance between ventral setae: 4b:g 30, g:ps3 42, ps3:h3 108.

Tarsus I with ventral setae la, ra, wa and s filiform, ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 A). Genual solenidia: σ 1 I 35, σ III 28 long. Tarsus II with semi-circular ventral extensions, seta wa and s slightly thickened at base ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 B). Ambulacral disc I normally developed, oval with long triangular central sclerite; ambulacral disc II slightly smaller, central sclerite triangular; ambulacral discs III and IV much smaller, 2.5–3 shorter than disc I. Legs III extending beyond lobar apices by tarsus and distal part of tibia. Tibia III with spine-like apical extension, 82 in length including extension, seta kT extending to midlevel of tarsus III ( Figs. 17 View FIGURE 17 , 18 View FIGURE 18 C). Tarsus III 77 long, with flattened apical process; setae w longer than half the length of this segment; setae e, f situated approximately at midlevel of this segment, subequal in length. Tibia IV 54 long, with dorsal ridge; tarsus IV 28 long, with tridentate apical extension ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 D). Length of ambulacral discs: I—19, disc II—15, discs III, IV—5–7.

Female (range for 2 paralectotype). Idiosoma, length × width, 310–315 × 190–195, length of hysterosoma 200–210. Prodorsal shield shaped as a longitudinal plate with blunt-angular lateral margins, short lateral extensions touching supracoxal sclerites, posterior margin straight and extending beyond level of scapular setae se, surface with a pair of median ridges, median area with larger dots than in lateral areas, length along midline 78–83, greatest width 60–64 ( Fig. 19 View FIGURE 19 A). Scapular setae se, si situated on small roughly triangular fragments of prodorsal shield, setal bases se separated by 68–72. Opisthosoma bluntly rounded. Hysteronotal shield represented by median narrow band sclerotized stronger (of dark yellow color) than remaining soft tegument of the body. Distance between dorsal setae c2:d2 68–70, d2:e2 85–88, e2:h3 40–45, h2:h2 57–60, h3:h3 44–46. Setae c2 short filiform, about 15 long, setae d2 and e2 strongly thickened, spiculiform, 85–90 and 54–60 long, respectively.

Epimerites I free, posterior ends almost contiguous, area between free parts of epimerites not sclerotized ( Fig. 19 View FIGURE 19 B). Epigynum bow-shaped, 16–17 × 45–48, its tips extending to level of genital papillae, setae 4b situated on epigynum. Apodemes of oviporus very long, extending to midlength between levels of trochanters III and IV. Epimerites IIIa, IVa absent. Setae 1a short filiform, not reaching the epigynum. Setae g and 3a situated at same transverse level. Setae 3a 15–16, 4a 18–20, 4b about 10, g 10–12 long. Distance between ventral setae: 4b:g 22– 24, g:4a 55–60.

Legs I, II as in male. Genual solenidia: σ1 I 28–30, σ III 8–11 long. Length of leg segments: tibia III 31–33, tarsus III 40 –45, tibia IV 38 –40, tarsus IV 54 –56. Tarsi III, IV without ventral extensions. Setae sR III filiform, about 17–22 long; setae kT III filiform, shorter than corresponding tibiae ( Fig. 19 View FIGURE 19 B); tibial solenidia: φ III 1 8–20, φ IV 20–22 long. Setae w III, w IV, r IV thickened basally, with filiform apex; remaining setae of tarsi III, IV filiform. Ambulacral discs: I—14–15, II—12–13, III and IV—10–11 long. Ambulacral stalks of tarsi III, IV two times longer than corresponding discs. Setae d of tarsi III, IV about 1/3 the length of corresponding tarsi.

Remarks. Describing Dubininia lorina, Trouessart (1885) reported two host species, Lorius garrulus (Linnaeus) and L. domicella (Linnaeus) , from New Guinea and Moluccas. In studying Trouessart’s slides, we have found only a slide from L. domicella containing this mite species with the remark “cotypes” made by W.T. Atyeo. We designated the only male in this slide as a lectotype and females as paralectotypes.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


American Museum of Natural History














Dubininia lorina ( Trouessart, 1885 )

Mironov, Sergey V., Ehrnsberger, Rainer & Dabert, Jacek 2017

Protalges lorinus

Gaud 1981: 69
Gaud 1980: 10
Trouessart 1885: 57
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