Doryscus testaceus Jacoby, 1887

Lee, Chi-Feng, 2017, Revision of the genus Doryscus Jacoby (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae), Zootaxa 4269 (1), pp. 1-43 : 18-21

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Doryscus testaceus Jacoby, 1887


Doryscus testaceus Jacoby, 1887

( Figs 9 View FIGURE 9 A–9B, 10)

Doryscus testaceus Jacoby, 1887: 115 ; Kimoto, 2003: 31.

Types (n= 2). Lectotype ♀ ( BMNH), here designated, labeled: “ Ceylon. / G. Lewis, 1910-320 [p, w] // Doryscus / testaceous [sic!] / Jac. [h, b] // Type / H. T. [p, circle label with red border]” . Paralectotype: 1♀ ( MCZC), labeled: “ Ceylon / Lewis [h, w] / 1st Jacoby / Coll. [p, w] // Doryscus / testaceus / Jac. [h, b] // Type [p] / 18501 [h, r]”.

Additional specimens (n= 13). SRI LANKA. 1♂ (BMNH), Babapitiya, VI.1892, leg. H. P. Green; 1♂ (NHMB), Danbulla env., 19.IV.–9.V.1991, leg. J. Kallbáč; 2♂♂ (BMNH), Kandy, VI.1908, leg. C. B. Bryant; 1♂ ( NHMB), same locality, 4.II.1954, leg. L. Horton’s & F. Keiser ; 4♂♂ ( NHMB), same locality, 1–18.IV.1991, leg. J. Kallbáč ; 1♀ (EUMJ), Kandy: Hills South of the Lake, 18.II.1974, leg. A. Otake; 1♂ ( EUMJ), same locality, 4.III.1975, leg. A. Otake ; 1♂ (EUMJ), Kandy: Uda wattekele Sanctuary, 1.IV.1975, leg. A. Otake; 1♀ (MNHUB), Nalanda, leg. W. Horn.

Redescription. Length 3.5–4.8 mm, width 1.5–2.0 mm. General color yellow, but suture and lateral margins of elytra black ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 A); some individuals with black stripes reduced ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 B). First antennomere not modified in males ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 A), length ratios of antennomeres I–XI 1.0: 0.4: 0.6: 0.9: 0.8: 0.8: 0.9: 0.8: 0.8: 0.8: 1.0, length to width ratios of antennomeres I–XI 4.0: 1.7: 2.8: 3.7: 3.7: 4.1: 4.2: 4.9: 5.0: 4.6: 5.7; first antennomere in female more slender ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 B), length ratios of antennomeres I–X (XI lost) 1.0: 0.4: 0.6: 0.8: 0.8: 0.8: 0.8: 0.8: 0.8: 0.8, length to width ratios of antennomeres I–X 4.5: 1.9: 3.0: 3.9: 3.9: 4.2: 4.3: 4.2: 4.2: 4.2. Elytra 1.9 x longer than wide; surface with erect, pale, dense, elongate setae; and with coarse punctures. Apical margin of last abdominal ventrite with two well developed incisions in male ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 G); but medially and slightly depressed in females ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 H). Penis ( Figs 10 View FIGURE 10 C–10D) extremely slender, 8.1 x longer than wide, gradually narrowed towards apex; apex of dorsal surface with moderately deep notch; apex of ventral surface with shallow notch; almost straight in lateral view, apex with groove between dorsal and ventral surface; ventral surface smooth. Endophallic spiculae extremely elongate, 0.8 x as long as penis, two pairs of median spiculae, one pair extremely slender, apices filiform and curved upwards, the other pair short and apices with four teeth; one apical endophallic spiculum present between two median endophalic spiculae, apex curved downwards, medially widened; two pairs of dorsal spiculae at middle of median endophallic spiculae, one pair extremely slender, almost straight, the other pair very short; one pair of ventral endophallic spiculae slender. Gonocoxae ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 E) slender, 6.1 x longer than wide, sides slightly narrowed at apical 1/10; apices narrowed rounded; inner margins closely approximate from apex to apical 1/3, apex with nine setae; extremely slender from midpoint to base but abruptly widened at base. Ventrite VIII ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 F) weakly sclerotized; spiculum elongate; apex square, apical margin truncate, with dense, short setae; disc with several long setae at sides. Receptacle of spermatheca ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 I) slightly swollen, narrowly separated from pump; pump much narrower and strongly curved; proximal spermathecal duct slender and much narrower than receptacle; shallowly projecting into receptaculum.

Differential diagnosis. Doryscus testaceus adults are similar to D. varians in color patterns but can be distinguished by presence of dense, elongate, erect setae on the elytra.

Distribution. Sri Lanka.


Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel


Ehime University
















Doryscus testaceus Jacoby, 1887

Lee, Chi-Feng 2017

Doryscus testaceus

Kimoto 2003: 31
Jacoby 1887: 115
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