Diplommatina sulcicollis Möllendorff, 1897

Hausdorf, Bernhard, 2017, Revision of the Diplommatinidae (Gastropoda: Cyclophoroidea) from Java, Zootaxa 4312 (2), pp. 201-245 : 206-207

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Diplommatina sulcicollis Möllendorff, 1897


Diplommatina sulcicollis Möllendorff, 1897 View in CoL

( Figs 13 View FIGURES 10 – 14 , 20 View FIGURES 20 – 22 ; Table 1)

Diplommatina (Pseudopalaina) sulcicollis Möllendorff, 1897: 94 (JaVa) View in CoL . Kobelt 1902: 455. RenSch 1934: 745. Diplommatina sulcicollis View in CoL — Van Benthem Jutting 1948: 601, fig. 57–59.

Pseudopalaina sulcicollis View in CoL — Zilch 1953: 40, pl. 13 fig. 200.

Diplommatina javana —Heryanto 2011: 52, fig. (not Möllendorff 1897).

Diagnosis. Diplommatina sulcicollis is characterized by a closely ribbed, sinistral shell with a spiral depression on the last whorl and a fine spiral palatal fold close to the suture ventrolaterally right inside the last whorl.

Shell ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 20 – 22 ; Table 1). Sinistral; ovoid with conical early whorls and a narrowed last whorl; with 5–5.25 whorls separated by a deep suture; protoconch smooth; teleoconch with fine oblique ribs (88–113 on the penultimate whorl; fewer on the last whorl); without discernible spiral striae between the ribs; corneous; subtranslucent; last whorl with a spiral depression and with a ventral constriction; aperture rounded, angular at the transition from columellar to basal side; upper insertion of the peristome distinctly ascending towards aperture; insertions of the peristome connected by a distinct callus; peristome expanded, thickened, doubled; aperture with a prominent columellar lamella; with a parietal lamella ventrolaterally right inside the last whorl; with a fine spiral palatal fold close to the suture ventrolaterally right inside the last whorl, and with a radial palatal fold ventrally; umbilicus closed; operculum thin, corneous, circular, paucispiral. Shell height 2.5–2.85 mm, shell diameter 1.5– 1.65 mm.

Habitat. In leaf litter in forests on volcanic soils at 1500–3000 m a.s.l.

Type material. Indonesia, Java (lectotype of D. sulcicollis [designated by Zilch 1953] SMF 105187; paralectotypes of D. sulcicollis SMF 105188/9; ZMB 47701/3).

Other material. Indonesia, Java, West Java: Cianjur, Mt. Pangrango, above Cibodas, 2400 m a.s.l., 6°46'S 106°58'E (ZMA 68470/105, 68471/60, vouchers to van Benthem Jutting 1948); Cianjur, Mt. Pangrango, 3000 m a.s.l., 6°46'S 106°58'E (SMF 105191/6, vouchers to Zilch 1953); Cianjur, Kandang Badak, saddle between Mt. Gede and Mt. Pangrango, 2400 m a.s.l., 6°47'S 106°58'E (SMF 202851/6; ZMA 68469/100, vouchers to van Benthem Jutting 1948; ZMB 97415/3); Cianjur, Kandang Badak, 1800 m a.s.l., 6°45'S 106°59'E (MZB 4060/1); Cianjur, Mt. Gede, along the road between Cibeureum and Kandang Badak, 2000 m a.s.l., 6°46'S 106°59'E (ZMA 68472/7, vouchers to van Benthem Jutting 1948); Cianjur, Mt. Gede, 2300 m a.s.l., 6°46'S 106°59'E (SMF 105190/ 8, vouchers to Zilch 1953); Cianjur, slope of Mt. Gede, 2800 m a.s.l., 6°48'S 106°59'E (ZMA 68473/30, vouchers to van Benthem Jutting 1948); Cianjur, Mt. Gede, 1500 m a.s.l., 6°45'S 107°00'E (SMF 105189/7, vouchers to Zilch 1953; SMF 105193/2); Cianjur, Mt. Gede, 2700 m a.s.l., 6°47'S 107°00'E (van Benthem Jutting 1948).—East Java: Magetan, Cemorosewu near Sarangan, 1875 m a.s.l., 7°40'S 111°11'E ( Rensch 1934).

Distribution ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 10 – 14 ). Diplommatina sulcicollis is endemic to Java and has mainly been found in the Mt. Gede-Mt. Pangrango range in West Java. However, there is also one record from Mt. Lawu in East Java ( Rensch 1934) for which no vouchers could be traced.
















Diplommatina sulcicollis Möllendorff, 1897

Hausdorf, Bernhard 2017

Pseudopalaina sulcicollis

Zilch 1953: 40

Diplommatina (Pseudopalaina) sulcicollis Möllendorff, 1897 : 94 (JaVa)

Van 1948: 601
RenSch 1934: 745
Kobelt 1902: 455
Mollendorff 1897: 94
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