Deltorhinum vazdemelloi, Génier, François, 2010

Génier, François, 2010, A review of the Neotropical dung beetle genera Deltorhinum Harold, 1869, and Lobidion gen. nov. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), Zootaxa 2693, pp. 35-48 : 43

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scientific name

Deltorhinum vazdemelloi

sp. nov.

Deltorhinum vazdemelloi View in CoL sp. nov.

(Figs. 14–15, 26–28)

Diagnosis. Differs from all other species in the genus by its lobate anterior pronotal margin, which is preceded by a small median transverse bulge.

Description. Holotype male. Body and legs black. Clypeus moderately upturned medially; median projection feebly emarginate medially; marginal bead unmodified, weakly defined laterally. Gena bluntly angular laterally. Frontal carina straight in dorsal view, median portion noticeably lower than lateral portions. Vertex minutely punctate throughout. Pronotal surface minutely punctate; a few weakly defined, large, and irregular in shape confluent punctures on anterior median depression; pronotal median longitudinal sulcus reduced to a few depressions anteriorly, fine and shallow on posterior half; pronotal anterior edge simply lobate medially, lobate portion preceded by flat area set with a small median transverse swelling, lacking small depressed area on each side of midline. Pronotal basal surface smooth on most of width along posterior edge, with few larger weakly defined punctures on median fifth. Elytral surface finely punctate; striae fine and sharply defined, slightly wider and more deeply impressed on apical declivity, punctures rounded and encroaching on interstriae. Elytral epipleuron unmodified, hidden in dorsal view. Protibia with punctures set on 2–3 irregular oblique rows on dorsal surface. Profemur sharply carinate anteriorly. Mesofemora and metafemora simply convex ventrally. Mesotarsi and metatarsi with first tarsomere slightly longer than wide at apex. Pygidial surface minutely punctate throughout; basal sulcus lacking punctures, glossy; apical marginal bead rather widely interrupted internally.

Measurements (7 specimens): body length: 7.5–9.0 mm.

Holotype 3 (MZSP): BRAZIL: PA, Municipio Redenção, 07°46'S 51°58'W, FIT, XI.1998, P&T Scheffler / WOLRD SCARAB. DATABASE, WSD00008024 / Holotype 3, Deltorhinum vazdemelloi sp. nov. F. Génier, 2010. Aedeagus and internal sac extracted.

Material examined (13, 6ƤƤ). BRAZIL: PARÁ, Estação de pesquisas Pinkaití, Area Indigena Kayapo, Redenção, (7°46'S, 51°58'W), x.1999, coll. P.Y. Scheffler - 2ƤƤ (2 paratypes) ( CEMT); Municipio Redenção, (7°46'S, 51°58'W), xi.1998, coll. P. & T. Scheffler - 3ƤƤ, 13 (holotype, paratypes) ( CEMT, MZSP); same locality, xii.1998, coll. P. & T. Scheffler - 1Ƥ (paratype) ( CEMT).

Etymology. Vazdemelloi is a patronymic in honor of Fernando Z. Vaz-de-Mello my colleague and friend who provided me with all known specimens of this species.

Natural history. All known specimens were collected using flight interception traps set in forest.

Variation. Little variation is noted besides the size and shape of the median transverse pronotal bulge, which is impressed medially in line with the median longitudinal sulcus in two specimens.


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo















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