Danacaea (Allodanacaea), Liberti

Liberti, Gianfranco, 2009, Improved Strategies for Branching on General Disjunctions, Zootaxa 2318, pp. 339-385 : 348-349

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scientific name

Danacaea (Allodanacaea)


Key to species of subgenus Allodanacaea Liberti

Allodanacaea species are rather homogeneous and their identification may require dissection of male genitalia. Females of the picicornis -group are difficult or even impossible to identify. Two separate keys for males and females are proposed. The overall body length, supplied only in the key to males, applies also to females.

1. Body shape parallel, elytron not widened in apical third ............................................................................... A - Males

- Body shape slightly enlarged posteriorly, elytron slightly but distinctly widened in apical third...............B - Females

A - Males

1. Elytron rather long, more than twice as long as wide. Head restricted behind eye, with long temple. 1 st segment of hind tarsus shorter than 2 nd. Femora sturdy and blackish, darker than tibiae. Length 2.6–3.6 mm ................... nympha

- Elytron less than twice as long as wide. Head normal, temple short. 1 st segment of hind tarsus as long as or longer than 2 nd. Femora normal and usually pale, same colour as tibiae (a rather variable character) .................................... 2

2. 1 st segment of hind tarsus longer than 2 nd ...................................................................................................................... 3

- 1 st segment of hind tarsus about as long as 2 nd ............................................ picicornis picicornis (length: 2.7–3.3 mm) ............................................................................................................. picicornis supramontana (length: 2.7–3.3 mm) ...................................................................................................................................... sulcitana (length: 2.4–3.0 mm) [Dissection of male genitalia is necessary to identify these taxa: see Figs 8, 10–11 View FIGURES 1–11 ]

3. 1 st segment of mid tarsus very long, more than twice as long as 2 nd. Length 2.5–3.0 mm .............................. gorditana

- 1 st segment of mid tarsus only slightly longer than 2 nd ................................................................................................. 4

4. Elytra jointly rounded off at apex. Length 2.7–2.8 mm ........................................................................................ oreas

- Elytra separately rounded off at apex. Length 2.4–2.6 mm ................................................................................. milleri

B - Females

1. Femora sturdy and blackish, darker than tibiae. 1 st segment of hind tarsus shorter than 2 nd. Body size often smaller than in male ........................................................................................................................................................ nympha

- Femora normal, pale, same colour as tibiae. 1 st segment of hind tarsus as long as or longer than 2 nd .......................... 2

2. 1 st segment of hind tarsus longer than 2 nd. Elytral suture with a small apical tooth. Body size often smaller than in male ................................................................................................................................................................. gorditana

- 1 st segment of hind tarsus about as long as 2 nd. Elytral suture with or without a small apical tooth............................. 3

3. Elytral suture with a small apical tooth, apical angle acute ................................................................................... oreas

- Elytral suture simple at apex, apex right-angled........................................................................................................... 4

4. Pronotal hairs on disc forming just a short convergent crosswise line in the middle ....................................... milleri

- Pronotal hairs on disc forming a long convergent crosswise line, almost reaching from side to side (as in the group 4 Danacea described above) ............................................................................................................. picicornis picicornis ................................................................................................................................................ picicornis supramontana ......................................................................................................................................................................... sulcitana













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