Cryptopetalops llorentei, Brailovsky, 2021

Brailovsky, Harry, 2021, Illustrated key to the genera included in the tribe Acanthocephalini (Hemiptera Heteroptera: Coreidae: Coreinae), with descriptions of three new genera, seven new species, new taxonomic rearrangements, and a key to genera of Placoscelini, Zootaxa 5082 (5), pp. 457-475 : 467-468

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Cryptopetalops llorentei

sp. nov.

Cryptopetalops llorentei View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 7–8 View FIGURES 1‒9 , 29–30 View FIGURES 25‒37 , 40 View FIGURES 38‒43 )

Type locality. French Guiana, Oropu and Brazil, Amazonas .

Description. Holotype male. Dorsal coloration. Head including the neck yellow,with upper margin of postocular tubercle, and two wide stripes running laterally from anterior border of ocelli to inner angle of antenniferous tubercles dark brown; antennal segment I bicolorous, ventrally pale yellow and dorsally dark yellow with brown tubercles, segments II and III yellowish orange with apical third dark reddish orange and IV dark brown with a subbasal pale orange ring; pronotum pale brown to pale castaneous with two transverse yellow stripes, one near mid third short not touching the anterolateral margins, the second covering the posterior margin and touching the anterolateral margins; humeral spine shiny reddish brown; scutellar disc pale brown with lateral margins, longitudinal stripe at mid third and apex yellow; clavus and corium dark brown; claval and corial veins, costal border, apical margin and apical angle pale yellowish orange; surface of clavus and corium scattered with metallic bluish green reflections; hemelytral membrane dark brown; connexival segments III–VII pale yellow with posterior angle brown. Ventral coloration. Head including the buccula pale yellow with two wide pale brown longitudinal stripes running lateral to midline; rostral segments I–II dark yellow (III–IV broken); prosternum and metasternum yellow; mesosternum pale brown with yellow longitudinal stripe at midline; propleura pale castaneous brown with yellow transverse stripe close to posterior margin; mesopleura pale castaneous brown with two yellow transverse stripes, one close to anterior margin, the second at inner third of posterior margin; metapleura pale castaneous brown; anterior half of fore acetabulae yellowish white and posterior half pale castaneous brown; mid acetabulae yellowish white; hind acetabulae with yellowish white hardened protuberance with inner margin pale castaneous brown; metathoracic peritreme with anterior auricle dark brown, and posterior auricle dark yellow with apex pale brown; fore and mid legs with coxae pale brown tinged with yellow reflections, trochanters, femora, tibiae and tarsi pale yellow with femoral spines and tibial setae black; hind coxae and trochanter almost dark brown, tinged with yellow marks; femora dark castaneous orange with spines and tubercles reddish brown; tibiae dark castaneous orange with lateral expansion dark brown and inner spines reddish brown; apical third of tibiae and tarsi shiny reddish orange; abdominal sterna III–VI pale brown with wide yellow longitudinal stripe running at midline from III to middle third of VI sternite; posterior third of sternite VI and all VII sternite pale brown; pleural margins of sterna III–VII and rim of abdominal spiracles pale yellow. Male genital capsule as figure 40. Parameres. See figures 29 and 30.

Female. Unknown.

Measurements. Male. Body length 18.57; head length 2.35; head width across eyes 2.66; interocular width 1.03; anteocular length 1.16; interocellar width 0.46; length of antennal segments: I 3.95, II 3.57 III, 3.11, IV 6. 91; length of rostral segments: I 1.40, II 1.55, III-IV broken; pronotum: total length 3.26, maximum width across humeral angles 5.16; scutellum: length 2.12, basal width 1.82.

Type material. HOLOTYPE: Male : FRENCH GUIANA: Oropu, 4°44’31.54’’N- 052°25’53.02’’W, collected using Polytrap with blue light, 24-ix-2016, S. Brule ( UNAM) GoogleMaps . PARATYPE male: BRAZIL: Amazonas , Manaus IG ., Passarinho , 23-ix-1956, Elias & Roppa ( UNAM) .

Etymology. This species is dedicated to Jorge Llorente Bousquets, a distinguished Mexican lepidopterist.

Differential diagnosis. Cryptopetalops llorentei , the type species of the genus, has the pronotal disc brown to castaneous orange with two transverse yellow stripes; and scutellum pale to dark brown with lateral margins, apex, and complete medial longitudinal stripe reaching the apex yellow.


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