Hájek, Jiří, Alarie, Yves, Benetti, Cesar J., Hamada, Neusa, Springer, Monika, Hendrich, Lars, Villastrigo, Adrián, Torres, Rodulfo Ospina, Basantes, Michael S. & Balke, Michael, 2024, Underestimated diversity and range size of diving beetles in tank bromeliads-Coleoptera of ‘ hygrofloric’ lifestyle (Dytiscidae)

Hájek, Jiří, Alarie, Yves, Benetti, Cesar J., Hamada, Neusa, Springer, Monika, Hendrich, Lars, Villastrigo, Adrián, Torres, Rodulfo Ospina, Basantes, Michael S. & Balke, Michael, 2024, Underestimated diversity and range size of diving beetles in tank bromeliads-Coleoptera of ‘ hygrofloric’ lifestyle (Dytiscidae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (Zool. J. Linn. Soc.) 200 (3), pp. 720-735

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