Convolvulus holosericeus subsp. macrocalycinus Hausskn. & Bornm., Mitth. Thuering . Bot. Vereins 6: 66. 1894. ( Bornmueller 1894: 66).

Wood, John R. I., Williams, Bethany R. M., Mitchell, Thomas C., Carine, Mark A., Harris, David J. & Scotland, Robert W., 2015, A foundation monograph of Convolvulus L. (Convolvulaceae), PhytoKeys 51, pp. 1-282 : 164

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PhytoKeys by Pensoft (2015-12-27 21:25:13, last updated 2022-11-11 04:36:21)

scientific name

Convolvulus holosericeus subsp. macrocalycinus Hausskn. & Bornm., Mitth. Thuering . Bot. Vereins 6: 66. 1894. ( Bornmueller 1894: 66).


153b. Convolvulus holosericeus subsp. macrocalycinus Hausskn. & Bornm., Mitth. Thuering. Bot. Vereins 6: 66. 1894. ( Bornmueller 1894: 66).


TURKEY, Harput, Sintenis 427 (lectotype LD, designated by Parris 1978: 208); isolectotypes B, E!, HBG, JE, P!, W!).

Distinguishing features.

Sepals large, suborbicular 11-17 × 11-13 mm, the type being an extreme example of the subspecies.


Turkey (Siehe 622, Davis & Hedge 29166); Iraq (Omar et al. 49666, Aucher Eloy 1409). It appears to be the only subspecies present in Iraq.


The gibbous sepals are very distinctive in this species. Convolvulus holosericeus var. macrocalycinus was originally lectotypified by Sa’ad (1967: 133) but as she used the erroneous name " macrosepalus ", valid lectotypification dates from the Flora of Turkey ( Parris 1978).

Parris, BS, 1978. Convolvulus. Flora of Turkey volume 6: 198 - 219

Sa'ad, F, 1967. The Convolvulus species of the Canary Isles, the Mediterranean region, and the Near and Middle East. Mededelingen van het Botanisch Museum en Herbarium van de Rijksuniversite Utrecht. Bronder Offset, Rotterdam: 1 - 287