Colwellia echini YMSW

Hwang, Chi Young, Cho, Eui-Sang, Jung, Dong-Hyun, Lee, Ki-Eun, Cha, In-Tae & Seo, Won-Jae Chi and Myung-Ji, 2023, A report on 10 unrecorded bacterial species isolated from the Korean islands in 2022, Journal of Species Research 12, pp. 54-59 : 57

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scientific name

Colwellia echini YMSW


Description of Colwellia echini YMSW 20

The cells are Gram-stain-negative, flagellated and rod shaped. The colonies are circular, convex, mucoid and brown colored after incubation for seven days on MA at 20℃. Positive for nitrates reduction, esculin hydrolysis, β -galactosidase and cytochrome oxidase; but negative for indole production, glucose fermentation, arginine dihydrolase, urease and gelatin hydrolysis in API 20NE. D- Glucose, N -acetyl-glucosamine and adipic acid are utilized as sole carbon sources; but L- arabinose, D- mannose, D- mannitol, D- maltose, potassium gluconate, capric acid, malic acid, trisodium citrate and phenylacetic acid are not. Strain YMSW20 (= HNIBRBA1717) was isolated from a sea water sample, Anmyeon-do (36°24′5.23″N, 126°25′ 39.67″E), Chungcheongnam-do, Korea GoogleMaps .

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