Coelioxys (Allocoelioxys) echinata FÖRSTER, 1853

Özbek, Hikmet, Schwarz, Maximilian & L, Coelioxys, 2016, Distribution data of the kleptoparasitic bees in Turkey: Part 2. Genera Coelioxys and Radoszkowskiana (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae: Megachilinae) with their checklist, Linzer biologische Beiträge 48 (2), pp. 1753-1771 : 1757

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Coelioxys (Allocoelioxys) echinata FÖRSTER, 1853


Coelioxys (Allocoelioxys) echinata FÖRSTER, 1853 View in CoL

S y n o n y m s: Coelioxys octodentata LEPELETIER, 1841 ; Coelioxys rufocaudata SMITH, 1854 M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Antalya: Beydağları, Aliminpınarı, 1000 m, 05.VIII.1994, ♀ (on Mentha longifolia), leg. H. Özbek. Aydın: Çine , 27.VII.1994, 2♀♀ ; 03-04.VIII.1994, 4♀♀, 23- 24.VIII.1994, 4♀♀; 07.IX.1994. 3♀♀, leg. G. İnce. Erzurum: Pazaryolu , 1600 m, 26.VIII.1994, ♀, leg. M. Aksu ; Tortum, Kaledibi, 1300 m, 12. VI.1996, ♀, leg. E. Kılıç. Konya: Güneysınır , Karagüney , 03.IX.2000, 2♀♀, leg. M. Kesdek.

B i o l o g y: It is mainly an open area species, but samples were collected in forest margins and shrub lands in Antalya and Aydın. It has been found in all the geographical regions of the country, except the Black Sea Region, at the altitudes between 200 (Aydın)- 1650 m (Sivas). WARNCKE (1992) collected samples at the altitude of 2300 m in Bitlis. It has quite a long flight season; June to September, the peak flight is in July. WARNCKE (1992) reported M. apicalis and M. rotundata as hosts of this species. One individual was collected from M. longifolia, which was very abundant flowering plant in the area.

D i s t r i b u t i o n: It occurs in most of the European countries ( Austria, Belgium, Bohemia, France, Germany, Corsica, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Moravia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sardinia, Sicily, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Switzerland). In Asian countries, it has been known only in Caucasus, Iran, Iraq and Turkey, in Africa, Algeria, Egypt and Morocco ( WARNCKE 1992, ASCHER & PICKERING 2014). In Turkey: Bursa ( FRIESE 1895), Ağrı, Ankara, Bitlis, Bursa, Hakkâri, Konya, Kütahya, Van ( WARNCKE 1992). ÖZBEK & ZANDEN (1994) recorded in Iğdır and Sivas as C. rufocaudata SMITH. Ağrı, Bitlis, Hakkâri, Konya, Kütahya, and Van as C. ruficauda LEP. ( WARNCKE 1992).


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute













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