Cheilolejeunea decursiva (Sande Lac.) R.M.Schust., Beih.

Shu, Lei, Bastos, Cid José Passos, Schäfer-Verwimp, A. & Zhu, Rui-Liang, 2017, Cheilolejeunea cyrtolejeuneoides, a new synonym of Cheilolejeunea decursiva (Marchantiophyta, Lejeuneaceae), Phytotaxa 324 (1), pp. 95-96 : 95

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.324.1.8

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scientific name

Cheilolejeunea decursiva (Sande Lac.) R.M.Schust., Beih.


Cheilolejeunea decursiva (Sande Lac.) R.M.Schust., Beih. View in CoL Nova Hedwigia 9: 112. 1963.

Basionym:— Lejeunea decursiva Sande Lac., Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 3: 522. 1855 ( Sande Lacoste 1855). Type:— Indonesia. Java, Junghuhn s.n. (holotype L-0061074!; isotypes JE!, L-0371531!, L-0061075!) .

= Microlejeunea subaphanes Herzog, Memoranda Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 25: 70. 1950 “1949” ( Herzog 1950). Type:— Brazil. “Alto da Serra (S. Paulo), Esta č ão Biologica”, F. C. Hoehne 682 p. p. (holotype JE!).

= Cheilolejeunea cyrtolejeuneoides C.J. Bastos & Schäf. - Verw., Phytotaxa 299(1): 66. 2017 ( Bastos & Schäfer-Verwimp 2017). Type:— Brazil. Espírito Santo, Serra de Caparaó , Bergregenwald bei der “Cachoeira Bonita” am rechten Ufer des Rio José Pedro , auf feuchtschattigem Gestein , 1850 m, 26 July 1987, Schäfer-Verwimp & Verwimp 8917 (holotype JE!; isotypes ALCB!, SP!). syn. nov.

For further synonyms, see Shu et al. (2014).

Selective illustrations:— Herzog (1950 as Microlejeunea subaphanes ), Mizutani (1970 as Cheilolejeunea spathulata Mizutani (1970: 229)) , Zhu & Lai (2005), Shu et al. (2014), Bastos & Schäfer-Verwimp (2017 as C. cyrtolejeuneoides ).

Notes:— Ye et al. (2013) proposed Cyrtolejeunea clade in Cheilolejeunea mainly based on the Jungermannia - type oil bodies and molecular evidence. Cheilolejeunea decursiva has the unicellular, spinose tooth of the leaf lobule as in all species in Cyrtolejeunea clade. The oil bodies in C. decursiva , however, are coarsely segmented ( Calypogeia - type, cf. Zhu & So 2001) as in most species in Cheilolejeunea ( Bastos & Schäfer-Verwimp 2017) . Ye et al. (2015) divided Cheilolejeunea into nine sections. The phylogenetic position of C. decursiva waits the molecular investigation. Bastos & Schäfer-Verwimp (2017) tried to use the stem anatomy to distinguish C. decursiva (4 medullary cells in transverse section of stem) and C. cyrtolejeuneoides (6 ‒ 8 medullary cells in transverse section of stem). Cheilolejeunea , however, exhibits great diversity in stem anatomy ( Zhu et al. 2002). In several species, the stem anatomy is rather variable, eg. C. trapezia ( Nees 1830: 41) Kachroo & Schuster (1961: 509) , C. ryukyuensis Mizutani (1982: 162) ( Zhu et al. 2002). As shown in Zhu & Lai (2005) and Shu et al. (2014), in C. decursiva the stem has 7 ‒ 8 cortical cells and 4 ‒ 8 medullary cells in transverse section. Cheilolejeunea decursiva was known previously only from a single locality in the southeast Brazil ( Shu et al. 2014). The present paper adds two new localities in the south and southeast Brazil. Its presence in more localities in Brazil and other countries in central and southern America will be highly expected after further investigation.


Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena














Cheilolejeunea decursiva (Sande Lac.) R.M.Schust., Beih.

Shu, Lei, Bastos, Cid José Passos, Schäfer-Verwimp, A. & Zhu, Rui-Liang 2017

Cheilolejeunea cyrtolejeuneoides C.J. Bastos & Schäf.

Verw. 2017: 66

Cheilolejeunea decursiva (Sande Lac.) R.M.Schust., Beih.

Sande Lac. 1963: 112
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