Ceratovacuna beijingensis Qiao

Jiang, Liyun, Chen, Jing, Guo, Kun & Qiao, Gexia, 2015, Review of the genus Ceratovacuna (Hemiptera: Aphididae) with descriptions of five new species from China, Zootaxa 3986 (1), pp. 35-60 : 39-41

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scientific name

Ceratovacuna beijingensis Qiao

sp. nov.

Ceratovacuna beijingensis Qiao sp. n.

( Figures 21–37 View FIGURES 21 – 28 View FIGURES 29 – 37 , Table 1)

Apterous viviparous female. Body brown, covered with white wax powder in life.

Mounted specimens: Body oval ( Fig. 29 View FIGURES 29 – 37 ), 1.61–1.77 times as long as its width. Head and pronotum dark brown, abdomen pale. Antenna, rostrum and legs pale brown, siphunculi dark brown. Dorsum of head and pronotum with round sculptures ( Figs 21 View FIGURES 21 – 28 , 30 View FIGURES 29 – 37 ). Dorsum of body with large wax gland plates ( Figs 24, 25 View FIGURES 21 – 28 , 34 View FIGURES 29 – 37 ). Dorsum of head without wax gland plate; pronotum with 1 pair of spinal and marginal wax gland plates; mesonotum, metanotum and abdominal tergites I–VI each with 1 pair of spinal and marginal wax gland plates; marginal wax gland plates on abdominal tergites I–VI each with 3–6 wax gland facets, tergite VII with 6–10 small wax gland facets; tergite VIII with one big wax gland plate, composed with 13–18 facets. Dorsal setae of body short and pointed. Head with 5–6 pairs of dorsal setae; pronotum with 1–2 pairs of spinal and 2 pairs of marginal setae; abdominal tergites I–VII each with 3–4 pairs of spinal pleural setae; tergites I, II and VII each with 1 pair of marginal setae; tergites IV–VI each with 2–3 pairs of marginal setae; tergite VIII with 1 or 2 pairs of setae. Cephalic setae, setae on abdominal tergites I and VIII 1.20–2.00 and 2.00–2.33 times as long as basal diameter of antennal segment III, respectively. Spiracles small, round, open, on brown spiracular plates.

Head. Head with 1 pair of frontal horns ( Fig. 31 View FIGURES 29 – 37 ), 1.33–2.00 times as long as its basal width, 0.80–1.20 times as long as antennal segment II, with 4 or 5 short setae. Antenna 4–segmented ( Figs 22 View FIGURES 21 – 28 , 32 View FIGURES 29 – 37 ), short, thick and smooth, 0.12–0.14 times as long as body; segments I–IV each with 1, 1, 3 or 4, 1+1 setae, respectively; setae on segment III 1.00–1.33 times as long as basal diameter of the segment; segments III and IV each with one non-ciliated primary rhinarium; processus terminalis 0.37–0.47 times as long as base of the segment IV. Rostrum short, not reaching middle coxae; ultimate rostral segment peltate-shaped ( Figs 23 View FIGURES 21 – 28 , 33 View FIGURES 29 – 37 ), 0.88–1.13 times as long as its basal width, 0.50–0.56 times as long as second hind tarsal segment; with 2 pairs of primary setae and without secondary setae.

Thorax. Mesosternal furca pale, with short stem, arms 0.30mm long, 2.30 times as long as antennal segment III. Legs smooth, with a few setae; trochanter and femur fused; hind trochanter and femur 3.11–3.53 times as long as antennal segment III, hind tibia 0.28–0.32 times as long as body. Setae on apex of hind tibia 0.60–1.00 times as long as its mid-diameter. First tarsal chaetotaxy: 3, 3, 3.

Abdomen. Siphunculi ring-like ( Figs 26 View FIGURES 21 – 28 , 35 View FIGURES 29 – 37 ), on abdominal tergite V, apical diameter 1.80–2.20 times as long as basal diameter of antennal segment III. Cauda broadly knobbed ( Figs 27 View FIGURES 21 – 28 , 36 View FIGURES 29 – 37 ), 0.60–0.62 times as long as its basal width, with imbrications and 10 setae. Anal plate bilobed ( Figs 28 View FIGURES 21 – 28 , 37 View FIGURES 29 – 37 ), with 19–22 setae.

Holotype. CHINA: Apterous vivipara, Beijing (Park Badachu, Alt. 200m), on an unidentified species of Poaceae , 9.xi.1978 (Wang ZQ) [No. 6893–1–2–2]. Paratypes. CHINA: 8 apterous viviparae, 2 apterous viviparae ( BMNH) and 20 nymphs, [No. 6893], the other information same as holotype.

Distribution. China (Beijing).

Biology. The new species feeds on the sheaths of leaves of the host plant in Poaceae .

Etymology. The new species, Ceratovacuna beijingensis is named after its type locality, Beijing City.

Remarks. The new species is most similar to Ceratovacuna perglandulosa in the dorsum of head without wax gland plate, abdominal tergites with no pleural wax gland plate and tergite VII without spinal wax gland plate, but differs from C. perglandulosa as follows: marginal wax gland plates on abdominal tergites I–VI are composed by 3–6 wax gland facets ( C. perglandulosa : by 10–12 ones); wax gland plates on abdominal tergite VIII is composed by 13–18 wax gland facets ( C. perglandulosa : by 30–34 ones).













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