Caridopus Schenkling, 1908

Roland, Gerstmeier & Jonas, Eberle, 2011, Definition and Revision of the Orthrius-group of genera (Coleoptera, Cleridae, Clerinae), ZooKeys 92, pp. 35-60 : 40

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scientific name

Caridopus Schenkling, 1908


Caridopus Schenkling, 1908 Figs 122230394859

Type species:

Caridopus monstruosus Schenkling, 1908. Schenkling 1908: 71.


Aethiopian region.

Material examined:

Caridopus monstruosus (Type), Kilimandj., Sjöstedt; Kibonoto, kulturz.; 30. April; Caridopus monstruosus, Typus! (NRM). Caridopus affinis Schenkling, 1908 (Type), Meru, Regenwald; Meru, Sjöstedt; Caridopus affinis Schklg., Typus! (NRM).



Eyes strongly protruding, only slightly emarginate at antennal insertion; interocular space more than 1.5 eye widths; gular sutures converging, gular process broad; antennae long, A2 shorter than A3, A3-A8 filiform, antennomeres becoming shorter, A9 and especially A10 dilated distally, A10 shorter than A9, A11 sub-ovate, apical third pinched, without club.


Conspicuously longer than broad, with six gibbosities on disc; pro-intercoxal process narrow, linear; proepimeron short, acute to slightly rounded; anterior mesosternal process present; metendosternite with normal furcal stalk length, furcal arms acute distally, stalk base conspicuously emarginate (Fig. 12). Elytra compact (broadest behind middle), conspicuously constricted at base and strongly dilated apically in wingless species, apices broadly rounded, elytral punctation arranged into ten more or less regular striae; wingless or with hindwings.


Long, very stout, femora conspicuously thickened; tarsal pulvillar formula 4-4-4, tibial spur formula 1-2-2; tibiae without longitudinal carinae; claws simple.


Apical margin of male ventrite 6 deeply emarginate (Fig. 48); phallobasic struts fused, phallic struts very broad, phallobasic apodeme strongly dilated distally (Fig. 39).