Calathea lietzei É. Morren (1875d: 273)

Saka, Mariana Naomi, Moraes, Pedro Luís Rodrigues De, Lombardi, Julio Antonio & Diagre-Vanderpelen, Denis, 2017, Nomenclatural notes on Marantaceae described by Édouard Morren, Phytotaxa 329 (3), pp. 243-252 : 245-246

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Calathea lietzei É. Morren (1875d: 273)


5. Calathea lietzei É. Morren (1875d: 273) View in CoL , Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 (8)

Phyllodes lietzei (É.Morren) Kuntze (1891: 696) View in CoL

Maranta lietzei (É.Morren) C.Nelson & Fern.Casas (1998: 3) View in CoL

Goeppertia lietzei (É.Morren) Saka View in CoL , comb. nov.

Lectotype (designated here):—[illustration] tab. XV − XVII, fig. 8 in Morren (1875d).

Epitype (designated here):— BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: Santa Leopoldina, Timbuí Seco , 18 March 2007 (fl.), L. Kollmann et al. 9557 (MBML!, isoepitype RB).

= Calathea glaziovii Petersen (1890a: 111) View in CoL nom. illeg., non Bentham (1883: 654).

Lectotype (designated here): — BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: Quinta de São Christovão , plante cultiveé, originaire de Pernambuco ou de Bahia, 18 February 1888 (fl.), A.F.M. Glaziou 17274 (C [C10014430]!; isolectotypes BR!, C [C10014429]!, K [K000586792], digital image!, LE, P [ P00604254 ]!, P [ P00604255 ]!, P [ P00604256 ]!, P [ P00604257 ]!).

Note: — Calathea lietzei was described as a very distinctive species, mainly because of its straight stem with terminal leaves (opposing the other species with basal leaves). The lectotype designated here is the original plate of Morren’s publication, but because it only represents one leaf, the plate presented by Petersen in Flora Brasiliensis (1890: t. 24) served as guidance to the choice of the epitype. This plate depicts the notable habit and the leaf pattern described by Morren, in addition to the details on the flowers and inflorescence structure, which are also present in the chosen collection. The epithet ‘lietzei’ pays homage to Mr. Lietze, one of the collectors for Mr. Jacob-Makoy’s company in Brazil.

Calathea glaziovii Petersen (1890a: 111) is a later homonym of the name described by Bentham in 1883, and therefore is illegitimate. Even though Petersen states that C. glaziovii differs from C. lietzei in many characteristics, an accurate reading of both descriptions reveals only slight differences between these species, except for the habit, where C. glaziovii has basal leaves. Furthermore, the collection indicated by Petersen (Glaziou 17274) has been considered somewhat dubious. The material in P with P00604254 is undoubtedly similar to plate 25 in Flora Brasiliensis, but it was regarded by H. Kennedy as C. lietzei , who viewed Glaziou 17274 as a mixed collection of C. lietzei and C. glaziovii . On the other hand, we think that Glaziou collected plants in different stages of development, the oldest ones represented by plants with a well-developed stem and therefore cauline terminal leaves, and the youngest ones represented by plants with basal leaves. These differences in habit are well illustrated in the original plate (Petersen 1890a). In conclusion, C. glaziovii is placed as a synonym under Goeppertia lietzei .


Servico de Microbiologia e Imunologia


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants














Calathea lietzei É. Morren (1875d: 273)

Saka, Mariana Naomi, Moraes, Pedro Luís Rodrigues De, Lombardi, Julio Antonio & Diagre-Vanderpelen, Denis 2017

Phyllodes lietzei (É.Morren)

Kuntze, C. E. O. 1891: )

Calathea glaziovii

Bentham, G. 1883: 654
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF