Caccothryptus schillhammeri, Hernando, Carles & Ribera, Ignacio, 2017

Hernando, Carles & Ribera, Ignacio, 2017, Three new species of the genus Caccothryptus Sharp, 1902 from Asia (Coleoptera: Limnichidae), Zootaxa 4243 (2), pp. 366-370 : 367-368

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scientific name

Caccothryptus schillhammeri

sp. nov.

Caccothryptus schillhammeri sp. n. ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1 – 3 )

Type locality. Alaungdaw Katthapa NP, Sagaing Division, Myanmar.

Type material. Holotype male ( NMW): " MYANMAR: Sagaing Division // Alaungdaw Katthapa NP // 22°19.113'N 94°28.518'E // 13.5.2003, ca. 350 m // leg. Schillhammer et al. (122)"; genitalia extracted and mounted on a transparent card, abdominal tergites mounted on the same card, pinned with the specimen; plus red holotype label. GoogleMaps

Paratypes. 5 exx ( NMW): same data as holotype, with red paratype labels GoogleMaps .

Description. Holotype: length 3.7 mm, width 2.1 mm; paratypes: length 3.7-4.2 mm, width 2.1-2.2 mm. Body black, oval. Antennae, other cephalic appendages and legs dark brown, protibiae darker.

Head: Eye margin weak, with a small denticle by insertion of antennae; with a very narrow supra-ocular sulcus. Eyes slightly prominent. Puncturation on head uniformly fine and very dense; space between punctures smaller than their diameter. Two types of golden pubescence, one long, erect, a second short, very dense, recumbent. Pubescence on frons orientated towards clypeum; pubescence on the lateral and basal areas orientated towards vertex.

Pronotum: Transvere, slightly narrower than base of elytra, lateral margins regularly and slightly curved. Very finely bordered; border narrowing towards base, in which it becomes almost unappreciable. Puncturation similar to that on head, denser on disc, less dense on margins, very uniform; spaces between punctures wider than diameter. Two types of setae, one long (much longer than on head), erect and castaneous; a second shorter, anteriorly recumbent, golden. The recumbent setae forming a weakly defined pattern.

Elytra: Disk with double puncturation, one very fine and dense, a second coarser, more irregular but with some series forming incipient 4-5 series, especially in the disc. Elytral pubescence double, similar to that of pronotum; erect setae darker, recumbent setae generally golden, but in some areas darker (colour depends on angle of incidence of light). Recumbent seta with a zig-zag pattern, orientated towards apex. Elytra bordered; border stronger in humerus and less marked apically, almost indistinguishable at apex. Membranous wings well developed.

Venter: Black; abdominal ventrites with a marginal brownish area, last abdominal ventrite castaneous. Venter fully pubescence except hypomeras, which are glabrous. Prosternum strongly encased into mesosternum. Prosternum finely and densely puncturated, margins bordered; mesosternum small, finely and densely punctured; metasternum with puncturation similar to mesosternum. Puncturation simple. Glandular pores in 4th abdominal sternite only.

Aedeagus ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1 – 3 ): Distal part of parameres and lateral sides of median lobe with a marked transverse reticulation, giving an overall dull appearance. Apex of parameres very narrow, with a deep emargination; with a denticular process in the medial part.

Comparative notes. The presence of reticulation in the aedeagus is unique among the known species of Caccothryptus . Among the species of the C. compactus group, the species can be easily distinguished by its narrow parameters in ventral view ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1 – 3 B), leaving a broad space between the median lobe and the apex of the parameters (see Figs 11-14 in Hernando & Ribera 2014).

Etymology. Named after Harald Schillhammer, collector of the type series and specialist in Staphylinidae (and mineralogy).

Distribution. So far only known from the type locality.


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien













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