Hyla micans Oken, 1836

Sá, De, 2010, The identity of the crackling, luminescent frog of Suriname (Rana typhonia Linnaeus, 1758) (Amphibia, Anura), Zootaxa 2671, pp. 17-30 : 25

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Plazi (2016-04-10 22:44:51, last updated 2024-11-29 13:58:54)

scientific name

Hyla micans Oken, 1836


Hyla micans Oken, 1836 .

At the end of the French translation of Boie’s (1827) paper on Rolander’s luminescent frog (“ Rana crepitans , quae Rana typhonia dicitur”), Duméril and Bibron (1841) noted that no subsequent authors (including themselves in the systematic section of the eighth volume of the Érpetologie Générale) cited the species. This statement is partially true; although never mentioned as Rana crepitans , Rolander’s species, under a different name, was occasionally cited in the literature.

In fact, in 1836 Oken translated into German Boie’s (1827) transcription of Rolander’s Diarium Surinamicum, naming the species as H[yla] micans , noting that the author considered this frog as a toad (“... Bufo typhonius , margaritifer ...”), despite all the evidence contained in the translated paper. Hyla micans was overlooked by the great majority of herpetologists and the only references we found hitherto, aside from the original, are those of Clark (1953), Hartwig (1863; 1871), Holder and Holder (1885), Kappler (1887), Korn and Smith (1959), Schoedler (1853), Schumacher (1844), and Shufeldt (1896). All these contributions contain only a couple of lines with the anecdote of the luminescence, in some cases noting (erroneously) that it was due to corporal secretions, but without any new information.

Clark, A. M. (1953) The ecology, evolution, and distribution of the Vertebrates. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. Showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the Institution for the year ended June 30 1952. Publication 4111, 283 - 303.

Dumeril, A. M. C. & Bibron, G. (1841) Erpetologie Generale ou Histoire naturelle complete des Reptiles. Tome Huitieme, comprenant l'histoire generale des batraciens, et la description des cinquante - deux genres et des cent soixante - trois especes des deux premiers sous - ordres: Les peromeles qui n'ont pas de membres, et les anoures qui sont prives de la queue. Paris: Roret.

Hartwig, G. (1863) The tropical world: a popular scientific account of the natural history of the animal and vegetable kingdoms in the equatorial regions. London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green.

Hartwig, G. (1871) The polar and tropical worlds: A description of man and nature in the polar and equatorial regions of the globe by G. Hartwig; edited, with additional chapters, by A. H. Guernsey. San Francisco: A. L. Bancroft.

Holder, Ch. & Holder, F. J. B. (1885) Appletons' Science Text-books. Elements of Zoology. New York, Cincinnati, Chicago: American Book Company.

Kappler, A. (1887) Surinam: sein Land, seine Natur, Bevolkerung und seine Kulturverhaltnisse mit Bezug auf Kolonisation. Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta.

Korn, N. & Smith, H. R. (1959) Human evolution: readings in physical anthropology. New York: Holt.

Oken, L. (1836) Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande von Professor Oken. Sechster Band, oder Thierreich, Dritter Band. Stuttgart: Hoffmann'sche Verlags.

Schoedler, F. (1853) The book of nature: an elementary introduction to the sciences of physics, astronomy, chemistry, mineralogy, geology, botany, zoology, and physiology. First American edition, with a glossary and other additions and improvements from the second English edition, translated from the sixth German edition by Henry Medlock. Philadelpia: Blanchard and Lea.

Schumacher, G. H. (1844) Wurdigung Treviranus's als Biologie. In: Biographische Skizzen verstorbener Bremischer Aerzte und Naturforscher: eine Festgabe fur die zwei und zwanzigste Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte zu Bremen. Bremen: J. G. Heyse, 483 - 556.

Shufeldt, R. W. (1896) The frogs and their uses. Appleton's Popuklar Science Monthly. June, 1896, 179 - 185.











