Bryophaenocladius scanicus ( Brundin, 1947 )

Du, Jing, Wang, Xin-Hua & Saether, Ole, 2011, Redescriptions of species of Bryophaenocladius Thienemann, 1934 (Diptera: Chironomidae) described by Brundin (1947), Zootaxa 2743, pp. 40-48 : 46-47

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Bryophaenocladius scanicus ( Brundin, 1947 )


Bryophaenocladius scanicus ( Brundin, 1947) View in CoL

( Figures 9–11 View FIGURES 9 – 11 )

Eudactylocladius scanicus Brundin, 1947: 30 View in CoL , figure 57.

Bryophaenocladius scanicus (Brundin) View in CoL : Ashe & Cranston 1990: 162.

Type material. Holotype, male, by monotypy, SWEDEN: Skåne, Vitemölla, net, in vegetation of herbs at seashore, 13.vii.1945, L. Brundin.

Other material: SWEDEN: 1 male, as holotype. Brundin based his description on a single specimen which thus is the holotype. However, there are 1 additional specimen from the same locality.

Diagnostic characters. The broad anal point, the almost rectangular inferior volsella and the well developed crista dorsalis separate B. scanicus from all other species.

Male imago (n = 2). Total length 2.10–2.95 mm. Wing length 1.20–1.80 mm. Total length / wing length 1.64– 1.75. Wing length / length of profemur 2.15–2.43. Coloration black brown.

Head. AR 1.50–1.67. Ultimate flagellomere with apical seta. Temporal setae 2–6, 6 including 0–2 inner verticals, 2 outer verticals, and 0–2 postorbitals. Clypeus with 9–10 setae. Tentorium 134–152 Μm long. Stipes 120–141 Μm long. Palpomere lengths (in Μm): 34–42; 42–61; 100–167; 82–122; 98–137. Third segment without fingerlike apical extension.

Thorax. Dorsocentrals 16–20, antepronotals 4–6, acrostichals 7–9, prealars 4–6, scutellars 6.

Wing ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 9 – 11 ). Anal lobe normally developed. Small punctation visible at 100x magnification. VR 1.17–1.18. R2+3 ends 1/2 distance between R1 and R4+5. Costal extension 48–58 Μm long. Brachiolum with 1 seta; R with 6–12 setae; R1 with 5–9 setae; remaining veins bare. Cu1 slightly bent. Squama with 4–8 setae.

Legs. Spur of front tibia 50–62 Μm long, spurs of middle tibia 38–40 Μm and 20–26 Μm long, of hind tibia 50– 66 Μm and 22–29 Μm long. Hind tibial comb with 19 setae. 4th tarsomere obviously longer than 5th tarsomere in fore leg, and slightly longer than 5th tarsomere in mid and hind legs. Lengths and proportions of legs as in Table 5.

fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 ta5 LR BV SV

p1 492–836 590–1008 344–768 394 287 182 106 0.58–066 2.70 2.40–3.15 p2 558–912 607–960 246–480 139–230 107–172 74–115 74–86 0.41–0.50 3.58–3.90 3.90–4.74 p3 566–950 681–1075 361–653 173–316 164–239 82–134 74–96 0.53–0.61 3.26–3.41 3.10–3.45 Hypopygium ( Figs 10–11 View FIGURES 9 – 11 ). Anal point broad, 26–29 Μm long, 37–38 Μm wide. Tergite IX with 14–28 setae. Laterosternite IX with 6–11 setae. Phallapodeme 103–104 Μm long; transverse sternapodeme 80–97 Μm long. Spines of virga 40–51 Μm long. Gonocoxite 176–220 Μm long. Inferior volsella with several spines. Gonostylus 102–126 Μm long, with outer heel and widened medially on inner side; crista dorsalis well developed, megaseta 9– 12 Μm long. HR 1.73–1.75, HV 2.06–2.34.

Remarks. There are a few minor differences with Brundin’s original description, such that 4th tarsomere slightly longer than 5th tarsomere in mid and hind legs, while 4th tarsomere equal to the length of 5th tarsomere in mid and hind legs in Brundin (1947: 30).

Distribution. The species is known from Finland, Italy, Romania, Spain, Sweden and Russian Far East ( Saether & Spies 2004).














Bryophaenocladius scanicus ( Brundin, 1947 )

Du, Jing, Wang, Xin-Hua & Saether, Ole 2011

Bryophaenocladius scanicus

Ashe 1990: 162

Eudactylocladius scanicus

Brundin 1947: 30
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