Brachylinga chilensis (Macquart), 2006
publication ID |
11755334 |
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Felipe |
scientific name |
Brachylinga chilensis (Macquart) |
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comb. nov. |
Brachylinga chilensis (Macquart) View in CoL New Combination
( Figs. 7, 30, 53, 76, 99, 122, 145, 168, 189, 209)
chilensis Macquart (1840:25 View in CoL orig. desc.), Blanchard (1852:417 dist.), Kröber (1911: 491 fem. key, 496 add. desc.; 1913:55 dist.), Ortiz (1946:86 listed as junior synonym of Thereva albiventris Philippi View in CoL ), Philippi (1865:769 listing), ( Thereva View in CoL ). Type locality Chile, Santiago. Lectotype male in MNHN. New combination.
interrupta Kröber (1911: 498 View in CoL male key, 500 fem. key, 507 orig. desc.; 1913:31 dist.; 1928a:6 dist., 8 male key, 11 fem. key), Malloch (1932:251, Fig. 20b ant.) ( Psilocephala View in CoL ); Metz et al. (2003:248 comb. change, LT design., 249: trans. orig. desc.) ( Brachylinga View in CoL ). Type locality Chile, Concepción. Lectotype female in USNM. New synonym.
This is a highly variable species and when specimens were examined from throughout Chile the following characters exhibited considerable variation: coloration of the male frons; the presence of setae on the male frons; the parafacial pruinescence, or the presence of a medial dark reddish brown glossy area; the coloration of maxillary palpi and postocular macrosetae; the presence of dorsocentral macrosetae; the presence of a narrow dark brown margin on the wing veins; the halter coloration; coxa macrosetae color; and setae coloration on male tergites 2–7. Psilocephala interrupta Kröber is synonomized with Brachylinga chilensis because no discrete characters could be found to separate the two species.
Brachylinga chilensis is taxonomically associated with B. attenuata and B. clausa in possessing setae on the katepisternum and in having the halter knob yellow. Brachylinga chilensis differs from B. attenuata and B. clausa in having the gonocoxite in ventral view ( Fig. 30) quadrate, tapering apically to a broad point and with an aggregation of short setae basomedially; in lateral view the gonocoxite ( Fig. 76) tapers to a broad point; and the distiphallus ( Fig. 168) in lateral view is bent ventrally at a 90° angle.
Redescription of male
Variation (n=10).
Body length 4.8–6.5, 5.5 mm.
Head. Ommatidia smaller ventrally and laterally. Frons silver (occasionally dark brown dorsally); setae absent (occasionally present). Antenna with scape and pedicel dark reddish brown, pruinescence gray, dense, flagellum brown; setae on scape dark reddish brown, short. Parafacial pruinescence silver (occasionally glossy medially). Maxillary palpus reddish brown (occasional yellow to dark yellow); setae white. Genal setae white. Occipital setae white, elongate becoming sparse, dull gold, lanceolate dorsally. Postocular macrosetae dark brown (occasionally dark yellowish brown).
Thorax. Macrosetae dark reddish brown, 3 np, 1–2 sa, 1 pa, 0–1 dc, 1–2 sc. Mesonotum pruinescence brownish gray; setae pale whitish brown, pale gold, or dark reddish brown, subappressed intermixed with white to pale golden brown, appressed setae. Pleuron dark reddish brown, pruinescence silver, dense; setae white on propleuron, anepisternum, katepisternum, laterotergite, and metanepisternum, pale grayish yellow on scutellum. Wing. Membrane pale brown; veins pale brown, veins and crossveins with narrow dark brown margin (occasionally absent); pterostigma pale to dark brown; cell m 3 closed, petiolate (occasionally open slightly). Halter pale yellow (occasionally brown). Legs. Coxa setae white, present on posterior surface of midcoxa; macrosetae dark reddish brown (occasionally dark yellow). Femora dark reddish brown, pruinescence white; ventral setae white on fore and midfemora; av 0–2:0:0–1, pv 0:0:0–1. Tibiae dark yellowish brown, apex dark reddish brown. Tarsomere 1 dark yellowish brown, apex dark reddish brown; 2–5 dark reddish brown.
Abdomen. Reddish brown, pruinescence white (occasionally tergites 1–3 with posterolateral triangle of dense pruinescence); dorsal setae white, elongate, appressed on tergite 1 and across posterior fourth of tergites 2–7 (occasionally separated posteromedially by dark brown setae), anterior threefourths of tergites 2–7 with brown, elongate, appressed setae; lateral setae white, elongate. Terminalia (MEI 083749) dark reddish brown, pruinescence gray. Tergite 8 ( Fig. 7), setae white, absent medially on posterior margin; narrow medially (0.02 mm). Sternite 8 ( Fig. 30), sides rounded, posterior margin emarginate; setae pale yellow. Cercus ( Fig. 7), ending slightly basal to apex of hypoproct. Hypoproct ( Fig. 7), posterior margin truncate to slightly emarginate medially, ending distal to apex of cercus. Gonocoxite ventral view ( Fig. 30), basomedial margin slightly emarginate then tapering apically to broad point, setae dark yellow to pale brown with aggregation of short setae basomedially, directed ventrally and slightly thicker setae along apicomedial margin; dorsal view ( Fig. 53) gonocoxal bridge small, posteromedial lobe absent; lateral view ( Fig. 76) oblong, posterior margin broadly pointed, almost truncate; ventral lobe ( Fig. 30) with ventral spines. Gonostylus ( Fig. 99), basodorsal lobe large, rounded; ventral margin curved, setae dark yellow, not extending apically in distinct tuft; numerous fine spines laterally. Aedeagus with dorsal apodeme ( Fig. 122) quadrate, sides emarginate; ventral apodeme ( Fig. 145) narrow, tapered anteriorly, not extending beyond anterior margin of dorsal apodeme; distiphallus dorsal view ( Fig. 122) narrow, tapered apically, lateral view ( Fig. 168) apical third bent at 90° angle, apicolateral spines absent; ejaculatory apodeme ( Fig. 122), anterior margin truncate.
Similar to male except for following.
Variation (n=10).
Body length 5.2–7.2, 6.7 mm.
Head. Frons dull brown to dark reddish brown, pruinescence light gray, ventral third white to silver with small brown circle dorsolaterally (often faint, diffuse); setae pale to dark reddish brown on dorsal twothirds. Parafacial dark reddish brown, glossy, pruinescence silver dorsally.
Thorax. Macrosetae 3 np, 1–2 sa, 1 pa, 0–1 dc, 1–2 sc. Mesonotal setae variable as in male. Legs. Anteroventral macrosetae 0–1:0:1–4, pv 0:0:0–2.
Abdomen. Dark reddish brown, pruinescence dull brownish gray; dorsal setae on tergites 1–5 dull whitish brown, appressed (intermixed with erect dark reddish brown setae on tergite 5) with white, appressed setae across posterior margin, tergites 6–9 with dark reddish brown, erect setae; lateral setae white on tergites 1–3, dark reddish brown on tergites 4–9. Terminalia (MEI 110477) reddish brown. Furca ( Fig. 189) rectangular; length 0.34 mm, width 0.24 mm; anterolateral projection absent. Common duct ( Fig. 189) subequal to length of furca. Spermathecal duct ( Fig. 189) directed horizontally, then bent anteriorly.
Immature Stages. A male (MEI 046597), and 2♀ (MEI 046589–90) have been reared from larvae collected 70 km south of Copiapó from sand dunes and 6♂ (MEI 046602–7) and 5♀ (MEI 046598–601, 046608) have been reared from larvae collected at Bahia Copiapó from coastal dunes .
Distribution Brachylinga chilensis is known from Argentina and Chile ( Fig. 209).
Habitats and phenology
Brachylinga chilensis has been handnetted and sweepnetted in dry washes and coastal dunes; collected in Malaise traps set across dry ravines, damp washes, hillside draws, and cornfields; and collected in pan traps. Adults have been collected from July through April.
Specimens examined
Type specimens. Macquart described Thereva chilensis as a female. In the collection of the MNHN were three specimens identified to be Thereva chilensis Macquart. Two specimens were females with a pale green paper circular label with "1ç 43" handwritten on the underside. The third specimen is a male with label 1 a pale green circle, the underside white with "ni gay chili" handwritten; label 2: red paper, " HOLOTYPE " (printed); label 3: a white paper, "Nr. 984 bis, Thereva , chilensis" (handwritten in ink). Macquart (1840:25) did not designate a holotype for the Thereva chilensis from Santiago, Chile and although the MNHN has attached a red HOLOTYPE label on the third specimen, it cannot be assumed to be the holotype. The male (MEI 119893) is designated as the lectotype of Thereva chilensis . This lectotype is designated in order to fix the concept of T. chilensis and to ensure universal and consistent interpretation of the same. The Lectotype female of Thereva interrupta Kröber (1911:507) is labeled "Chile, Conception, 1904" and is in the USNM (Type No. 24213, MEI 113147). Other specimens. ARGENTINA. NEUQUEN. San Martin de los Andes [40.16, 71.36], 11.XII.1946, Hayward, 1♂ MEI 045967 (IMLA). RIO NEGRO. 3.7 km S Puerto Moreno [41.153, 71.42], 800 m, 17.XI.1966, EIS, MEI, 1♂ MEI 046526 (MEIC); Colonial Suiza, San Carlos de Bariloche [41.15, 71.3], 800 m, 3.XII.1981, Nielsen, Karsho, 1♂ MEI 077746 (MEIC); 21.XII.1981, 1♀ MEI 077740 (ME IC); 24.XII.1981, 1♂ MEI 077747 (MEIC); 29–30.XII.1981, 1♂ MEI 077748 (MEIC); 5–7.I.1982, 2♂ MEI 077749–50 (MEIC); Mission Cientifica Danesa [41.15, 71.3], 810 m, 13.XII.1978, 1♂ MEI 077745 (MEIC); 29.XII.1978, 1♀ MEI 077739 (MEIC). CHILE. ACONCOGUA. Viña del Mar [33, 71.55], 8.II.1916, 5♂ MEI 046549–50, 046552, 046568–9 (CAS); 1.II.1917, Herbst, P., 1♂ MEI 109328 (NMW); 8.II.1917, 1♂ MEI 046551 (CAS); RN, El Bolsom [El Bolson], 13.II.1960, Kovacs, A., 1♂ MEI 003927 (BMNH); Laguna Verde [33.11, 71.68], 6.II.1966, collector?, 1♀ MEI 046560 (MEIC); Limache [33.017, 71.267], 12.III.1965, Jackson, E. W., 1♂ MEI 045951 (USNM); Parque Nacional Campanas, Palmas de Ocoa [32.932, 71.078], 215 m, 29.XII.1999, MEI, EIS, 1♀ MEI 121111 (MEIC), Malaise trap in hillside draw; 31.XII.1999, 6♀ MEI 121107–8, 121120–1, 121123–4 (MEIC); 2–10.I.2000, 2♀ MEI 121110, 121119 (MEIC); 13.I.2000, MEI, 1♀ MEI 121127 (MEIC), handnetted in hillside draw, MEI, EIS, 2♀ MEI 121109, 121112 (MEIC), Malaise trap in hillside draw; 2 km N Algarrobo [33.352, 71.67], 15.I.1967, EIS, 1♂ MEI 046166 (MEIC), dune association; 20 km N Concon [32.754, 71.531], 26.XI.1950, Ross, Michelbacher, 1♀ MEI 046609 (CAS); 5 km N Algarrobo [ 33.325, 71.67], 12.X.1966, EIS, 2♂ MEI 046147, 046167, 1♀ 046148 (MEIC), coastal dune; 6 km SE Quintero [32.783, 71.533], 20.IX.1966, EIS, 27♂ MEI 046527–45, 046547, 046553–8, 046567, 8♀ 046546, 046548, 046561–5, 109114 (MEIC), dunes; Llolleo [33.62, 71.62], 9.VIII.1966, MEI, EIS, 23♂ MEI 046165, 046168–88, 109108, 15♀ 046150–64 (MEIC), sifted, coastal dune association; Los Pearales at Rio Marga Marga [33.133, 71.3], 330 m, 3.II.1967, MEI, 1♀ MEI 046619 (MEIC); Valparaiso [33.05, 71.63], 2.XII.1919, Reed, E. P., 1♀ MEI 046559 (CAS); 26.XII.1967, Bohart, G., Toro, H., 1♂ MEI 007768, 2♀ 007769–70 (EMUS). ARAUCANIA. Angol [37.8, 72.717], 24.XII.1929, 1♂ MEI 046579 (USNM); Longuimay (Lonquimay), Malleco [37.883, 71.183], 12.II.1959, Peña, L. E., 1♂ MEI 039729 (CNC); Pehuenco [38.333, 72], 1150 m, 13–17.XII.1963, Peña, L., 2♂ MEI 046571, 046578 (MEIC); Nahuelbuta National Forest [ 37.76, 72.98], 1300 m, 24.I.1967, MEI, 1♂ MEI 046580 (MEIC); [37.76, 72.98], 1200 m, 6–8.I.1989, Kimsey, L. S., 1♂ MEI 081032 (MCZ); ca. Marimenuco, trib. Rio Biobio, Arroyo Pehuenco [38.716, 71.1], 12.XII.1963, Edmunds, G. F., 4♂ MEI 141440, 141450, 141564, 141600, 5♀ 141438, 141472, 141571, 141587, 141614 (CNC). ATACAMA. 70 km S Copiapó [27.99, 70.34], 5.X.1966, MEI, 1♂ MEI 046597, 2♀ 046589–90 (MEIC), sifted, sand dune association; Bahia Copiapó [27.317, 70.967], 45 m, 5.X.1966, MEI, 6♂ MEI 046602–7, 5♀ 046598–601, 046608 (MEIC), sifted, coastal dune; Casa Blanca, Mount Soffia, 27.II.1932, Kielluk, M., Cooley, C. E., 1♀ MEI 042565 (INHS), sweepnetted; Copiapó [27.367, 70.333], 13.I.1989, Miller, B. R., Stange, L. A., 1♂ MEI 030231 (FSCA), sifted; 35 km W Copiapó [27.323, 70.601], 155 m, 2.X.1997, MEI, 1♂ MEI 110485 (MEIC); 3 km N Puerto Huasco [28.438, 71.19], 10 m, 1.X.1997, MEI, Yeates, D. K., 2♂ MEI 110476–7 (MEIC), coastal dunes; 60 km S Copiapó [27.9, 70.33], 18.VIII.1966, MEI, EIS, 1♀ MEI 046591 (MEIC); 70 km S Copiapó [27.99, 70.33], 18.VIII.1966, MEI, 2♂ MEI 04659, 046596 (MEIC), sand dune association. BIO BIO. Chillan, 2 km N Las Trancas [36.904, 71.482], 1128 m, 5.I.2000, MEI, EIS, 1♀ MEI 121126 (MEIC), Malaise trap Nothofagus forest; 6–9.I.2000, 3♂ MEI 120853–5 (MEIC); 60 km E Concepcíon [36.833, 72.51], 16.I.1967, MEI, Stange, L. A., 1♂ MEI 046524, 1♀ 109113 (UCR); 2.7 km [no direction] Las Trancas [29.4, 70.3], 1320 m, 27.I.1967, MEI, 2♂ MEI 045968, 046587, 2♀ 109118, 109115 (MEIC); 5.6 km N Cobquecura [36.095, 72.816], 5 m, 5.X.1997, MEI, Yeates, D. K., 1♂ MEI 110451, 3♀ 110448–50 (MEIC), low coastal dunes. COQUIMBO. 9 km N Caserena, 90 m, 22.IX.1966, MEI, 1♀ MEI 045946 (MEIC); 10 km E Fray Jorge National Park, 28.XII.1966, MEI, 2♂ MEI 046637–8, 5♀ 046613–7 (MEIC), dry wash; Fray Jorge National Park, 15 km SW Pachingo [30.555, 71.635], 100–200 m, 20.X.1966, EIS, MEI, 3♂ MEI 046635–6, 046639, 3♀ 046620–1, 109116 (MEIC), creek bed; 30.X.1966, MEI, 1♀ MEI 046618 (MEIC); Vicuña, near Río Elquí, Subestación Experimental [30.035, 70.695], 732 m, 29.IX.1997, MEI, Yeates, D. K., 1♀ MEI 110424 (MEIC), Malaise trap; Vicuña, Subestación Experimental [30.044, 70.688], 800 m, 29.IX–3.X.1997, MEI, Yeates, D. K., 1♀ MEI 110423 (MEIC), Malaise trap in dry ravine; 3.X.1997, MEI, 1♂ MEI 110444 (MEIC); 15–18.XI.1997, MEI, EIS, Schlinger, M. B., Webb, D. W., 1♂ MEI 110446 (INHS), Malaise trap; Hacienda Illapel [ 31.631, 71.165], 600–900 m, 18.X.1966, MEI, EIS, 1♀ MEI 108696 (MEUC); 2 km N Huentelauquén [31.567, 71.533], 7.X.1966, MEI, Peña, L. E., Berg, C. O., 55♂ MEI 046088–9, 046092, 046094–5, 046097–121, 046123–46, 074527, 4♀ 046090–1, 046093, 109119 (MEIC); 5 km N Los Vilos [31.87, 70.497], 10 m, 28.XI.1997, MEI, Yeates, D. K., 1♂ MEI 110475 (MEIC); Hacienda Illapel, Rio Illapel [31.63, 71.16], 600–900 m, 19.X.1966, MEI, EIS, 21♂ MEI 046640–9, 046651–61, 8♀ 046622–8, 109117 (MEIC); Herradura Beach dunes [29.978, 71.347], 28.IX.1997, MEI, Yeates, D. K., 1♀ MEI 110479 (MEIC), coastal dunes; 3.5 km E Central Los Molles [30.735, 70.568], 1436 m, 17.XI.1997, MEI, 7♂ MEI 110441, 110427–9, 110442–3, 110447, 2♀ 110425–6 (MEIC); Fray Jorge National Park [30.611, 71.634], 290 m, 4.X.1997, MEI, 1♂ MEI 110437 (ME IC); Arrayancito [30.641, 71.651], 225 m, 18.XI.1997, MEI, EIS, Schlinger, M. E., Webb, D. W., 1♀ MEI 110432 (INHS); El Mineral [30.657, 71.666], 225 m, 4–10.XI.1997, MEI, EIS, 1♀ MEI 110434 (MEIC); Fray Jorge National Park, near Administracíon [30.611, 71.634], 290 m, 30.IX.1997, MEI, Yeates, D. K., 2♂ MEI 110438–9 (MEIC), 17–25.X.1997, MEI, Vasques C., H., 1♀ MEI 110430 (MEIC), Malaise trap in wash near Administración; Fray Jorge National Park, Quebrada las Vacas [30.671, 71.642], 145 m, 16.XI.1997, MEI, EIS, Schlinger, M. E., Webb, D. W., 1♂ MEI 110436, 1♀ 110431 (INHS); 17.XI.1997, 1♀ MEI 110433 (INHS); 19.XI.1997, Webb, D. W., 1♂ MEI 110435 (INHS); Pichidangui [32.138, 71.507], 15 m, 10.II.2003, FDP, 33♂ MEI 148782–814, 7♀ 148815–21 (MEIC), pan trap; 13 km N La Serena, Punta Teatinos [29.82, 71.28], 6.X.1966, MEI, 1♂ MEI 046633 (MEIC), coastal dunes; 32.2 km E La Serena [29.834, 70.955], 3.XII.1950, Ross, Michelbacher, 1♀ MEI 045952 (CAS); 4.8 km N Los Vilos [ 31.877, 71.51], 13.XII.1950, Ross, Michelbacher, 2♂ MEI 046629–30, 2♀ 046611–2 (CAS); 7 km N Los Vilos [31.857, 71.51], 25.VIII.1966, MEI, EIS, 2♂ MEI 046631–2 (MEIC), coastal dunes. Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins. Rio Peuco, ca. 45 km [south of] Santiago Pilay (farm) [33.917, 70.6], 800 m, 23–24.XI.1981, Davis, D. R., 1♂ MEI 090010 (USNM). LOS LAGOS. Muhuin [39.437, 73.215], 21.II.2003, FDP, 2♂ MEI 148823–4, 1♀ 148822 (MEIC), pan trap. MAGALLANES y de la ANTARTICA CHILENA. Schönemann, 1♀ MEI 110916 (ZMHB). MAULE. Linares [35.85, 71.6], 5.XI.1955, Toro, H., 1♀ MEI 047967 (MEUC); Linares, Rio Achibueno [35.85, 71.6], 16–19.I.1957, collector?, 1♂ MEI 039708 (CNC); 10 km E Curió, Fundo HuecaHuecan [ 35.05, 71.15], 305 m, 10–20.XI.1997, MEI, EIS, 3♀ MEI 110469–71 (MEIC), Malaise trap; 15 km E Curicó, Loma HuecaHuecan [35.067, 71.123], 400 m, 10–20.XI.1997, Barriga, J. E., MEI, 1♀ MEI 110473 (MEIC), Malaise trap; 22–31.XII.1997, Barriga, J. E., 1♀ MEI 121125 (MEIC); 14–23.II.1998, 2♀ MEI 121113–4 (MEIC), Malaise trap in hillside draw; 6 km E Los Quenes, Montana Estero la Palma, Fundo la Montana Estero la Palma, at Rio Teno [35.017, 70.746], 14.I.1967, MEI, 1♂ MEI 046588, 1♀ 046583 (ME IC); 4.I.1967, 1♂ MEI 037026 (MEIC), collected in side stream on a farm; Talca, El Radol [El Rosal] [35.917, 72.333], 900 m, 26.XI.1957, Peña, L. E., 1♂ MEI 039709 (CNC); Fundo Parron, 12 km N Rio Loanco, 20 m, 24.I.1967, EIS, 4♂ MEI 046506–9, 1♀ 046510 (MEIC). Metropolitana de Santiago. La Rinconada de Maipú [33.517, 70.783], 450 m, 10.II.1966, Hichins, N., MEI, 1♂ MEI 048072 (MEIC), Malaise trap, corn; 17.II.1966, 3♂ MEI 048073, 048083, 048085, 4♀ 083776, 083788–90 (MEIC); 18.II.1966, 9♂ MEI 048041, 048074–5, 048084, 048086–90, 8♀ 083757, 083769, 083778, 083779–80, 083793–5 (MEIC); 20.II.1966, 5♂ MEI 048059, 048070, 048078, 048091–2 (MEIC); 21.II.1966, 2♀ MEI 083758–9 (MEIC); 23.II.1966, 7♂ MEI 048044, 048076–7, 048079–82 (MEIC); 25.II.1966, 9♀ MEI 083770–5, 083777, 083791–2 (MEIC); 6.III.1966, 12♂ MEI 048053, 048055–8, 048064–9, 083748, 1♀ 083763 (MEIC); 9.III.1966, 5♂ MEI 048060–3, 048095, 3♀ 083760–2 (MEIC); 10.III.1966, 3♂ MEI 048042, 048047, 048052 (MEIC); 16.III.1966, 2♂ MEI 048093–4, 3♀ 083785–7 (MEIC); 17.III.1966, 2♀ MEI 083797–8 (MEIC); 29.VII.1966, Stange, L. A., 1♀ MEI 083764 (UCR); 29.XII.1966, Stange, L. A., 2♂ MEI 048048, 048051 (UCR), Malaise trap; La Rinconada de Maipú, Quebrada de la Plata [33.517, 70.783], 450 m, 8.III.1966, Hichins, N., MEI, 1♂ MEI 028456, 3♀ 083782–4 (MEIC), Malaise trap; 17.III.1966, MEI, 1♀ MEI 083799 (MEIC), Malaise trap; 18.III.1966, Hichins, N., MEI, 3♂ MEI 028457, 048043, 048046 (MEIC), Malaise trap; 27.I.1967, MEI, 1♂ MEI 048049 (MEIC), Malaise trap; 6.III.1967, Hichins, N., MEI, 1♂ MEI 048050 (MEIC), Malaise trap; near Maipú, Quebrada de la Plata [33.5, 70.917], 510 m, 10.II.1966, MEI, 1♀ MEI 083804 (MEIC), Malaise trap; Rio Colorado, 40 km E Santiago [33.45, 70.307], 10.XII.1982, Brown, R. L., 1♂ MEI 030505 (MEM); [33.567, 71.233], 450 m, 4.III.1966, Hichins, N., 5♂ MEI 083752–6 (INHS), Malaise trap in corn; 3.IV.1966, Hichins, N., 4♀ 083800–3 (INHS); 3 km S El Tabo [33.483, 71.683], 2.X.1966, EIS, 10♂ MEI 046503–4, 046516–23, 9♀ 046511–5, 109109–12 (MEIC), coastal dunes; [33.45, 70.667], Faz, A., 1♀ MEI 048040 (USNM); 30.XII.1926, Edwards, F., E dwards, M., 1♂ MEI 048045 (USNM).
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
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Genus |
Brachylinga chilensis (Macquart)
Webb, Donald W. & Metz, Mark A. 2006 |
interrupta Kröber (1911: 498
Metz, M. A. & Webb, D. W. & Irwin, M. E. 2003: 248 |
Malloch, J. R. 1932: 251 |
Krober, O. 1911: 498 |
Ortiz, C. S. 1946: 86 |
Krober, O. 1911: 491 |
Philippi, R. A. 1865: 769 |
Blanchard, E. 1852: 417 |
Macquart, P. J. M. 1840: 25 |