Staphylinus armatus, Say, 1823

Herman, Lee H., 2001, Catalog of the Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). 1758 to the End of the Second Millennium. I. Introduction, History, Biographical Sketches, and Omaliine Group, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2001 (265), pp. 1067-1806 : 1067-1806

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scientific name

Staphylinus armatus


armatus Say, 1823 View in CoL , see: bellicus Blackwelder, 1944 .

assimilis Casey, 1889a: 55 ( Bledius ; semiferrugineus group; Type locality: Iowa; [Note: See lectotype designation by Herman, 1983]).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 126 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Notman, 1920b: 697 ( Bledius ; characters).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1111 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Hatch, 1957: 100 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1970: 376 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1972: 243 ( Bledius ; semiferrugineus group; characters; Ontario; Quebec; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Maryland; Michigan; New York; Pennsylvania; Wisconsin).

— Frank, 1982: 10 ( Bledius ; list of parasites).

Herman, 1983: 119, 135 ( Bledius ; lectotype designation; Quebec; Illinois; Indiana; Michigan; Nebraska; Ohio; Wisconsin) .

— Herman, 1986: 172, 297 ( Bledius ; semiferrugineus group; distribution; catalog).

— Downie and Arnett, 1996: 453 ( Bledius ; characters; USA).


aterrimus Fauvel, 1877: 204 ( Bledius ; Type locality: Australia: Nouvelle Galles du Sud, Sydney).

— Fauvel, 1878g: 499 ( Bledius ; Australia).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 126 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 376 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 156, 297 ( Bledius ; emarginatus group; distribution; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Australia.

atlanticus Lohse, 1978 , see: bicornis Germar, 1823 .

atlanticus C. Koch, 1938 , see: tristis Aubé, 1843 .

atomus Saulcy, 1864 , see: Carpelimus .

atramentarius Rottenberg, 1870: 35 ( Bledius ; Type locality: Sicily).

— Fauvel, 1872: 190 [= 1873: 32] ( Bledius ; synonym of bos ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 127 ( Bledius ; synonym of bos ).

— Herman, 1986: 141, 297 ( Bledius ; valid name).

— Ciceroni and Zanetti, 1995: 13 ( Bledius ; Italy).

- DISTRIBUTION: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Italy.

bos Fauvel, 1871: 20 ( Bledius ; Type locality: Algeria: Oran).

— Fauvel, 1872: 190 [= 1873: 32] ( Bledius ; characters; Sicily; Algeria).

— Fauvel, 1872b: 41 ( Bledius ; characters; Algeria).

— Fauvel, 1873b: 125 [= 1873c: 19] ( Bledius ; Italy; Sardinia).

— Fauvel, 1875a: xii [= 1875b: 214] ( Bledius ; group 1).

— Fauvel, 1878: 96 [= 1878a: 16] ( Bledius ; Algeria; Tunisia).

— Fauvel, 1886: 24 [= 1886a: 16] ( Bledius ; Algeria; Tunisia).

— Fauvel, 1897d: 259 ( Bledius ; notes; distribution).

— Fauvel, 1902b: 68 ( Bledius ; Algeria; Tunisia).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 127 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Winkler, 1925: 345 ( Bledius ; subgenus Bledius ).

— Porta, 1926: 45 ( Bledius ; subgenus Bledius ; characters).

— Znojko, 1929: 204 ( Bledius ; subgenus Euceratobledius ).

— C. Koch, 1937b: 265 ( Bledius ; subgenus Euceratobledius ; Tunisia).

— Herman, 1970: 376 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 297 ( Bledius ; synonym of atramentarius Rottenberg ).

atratus Fauvel, 1875a : xiii [= 1875b: 215] ( Bledius ; Type locality: Sardaigne, Tertenia ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 126 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Porta, 1926: 46 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; characters).

— Herman, 1970: 376 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 172, 297 ( Bledius ; semiferrugineus group; distribution; catalog).

— Ciceroni and Zanetti, 1995: 13 ( Bledius ; Italy).


atricapillus Germar, 1825: 4 ( Oxytelus ; [preoccupied]; Type locality: Mansfeld).

— Mannerheim, 1830: 45 ( Bledius ; Russia).

— Mannerheim, 1831: 459 ( Bledius ; Russia).

— Runde, 1835: 19 ( Bledius ; characters; Germany).

— Erichson, 1840: 773 ( Bledius ; characters; Germany).

— Redtenbacher, 1857: 229 ( Bledius ; characters; Austria).

— Kraatz, 1857d: 832 ( Bledius ; characters; Germany).

— Schiødte, 1866: 147 ( Tadunus ).

— Fauvel, 1872: 203 [= 1873: 45] ( Bledius ; characters; France; Britain; Germany; Russia; Austria; Italy; Spain; Algeria).

— Fauvel, 1873b: 128 [= 1873c: 21] ( Bledius ; France; Sardinia).

— Redtenbacher, 1874: 249 ( Bledius ; characters; Austria).

— Fauvel, 1875a: xiii [= 1875b: 215] ( Astycops - Bargus - Tadunus ; group 3).

— Seidlitz, 1875: 250 ( Bledius ; characters; Baltic region).

— Fauvel, 1876a: 58 [= 1876: 243] ( Bledius ; Sicily).

— Fauvel, 1878: 98 [= 1878a: 18] ( Bledius ; Algeria).

— Mulsant and Rey, 1878: 602 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; characters; France).

— Fauvel, 1884a: 78 ( Bledius ; synonymy).

— Fauvel, 1886: 26 [= 1886a: 18] ( Bledius ; notes; Morocco; Algeria).

— Fowler, 1888: 370 ( Bledius ; characters; Britain).

— Seidlitz, 1891a: 381 ( Bledius ; subgenus Tadunus ; characters).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 620 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; characters; central Europe; Mediterranean region).

— Fauvel, 1895a: 118 ( Bledius ; synonymy).

— Fauvel, 1897d: 262 ( Bledius ; notes; distribution).

— Fauvel, 1902b: 72 ( Bledius ; Barbary).

— Sainte-Claire Deville, 1907: 91 ( Bledius ; characters; France).

— Reitter, 1909: 168 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; characters).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 126 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Johansen, 1914: 540 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; characters; Denmark).

— Everts, 1922: 140 ( Bledius ; notes; distribution).

— Winkler, 1925: 346 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ).

— Porta, 1926: 46 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; characters).

— Lengerken, 1929: 80 ( Bledius ; natural history; distribution).

— Portevin, 1929: 414 ( Bledius ; characters; France).

— Peyerimhoff, 1931: 28 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; Algeria).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1111 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Breddin, 1936 ( Bledius ; natural history).

— West, 1942: 143 ( Bledius ; distribution; habitat).

— L. Benick, 1943: 94 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; characters).

— Tottenham, 1949: 411 ( Bledius ; subgenus Hesperophilus ; Britain).

— Tottenham, 1954: 53 ( Bledius ; subgenus Hesperophilus ; characters; habitat; Britain).

— Kocher, 1958: 108 ( Bledius ; Morocco).

— Jarrige, 1958: 96 ( Bledius ; Algeria).

— Palm, 1961a: 52 ( Bledius ; characters; Sweden; Denmark).

— Horion, 1963: 270 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; Mediterranean region; Mesopotania; Turkestan; Siberia; China; Turkmenistan; Britain; Denmark; Sweden; Holland; Belgium France; Spain; Sardinia; Sicily; Italy; Macedonia; Romania; Hungary; Czechoslovakia;

Poland; Germany; Austria).

— Lohse, 1964: 95 ( Bledius ; subgenus Hesperophilus ; characters; central Europe).

— Coiffait, 1966b: 340 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; Mauritania; Sahara; Hoggar).

— Coiffait, 1968a: 138 ( Bledius ; Chad).

— Scheerpeltz, 1968a: 31 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; catalog).

— Szujecki, 1968a: 716 ( Bledius ; Poland).

— Herman, 1970: 376 ( Bledius ).

— Pope, 1977: 24 ( Bledius ; Britain).

— Muona, 1979: 20 ( Bledius ; synonym of praetermissus and cited as preoccupied by atricapillus Fabricius ; [Note: To my knowledge, atricapillus Fabricius and atricapillus Germar have never been used in the same genus; Fabricius described atricapillus in Staphylinus and the species is now in Lordithon ; Germar used the name in Oxytelus and it is now in Bledius ]).

— Lohse, 1982a: 117–118 ( Bledius ; characters; notes).

— Herman, 1986: 172, 297 ( Bledius ; semiferrugineus group; distribution; catalog).

— Lohse, 1987: 136 ( Bledius ; valid species).

— Lucht, 1987: 94 ( Bledius ; checklist; Germany; Poland; Czechoslovakia; Austria; France; Benelux; Denmark; Sweden).

— Lohse and Lucht, 1989: 136 ( Bledius ; notes; characters).

— Welch, 1993: 227 ( Bledius ; ovariole number and ovary structure).

— Boháč, 1993: 43 ( Bledius ; synonym of praetermissus ).

— M. Hansen, 1996: 100 ( Bledius ; synonym of praetermissus and cited as preoccupied by atricapillus Fabricius ; [Note: To my knowledge, atricapillus Fabricius and atricapillus Germar have never been used in the same genus; Fabricius described atricapillus in Staphylinus and the species is now in Lordithon ; Germar used the name in Oxytelus and it is now in Bledius ]).

— Staneic, 1998b: 119 ( Bledius ; characters of eggs, larvae, pupae, and aedeagus; notes on natural history; Poland).

— Staniec, 1999b: 72 ( Bledius ; third instar larval characters; Poland).

— Herman, 2001: 41 ( Bledius ; although a junior primary homonym of a rarely used name, prevailing use as valid maintained pending outcome of application to Commission under Article 23.9.5).

- DISTRIBUTION: Russia, Europe, Algeria, Morocco, Algeria.

praetermissus B. Williams, 1929: 28 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; Type locality: Isle of Wight).

— Donisthorpe, 1930: 99 ( Bledius ; characters; Britain).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1120 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Paulian, 1938a: 32 ( Bledius ; larval characters; France).

— Tottenham, 1949: 410 ( Bledius ; subgenus Hesperophilus ; Britain).

— Tottenham, 1954: 53 ( Bledius ; subgenus Hesperophilus ; characters; habitat; Britain).

— Horion, 1963: 271–272 ( Bledius ; synonym of atricapillus ).

— Lohse, 1964: 95 ( Bledius ; variety of atricapillus ; characters; central Europe).

— Scheerpeltz, 1968a: 31 ( Bledius ; synonym of atricapillus ).

— Herman, 1970: 379 ( Bledius ).

— Muona, 1979: 20 ( Bledius ; cited as senior name to atricapillus Germar ; checklist; Denmark; Sweden).

— Pope, 1977: 24 ( Bledius ; synonym of atricapillus ).

— Lohse, 1982a: 117–118 ( Bledius ; characters; notes).

— Herman, 1986: 298 ( Bledius ; semiferrugineus group; synonym of atricapillus ).

— Lohse, 1987: 136 ( Bledius ; valid species).

— Boháč, 1993: 43 ( Bledius ; subgenus Hesperophilus ; cited as senior name to atricapillus ; Slovakia; Czech Republic).

— Hodge and Jones, 1995: 32 ( Bledius ; notes; Britain).

— Ciceroni and Zanetti, 1995: 13 ( Bledius ; cited as valid name with “ atricapillus Auct. nec Germar, 1835 nec Fabricius, 1775” cited as synonym; Italy).

— M. Hansen, 1996: 100 ( Bledius ; cited as senior name to atricapillus Germar ).

aurantius Herman, 1983: 63 , 123 ( Bledius ; annularis group; Type locality: California: Ventura Co.: 41 miles N. Ojai, Cuyama River, 3700 feet).

auriculicollis Bernhauer, 1915d: 103 ( Bledius ; Type locality: Deutsche Ostafrika: Kamballa; Natronsee).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1111 ( Bledius ; cited as auricollis; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 376 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 150, 298 ( Bledius ; kochi group; distribution; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania.

auripennis Coiffait, 1979d: 567 ( Bledius ; subgenus Astycops ; Type locality: Nouristan: vallée du Parum, 1600–1800 m).

— Coiffait, 1982b: 87 ( Bledius ; note).

— Herman, 1986: 226, 298 ( Bledius ; tibialis group; distribution; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Afghanistan.

australis Oke, 1933: 109 ( Bledius ; [Note: Oke, 1933: 117, fig. 66 inadvertantly used “ victoriae n. sp. ” for australis ; the former is an unavailable name]; Type locality: Australia: Victoria: Caulfield, Emerald, Warburton).

— Herman, 1970: 376 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 161, 298 ( Bledius ; lucidus group; distribution; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Australia.

austrinus Herman, 1970: 376 ( Bledius ; replacement name for mandibularis MacLeay ).

— Herman, 1986: 238, 298 ( Bledius ; verres group; distribution; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Australia.

mandibularis W. J. MacLeay, 1873: 150 ( Bledius ; [preoccupied]; Type locality: Gayndah).

— Fauvel, 1877: 204 ( Bledius ; characters; Australia).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 132 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Bernhauer, 1916a: 2 ( Bledius ; Australia).

— Bernhauer, 1920: 6 ( Bledius ; Australia).

— Herman, 1970: 376 ( Bledius ; synonym of austrinus ).

— Herman, 1986: 298 ( Bledius ; synonym of austrinus Herman ).

bali Biswas and Sen Gupta, 1989: 17 ( Bledius ; subgenus Pucerus ; Type locality: India: Sikkim: Rangpo Teesta River).


baltus Biswas and Sen Gupta, 1989: 21 ( Bledius ; subgenus Hesperophilus ; Type locality: India: West Bengal: Nadia District, Badkulla, 10 km from Krishnagar City, Suravisthan).


basalis LeConte, 1863a: 54 ( Bledius ; Type locality: New York: Coney Island; [Note: See lectotype designation by Herman, 1983]).

— LeConte, 1877: 232 ( Bledius ; cordatus group; characters).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 126 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Notman, 1920b: 698 ( Bledius ; Florida).

— Herman, 1970: 376 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1976: 96 ( Bledius ; basalis group; characters; natural history; Florida; Georgia; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Jersey; New York; North Carolina; Rhode Island; Texas).

— Frank, 1982: 10 ( Bledius ; list of parasites).

Herman, 1983: 118, 135 ( Bledius ; lectotype designation; Tamaulipas; Florida; Texas) .

— Herman, 1986: 201, 298 ( Bledius ; basalis group; distribution; catalog).

— Downie and Arnett, 1996: 454 ( Bledius ; characters; USA).


ignavus Casey, 1889a: 67 ( Bledius ; cordatus group; Type locality: Rhode Island; [Note: See lectotype designation by Herman, 1983]).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 131 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 377 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1976: 96 ( Bledius ; synonym of basalis ).

misellus Casey, 1889a: 68 ( Bledius ; cordatus group; Type locality: Texas: Galveston; [Note: See lectotype designation by Herman, 1983]). — Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 132 ( Bledius ; catalog). — Herman, 1970: 378 ( Bledius ). — Herman, 1976: 96 ( Bledius ; synonym of basalis ). — Herman, 1983: 120 ( Bledius ; lectotype designation). — Herman, 1986: 298 ( Bledius ; synonym of basalis LeConte ).

baudii Fauvel, 1872: 205 [= 1873: 47] ( Bledius ; Type locality: Calvados; Merville; La London; Geneva; Vevey; Lyon; Pau; Germany; Piemont). — Kraatz, 1857d: 837 ( Bledius ; [Note: Misidentification: Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 126 cited agricultor Kraatz as a synonym of baudii ; Kraatz did not describe the species as new, he attributed it to Heer]; characters; Germany). — Fauvel, 1875a: xiii [= 1875b: 215] ( Astycops , Bargus , Tadunus ; group 3). — Mulsant and Rey, 1878: 606 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; characters; France). — Fauvel, 1890a: 331 ( Bledius ; synonymy). — Ganglbauer, 1895: 623 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; characters; central Europe). — Sainte-Claire Deville, 1907: 92 ( Bledius ; characters; France). — Reitter, 1909: 166 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; characters). — Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 126 ( Bledius ; catalog). — Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1111 ( Bledius ; catalog). — Palm, 1961a: 57 ( Bledius ; characters; Sweden; Denmark). — Horion, 1963: 284 ( Bledius ; France; Belgium; Holland; Britain; Denmark; Sweden; Switzerland; Italy; Bosnia; Czech Republic; Slovakia; Poland; Germany; Austria). — Herman, 1970: 376 ( Bledius ). — Herman, 1986: 191, 298 ( Bledius ; annularis group; distribution; catalog). — Lucht, 1987: 94 ( Bledius ; checklist; Germany; Poland; Czechoslovakia; Austria; Denmark; Sweden). — Boháč, 1993: 43 ( Bledius ; subgenus Hesperophilus ; Slovakia; Czech Republic). — Ciceroni and Zanetti, 1995: 13 ( Bledius ; Italy). - DISTRIBUTION: Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, Russia, Yugoslavia.

neuter Mulsant and Rey, 1878: 608 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; Type locality: Not cited, presumably France). — Fauvel, 1890a: 331 ( Bledius ; synonym of baudii ). — Ganglbauer, 1895: 623 ( Bledius ; synonym of baudii ). — Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 126 ( Bledius ; synonym of baudii ). — Herman, 1986: 298 ( Bledius ; synonym of baudii ).

bavaricus C. Koch, 1938 , see: denticollis Fauvel, 1872 .

beattyi Blackwelder, 1943: 117 ( Bledius ; Type locality: St. Croix, along a stream 1 mile northeast of Sprat Hill Estate. Also cited from Vieques Island). — Blackwelder, 1944: 106 ( Bledius ; checklist). — Herman, 1970: 376 ( Bledius ). — Herman, 1972: 160 ( Bledius ; aequatorialis group; characters; Colombia; Cuba; St. Croix; St. Thomas; Vieques). — Herman, 1983: 101, 135 ( Bledius ; characters; Colombia). — Herman, 1986: 122, 298 ( Bledius ; aequatorialis group; distribution; catalog). - DISTRIBUTION: Colombia, West Indies.

bedeli Fauvel, 1878: 99 [= 1878a: 19] ( Bledius ; Type locality: Algeria: Daya ). — Fauvel, 1886: 27 [= 1886a: 19] ( Bledius ; Algeria). — Fauvel, 1897d: 263 ( Bledius ; notes; distribution). — Fauvel, 1902b: 72 ( Bledius ; Algeria). — Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 126 ( Bledius ; catalog). — Winkler, 1925: 346 ( Bledius ; subgenus Hesperophilus ).

— Herman, 1970: 376 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 172, 298 ( Bledius ; semiferrugineus group; distribution; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Algeria, Lebanon, Turkey.

beesoni Cameron, 1930: 285 ( Bledius ; Type locality: Dehra Dun: Nim Nadi; Arni Gad ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1111 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 376 ( Bledius ).

— Abdullah and Qadri, 1970: 120 ( Bledius ; characters; West Pakistan).

— Herman, 1986: 238, 298 ( Bledius ; verres group; distribution; catalog).

— Biswas and Sen Gupta, 1989: 23 ( Bledius ; subgenus Hesperophilus ; characters; India).

- DISTRIBUTION: India, Pakistan.

bellicosus Fauvel, 1904b: 111 ( Bledius ; Type locality: Sumatra. Borneo orient.: Batoe Panggal. Java: Soerabaja. Ardjoeno. Sumbawa. Celebes: Macassar; Bangka ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 126 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1921a: 367, 400 ( Bledius ; characters; Singapore).

— Cameron, 1928d: 106 ( Bledius ; Sumatra).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1111 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Scheerpeltz, 1957c: 226 ( Bledius ; subgenus Euceratobledius ; Sumba).

— Herman, 1970: 376 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 116, 298 ( Bledius ; bellicosus group; distribution; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Borneo, Indonesia, Singapore.

bellicus Blackwelder, 1944: 106 ( Bledius ; replacement name for armatus Say ).

— Herman, 1970: 376 ( Bledius ).

— Smith and Hein, 1971 ( Bledius ; cited as bellicosus ; natural history; Nebraska).

— Herman, 1976: 133 ( Bledius ; armatus group; characters; natural history; Colorado; Kansas; Nebraska; South Dakota).

— Frank, 1982: 11 ( Bledius ; list of parasites).

— Herman, 1983: 135 ( Bledius ; Kansas; Nebraska).

— Herman, 1986: 180, 298 ( Bledius ; armatus group; distribution; catalog).


armatus Say, 1823: 155 ( Oxytelus ; [preoccupied]; Type locality: Not cited).

— Erichson, 1840: 779 ( Bledius ; characters).

— Casey, 1889a: 43 ( Bledius ; armatus group).

— Fall and Cockerell, 1907: 167 ( Bledius ; New Mexico).

— Fall, 1910: 102 ( Bledius ; characters; notes).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 126 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1111 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Herman, 1976: 134 ( Bledius ; synonym of bellicus ).

— Frank, 1982: 11 ( Bledius ; list of parasites).

— Herman, 1986: 299 ( Bledius ; synonym of bellicus ).

berlandi Cameron, 1938d: 182 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; Type locality: Senegal: Dakar). — Herman, 1970: 376 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 173, 299 ( Bledius ; semiferrugineus group; distribution; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Guinea, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal.

bernhaueri Poppius, 1909a: 17 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; Type locality: Kanin, Nord-Küste, Fluss Krinka; Kambalnitza).

— Winkler, 1925: 345 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1111 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— L. Benick, 1943: 94 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; characters).

— A. Strand, 1946a: 239 ( Bledius ; distribution).

— Palm, 1961a: 60 ( Bledius ; characters; Sweden; Finland).

— Herman, 1970: 376 ( Bledius ).

— Smetana, 1975c: 161 ( Bledius ; Mongolia).

— Herman, 1986: 191, 299 ( Bledius ; annularis group; distribution; catalog).













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