Australocarcinus riparius Davie, 1988

Ng, Peter K. L. & Castro, Peter, 2016, Revision of the family Chasmocarcinidae Serène, 1964 (Crustacea, Brachyura, Goneplacoidea), Zootaxa 4209 (1), pp. 1-182 : 140-146

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Australocarcinus riparius Davie, 1988


Australocarcinus riparius Davie, 1988 View in CoL

( Figs. 93 View FIGURE 93 A, B; 94A, G; 95A, B; 96A, B; 98A, B; 99A, B)

Australocarcinus riparius Davie, 1988: 260 View in CoL , figs. 1‒3 [type locality: Queensland, Australia].— Davie & Guinot 1996: 279, fig. 7.— Jamieson & Guinot 1996: 289, figs. 1‒3, tab. 1.— Jamieson & Tudge, 2000: 64 [sperm ultrastructure].—Ng et al. 2008: 76 [in list].

Type material (not examined). Holotype male (cw 13.1 mm) (QM W13113), Australia, Queensland, Murray River .

Paratypes: 28 paratype males, 26 paratype females (QM W12915, QM W12891, QM W12895, QM W 12916, QM W13190-94), type locality.

Material examined. Australia, Queensland . 2 males (9.1 × 11.5 mm, 8.8 × 10.2 mm), 1 female (9.0 × 11.3 mm) ( ZRC 2006.167 View Materials ), McIvor River , northern Queensland, 15°07.2’S, 145°04.4’E, freshwater near road crossing, under rocks, in drying river bed fringing rainforest, 30 m elevation, P.F.J. Davie coll., 18.11.1992 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, 1 female ( ZRC 2010.0070 View Materials ), same data as above. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. Carapace ( Fig. 93 View FIGURE 93 A, B; Davie 1988: figs. 1D; 3) subquadrate, dorsally smooth, flat; 1.2‒1.3 wider than long; front strongly bilobed, with deep median cleft. Anterolateral margins arcuate, with elevated crest bearing 4 large, obtuse, upturned teeth. Orbits short. Epistome ( Fig. 94 View FIGURE 94 A) compressed, posterior margin with median lobe with fissure, circular lateral margins without fissures. Eye peduncle short ( Fig. 94 View FIGURE 94 A; Davie 1988: fig. 1D), does not fill orbit, mobile, cornea enlarged, pigmented. Third maxillipeds ( Fig. 94 View FIGURE 94 G; Davie 1988: fig. 1C) leaving gap when closed; merus quadrate, auricular anteroexternal angle, ischium quadrate, slightly longer than merus. Chelipeds ( Figs. 93 View FIGURE 93 A, B; 95A, B; Davie 1988: figs. 2A, B; 3) subequal in length, nearly similar in both sexes; cutting margins of both chelae with broad, shallow teeth, much larger in major chela. Short, triangular tooth on inner margin of cheliped carpus. Ventral surface of cheliped merus bordered by large tubercles. Proportionally short ambulatory legs ( Fig. 93 View FIGURE 93 A, B; Davie 1988: fig. 3), meri unarmed, dorsal margins with long setae; P5 merus not reaching front when folded, P5 dactylus straight. Short tubercles on surface, margin of articles, long setae on proximal portions of meri. Fused thoracic sternites 1, 2 broadly triangular, proportionally wide, short. Male pleon ( Fig. 96 View FIGURE 96 A, B; Davie 1988: fig. 1E) with lateral margins of somite 6, fused somites 3–5 slightly convex; postero-lateral regions slightly swollen; telson proportionally long. Male thoracic sternite 8 ( Fig. 96 View FIGURE 96 B; Davie 1988: fig. 1F; Davie & Guinot 1996: fig. 7) proportionally short, rectangular; “supplementary plate” conspicuously narrow, short, rectangular. G1 (Fig. ( Fig. 98 View FIGURE 98 A; Davie 1988: fig. 1B) stout, distal part with tapering tip, with short spinules. G2 ( Fig. 98 View FIGURE 98 B; Davie 1988: fig. 1A) longer than G1, basal segment curved; distal segment slightly longer than basal segment, apex with lateral pointed tip. Somites of female pleon ( Fig. 99 View FIGURE 99 A; Davie 1988: fig. 2C) with slightly convex lateral margins; telson proportionally long. Sterno-pleonal cavity of female ( Fig. 99 View FIGURE 99 B) moderately deep, with conspicuously large vulvae relatively close together, covering full extent of thoracic sternite 5, round, thin lip on outer margin, soft membrane across, leaving proportionally small opening.

Remarks. Australocarcinus riparius can be morphologically distinguished from its two congeners by the presence of four large, dorsally upturned teeth on each anterolateral margin of its carapace ( Figs. 93 View FIGURE 93 A; 94A; Davie 1988: figs. 1D; 3), whereas A. kanaka Davie & Guinot, 1996 , has three, dorso-ventrally flattened, wide teeth ( Fig. 93 View FIGURE 93 C; Davie & Guinot, 1996: figs.1, 3A) and A. palauensis Davie & Guinot, 1996 , lacks any teeth along its anterolateral margins ( Fig. 93 View FIGURE 93 D; Davie & Guinot, 1996: fig. 5A).

A female specimen (MNHN-B21888) had a small sperm plug ( Guinot et al. 2013: 42).

Distribution. Known only from Australia (Queensland); rivers and estuaries.


Zoological Reference Collection, National University of Singapore
















Australocarcinus riparius Davie, 1988

Ng, Peter K. L. & Castro, Peter 2016

Australocarcinus riparius

Jamieson 2000: 64
Davie 1996: 279
Jamieson 1996: 289
Davie 1988: 260
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