Astroblepus sp.

Albornoz-Garzón, Juan G., Conde-Saldaña, Cristhian C., López-Delgado, Edwin O., García-Melo, Jorge E. & Villa-Navarro, Francisco A., 2020, Fishes from the Río Alvarado drainage, Upper Río Magdalena Basin, Colombia, Check List 16 (5), pp. 1181-1198 : 1190-1191

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scientific name

Astroblepus sp.


Astroblepus sp.

Figure 4D

Material examined. COLOMBIA • 5, 21.6–65.7 mm SL; Quebrada Cocare ; 04°28′37.4″N, 075°08′25.4″W; 1057 m a.s.l.; 12 Dec. 2012; Juan G. Albornoz-Garzón, Cristhian C. Conde-Saldaña leg.; CZUT-IC 10502 GoogleMaps . • 6, 33.0– 64.8 mm SL; Quebrada Cocare ; 04°28′37.4″N, 075°08′25.4″W; 1057 m a.s.l.; 5 Apr. 2013; Juan G. Albor- noz-Garzón, Cristhian C. Conde-Saldaña leg.; CZUT-IC 10667 GoogleMaps .

Identification. Relatively medium size (largest specimen 67 mm SL). Premaxillary teeth incisiform. Head and pre - dorsal region covered with small papillae. Adipose fin

short and thick, with a visible spine covered with odon- todes, posteriorly connected to caudal peduncle by a membrane. First dorsal-fin ray not extended as a filament. Caudal fin with distal margin deeply concave, upper and lower unbranched caudal-fin rays extended as filaments. Body dark, with a light blotch at middle of caudal pe- duncle, variable in size, sometimes with a light blotch at posterior region of dorsal-fin base. Fins with dark spots.

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