Aspila pibooni, Pinkaew, 2024

Pinkaew, Nantasak, 2024, Aspila pibooni (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae: Grapholitini), a peculiar new species from Thailand, Zootaxa 5397 (3), pp. 427-434 : 428-433

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scientific name

Aspila pibooni

sp. nov.

Aspila pibooni sp. nov.

( Figs. 1–9 View FIGURES 1–2 View FIGURES 3–4 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 View FIGURE 8 View FIGURE 9 )

Type Material. Holotype: ♂. THAILAND: Prachuap Khiri Khan Prov., Kui Buri N.P., 12°21ˊ29˝N 99°28ˊ55˝E, alt. 365 m, 16 May 2015, N. Pinkaew et al. leg.; np7659 (genitalia slide NP2981). Deposited in KKIC GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 3♂, 4♀. THAILAND: Prachuap Khiri Khan Prov., same locality data as holotype, 15 May 2015; np7658 (♂, wing slide, abdomen lost); 16 May 2015; np7660 (♂, genitalia slide NP 2982). GoogleMaps Kanchanaburi Prov., Thong Pha Phum N.P., 14°34ˊ04˝N 98°38ˊ52˝E, alt. 547 m, 22 Apr. 2010; np312 (♂, genitalia slide NP 2980), np308 (♀, genitalia slide NP 2979), np309 (♀, genitalia slide NP 2978), np310 (♀, genitalia slide NP 2977), np311 (♀, genitalia slide NP 349). All specimens were collected by N. Pinkaew et al. and deposited in KKIC GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. The forewing pattern of Aspila pibooni sp. nov. is superficially similar to that of Cydia minor Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2012 , C. albitacta Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2012 , and C. albisignis Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2012 from Nigeria, with a large semicircular dorsum patch. However, the presence of a silvery ocellar region of the forewing in Aspila pibooni distinguishes it from those Cydia species, and from all other species of Aspila .

Description. Head ( Figs. 3–4 View FIGURES 3–4 ): Lower frons light brown, upper frons and vertex brown to dark brown; antenna dark brown, slightly paler towards apex; labial palpus porrect, first segment light brown with creamy white scales dorsally, second segment curved upward, slightly widened at apex, light brown mixed with brown, apical segment short, obtuse, brown with light brown apex.

Thorax: Pronotal collar brown (metallic green in angled light); mesonotum brown in anterior 1/2, creamy white in posterior 1/2, mixed with large, dark brown, subtriangular marks posteromedially; tegulae creamy white except basal 1/2 brown (metallic green when angled light). Forewing subrectangular, length 4.0–4.1 mm in males (n = 4) ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–2 ), 4.3–4.4 in females (n = 4) ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–2 ); costal margin slightly sinuate, with strongly curved base; termen slightly sinuate between wing apex and CuA 1, with a small lobe below apex between M 1 and CuA 1, a large rounded lobe between CuA 1 and CuA 2 exceeding wing apex, bases of M 2, M 3 and CuA 1 equidistant, M 3 and CuA 1 curved downward medially, approaching each other at termen, costal strigulae very small streaks, creamy white separated by dark brown, strigulae 1–4 indistinct, strigulae 5–9 more distinct; ground color light brown, each scale with creamy white tip, except creamy white in basal 1/4, with four small brown diffused spots, ocellar region with an irregular transverse stripe, grey (silvery grey in angled light), extending from R 3 below costa to near tornus, connected with subtriangular tornal patch, dark brown, extending from tornus to CuA 1, middle of costa with a very narrow line, grey (silvery grey in angled light), extending obliquely to R 3, continued with an oblique row of three small, dark brown longitudinal dashes from R 2 to R 4, with a very narrow grey (silvery grey in angled light) line, extending obliquely from strigula 7 to termen at R 5, with a small silvery mark near termen between M 1 and M 3, with a dark brown sinuate line along termen between wing apex and CuA 1 and CuA 2, dorsum medially with a large, distinct, brown semicircular patch (metallic green in angled light) ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ), edged with a creamy white, narrow line, beyond with a moderately large, silvery grey, subtriangular mark; underside brown to dark brown, with small light brown marks along costa, with a longitudinal narrow creamy white line along Cu vein from near wing base to beyond 1/2 of Cu length. Hindwing subtriangular, M 3 and CuA 1 originating from ventral corner of discal cell ( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 ); brown, slightly paler towards wing base; underside light brown mixed with greyish white longitudinal patches basally.

Abdomen ( Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 ): Sternum VIII sclerotized, widely V-shaped, with rather small, sclerotized roundish process laterally and a small, subtriangular lobe projecting laterally, intersegment with long, narrow, sclerotized lever and dense tuft of coremata from conspicuous scale sockets. Male genitalia ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 ) with tegumen broad, subtriangular, weakly sclerotized except anterior margin, with slightly protruding, apically rounded lobe; gnathos with a pair of moderately sclerotized bands, completely fused with tegumen, arising from near lateral midpoint of tegumen; vinculum moderately wide; juxta subtriangular; caulis short; anellus surrounding basal 1/3 of phallus; phallus moderately long, basal 1/2 subcylindrical, wider than apical 1/2, apical half slightly tapered to apex, with slightly sinuate margins, vesica with dense cluster of cornuti; valva stout, basal 2/3 slender, slightly attenuate distally, with distinct basal excavation; sacculus with a dense group of small, short setae basally, ventral margin with moderately dense patch of long setae, beyond with a row of diffuse, moderately long setae along ventral margin before valval neck, valval neck strongly bent, outer surface of neck to base of cucullus reticulately wrinkled; cucullus moderately large, rounded, drooping, with densely clothed in spiniform setae mixed with longer setae. Female genitalia ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 ) with papillae anales moderately broad, densely setose; apophyses anteriores longer than apophyses posteriors; tergum VIII large and sclerotized, subtriangular lateral extension with moderately dense scale sockets; sternum VII moderately sclerotized, deeply concave posteromedially, widely V-shaped, with posterolateral corner projections; ostium bursae rounded behind posterior margin of sternum VII, surrounded with sclerotized ring of sterigma; lamella antevaginalis narrowly ringed, connected with a large, sclerotized, subrectangular lamella postvaginalis, with dense scale sockets and microtrichia; ductus bursae very short with sclerotized process between ostium and origin of ductus seminalis; corpus bursae large, elongate ovate, with two, long, curved signa.

Distribution. Thailand (Kanchanaburi and Prachuap Khiri Khan).

Etymology. The specific epithet is a patronym for my loving father, Piboon Pinkaew.















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