Argia, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 94 Treatments

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Argia haberi   sp. nov.  Garrison, Rosser W. & Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2017, New species of the damselfly genus Argia from Mexico, Central America and Ecuador with an emphasis on Costa Rica (Insecta: Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 4235 (1), pp. 1-93 : 22-23 22-23
Argia bicellulata     Vilela, Diogo Silva, Guillermo-Ferreira, Rhainer, Del-Claro, Kleber & Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo, 2018, Females of two species of Argia from Chapada dos Guimarães National Park, Brazil (Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 4420 (3), pp. 430-438 : 431 431
Argia mollusca     DeMarmels, Jurg, 1992, Dragonflies (Odonata) From The Sierras Of Tapirapeco And Unturan, In The Extreme South Of Venezuela, Acta Biologica Venezuelica 14 (1), pp. 57-78 : 62 62
Argia fulgida     Garrison, Rosser W. & Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2018, Damselflies of the genus Argia (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) from Ecuador with descriptions of five new species, Zootaxa 4470 (1), pp. 1-69 : 16-17 16-17
Argia ulmeca     Kormondy, E. J., 1959, Lestes tikalus, N. Sp. and other Odonata from Guatemala, The Ohio Journal of Science 59, pp. 305-312 : 310 310
Argia tinctipennis     Takiya, Daniela Maeda, Santos, Allan Paulo Moreira, Pinto, Angelo Parise, Henriques-Oliveira, Ana Lucia, Carvalho, Alcimar do Lago, Sampaio, Brunno Henrique Lanzellotti, Clarkson, Bruno, Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, Avelino-Capistrano, Fernanda, Goncalves, Ines Correa, Cordeiro, Isabelle da Rocha Silva, Camara, Josenir Teixeira, Barbosa, Julianna Freires, de Souza, W. Rafael Maciel & Rafael, Jose Albertino, 2016, Aquatic Insects from the Caatinga: checklists and diversity assessments of Ubajara (Ceara State) and Sete Cidades (Piaui State) National Parks, Northeastern Brazil, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8354-8354 : 8354 8354
Argia smithiana     Cezário, Rodrigo Roucourt, Vilela, Diogo Silva & Guillermo-Ferreira, Rhainer, 2018, Final instar larvae of Argia mollis Hagen in Selys, 1865 and Argia smithiana Calvert, 1909 (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) from the Brazilian Cerrado, Zootaxa 4514 (1), pp. 137-144 : 140-142 140-142
Argia mauffrayi   sp. nov.  Garrison, Rosser W. & Ramón Cabrera, Giovanni M., 2019, Argia mauffrayi n. sp. from Ecuador (Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 4545 (2), pp. 286-292 : 287-291 287-291
Argia acridens   sp. nov.  Garrison, Rosser W. & Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2018, Damselflies of the genus Argia (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) from Ecuador with descriptions of five new species, Zootaxa 4470 (1), pp. 1-69 : 7-9 7-9
Argia sp. 1     Takiya, Daniela Maeda, Santos, Allan Paulo Moreira, Pinto, Angelo Parise, Henriques-Oliveira, Ana Lucia, Carvalho, Alcimar do Lago, Sampaio, Brunno Henrique Lanzellotti, Clarkson, Bruno, Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, Avelino-Capistrano, Fernanda, Goncalves, Ines Correa, Cordeiro, Isabelle da Rocha Silva, Camara, Josenir Teixeira, Barbosa, Julianna Freires, de Souza, W. Rafael Maciel & Rafael, Jose Albertino, 2016, Aquatic Insects from the Caatinga: checklists and diversity assessments of Ubajara (Ceara State) and Sete Cidades (Piaui State) National Parks, Northeastern Brazil, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8354-8354 : 8354 8354
Argia tinctipennis     Takiya, Daniela Maeda, Santos, Allan Paulo Moreira, Pinto, Angelo Parise, Henriques-Oliveira, Ana Lucia, Carvalho, Alcimar do Lago, Sampaio, Brunno Henrique Lanzellotti, Clarkson, Bruno, Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, Avelino-Capistrano, Fernanda, Goncalves, Ines Correa, Cordeiro, Isabelle da Rocha Silva, Camara, Josenir Teixeira, Barbosa, Julianna Freires, de Souza, W. Rafael Maciel & Rafael, Jose Albertino, 2016, Aquatic Insects from the Caatinga: checklists and diversity assessments of Ubajara (Ceara State) and Sete Cidades (Piaui State) National Parks, Northeastern Brazil, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8354-8354 : 8354 8354
Argia oenea     Gonzalez Soriano, Enrique, Noguera, Felipe & Perez-Hernandez, Cisteil X, 2024, Diversity of an Odonata assemblage from a tropical dry forest in San Buenaventura, Jalisco, Mexico (Insecta, Odonata), Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. 116135-116135 : 116135 116135
Argia insipida     DeMarmels, Jurg, 1992, Dragonflies (Odonata) From The Sierras Of Tapirapeco And Unturan, In The Extreme South Of Venezuela, Acta Biologica Venezuelica 14 (1), pp. 57-78 : 62 62
Argia tennesseni   sp. nov.  Garrison, Rosser W. & Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2018, Damselflies of the genus Argia (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) from Ecuador with descriptions of five new species, Zootaxa 4470 (1), pp. 1-69 : 34-36 34-36
Argia extranea     Gonzalez Soriano, Enrique, Noguera, Felipe & Perez-Hernandez, Cisteil X, 2024, Diversity of an Odonata assemblage from a tropical dry forest in San Buenaventura, Jalisco, Mexico (Insecta, Odonata), Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. 116135-116135 : 116135 116135
Argia calverti   sp. nov.  Garrison, Rosser W. & Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2017, New species of the damselfly genus Argia from Mexico, Central America and Ecuador with an emphasis on Costa Rica (Insecta: Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 4235 (1), pp. 1-93 : 6-10 6-10
Argia cuspidata   sp. nov.  Garrison, Rosser W. & Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2018, Damselflies of the genus Argia (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) from Ecuador with descriptions of five new species, Zootaxa 4470 (1), pp. 1-69 : 12-13 12-13
Argia tinctipennis     Takiya, Daniela Maeda, Santos, Allan Paulo Moreira, Pinto, Angelo Parise, Henriques-Oliveira, Ana Lucia, Carvalho, Alcimar do Lago, Sampaio, Brunno Henrique Lanzellotti, Clarkson, Bruno, Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, Avelino-Capistrano, Fernanda, Goncalves, Ines Correa, Cordeiro, Isabelle da Rocha Silva, Camara, Josenir Teixeira, Barbosa, Julianna Freires, de Souza, W. Rafael Maciel & Rafael, Jose Albertino, 2016, Aquatic Insects from the Caatinga: checklists and diversity assessments of Ubajara (Ceara State) and Sete Cidades (Piaui State) National Parks, Northeastern Brazil, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8354-8354 : 8354 8354
Argia schneideri   sp. nov.  Garrison, Rosser W. & Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2017, New species of the damselfly genus Argia from Mexico, Central America and Ecuador with an emphasis on Costa Rica (Insecta: Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 4235 (1), pp. 1-93 : 25-27 25-27
Argia philipi   sp. nov.  Garrison, Rosser W. & Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2018, Damselflies of the genus Argia (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) from Ecuador with descriptions of five new species, Zootaxa 4470 (1), pp. 1-69 : 24-28 24-28
Argia angelae   sp. nov.  Vilela, Diogo Silva, Guillermo-Ferreira, Rhainer, Del-Claro, Kleber & Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo, 2018, Argia angelae (Odonata: Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) sp. nov. from Chapada dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso, Brazil, Zootaxa 4415 (3), pp. 549-560 : 550-557 550-557
Argia medullaris     Garrison, Rosser W. & Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2018, Damselflies of the genus Argia (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) from Ecuador with descriptions of five new species, Zootaxa 4470 (1), pp. 1-69 : 20-24 20-24
Argia tinctipennis     Takiya, Daniela Maeda, Santos, Allan Paulo Moreira, Pinto, Angelo Parise, Henriques-Oliveira, Ana Lucia, Carvalho, Alcimar do Lago, Sampaio, Brunno Henrique Lanzellotti, Clarkson, Bruno, Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, Avelino-Capistrano, Fernanda, Goncalves, Ines Correa, Cordeiro, Isabelle da Rocha Silva, Camara, Josenir Teixeira, Barbosa, Julianna Freires, de Souza, W. Rafael Maciel & Rafael, Jose Albertino, 2016, Aquatic Insects from the Caatinga: checklists and diversity assessments of Ubajara (Ceara State) and Sete Cidades (Piaui State) National Parks, Northeastern Brazil, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8354-8354 : 8354 8354
Argia mollis     Cezário, Rodrigo Roucourt, Vilela, Diogo Silva & Guillermo-Ferreira, Rhainer, 2018, Final instar larvae of Argia mollis Hagen in Selys, 1865 and Argia smithiana Calvert, 1909 (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) from the Brazilian Cerrado, Zootaxa 4514 (1), pp. 137-144 : 138-140 138-140
Argia limitata     Garrison, Rosser W. & Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2018, Damselflies of the genus Argia (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) from Ecuador with descriptions of five new species, Zootaxa 4470 (1), pp. 1-69 : 18-19 18-19
Argia cuprea     Jocque, Merlijn & Garrison, Rosser, 2022, Dragonflies of Cusuco National Park, Honduras; checklist, new country records and the description of a new species of Palaemnema Selys, 1860 (Odonata: Platystictidae), Zootaxa 5188 (5), pp. 453-476 : 460 460
Argia chelata     Jocque, Merlijn & Garrison, Rosser, 2022, Dragonflies of Cusuco National Park, Honduras; checklist, new country records and the description of a new species of Palaemnema Selys, 1860 (Odonata: Platystictidae), Zootaxa 5188 (5), pp. 453-476 : 460 460
Argia sp. 1     Takiya, Daniela Maeda, Santos, Allan Paulo Moreira, Pinto, Angelo Parise, Henriques-Oliveira, Ana Lucia, Carvalho, Alcimar do Lago, Sampaio, Brunno Henrique Lanzellotti, Clarkson, Bruno, Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, Avelino-Capistrano, Fernanda, Goncalves, Ines Correa, Cordeiro, Isabelle da Rocha Silva, Camara, Josenir Teixeira, Barbosa, Julianna Freires, de Souza, W. Rafael Maciel & Rafael, Jose Albertino, 2016, Aquatic Insects from the Caatinga: checklists and diversity assessments of Ubajara (Ceara State) and Sete Cidades (Piaui State) National Parks, Northeastern Brazil, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8354-8354 : 8354 8354
Argia tezpi     Gonzalez Soriano, Enrique, Noguera, Felipe & Perez-Hernandez, Cisteil X, 2024, Diversity of an Odonata assemblage from a tropical dry forest in San Buenaventura, Jalisco, Mexico (Insecta, Odonata), Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. 116135-116135 : 116135 116135
Argia elongata     Jocque, Merlijn & Garrison, Rosser, 2022, Dragonflies of Cusuco National Park, Honduras; checklist, new country records and the description of a new species of Palaemnema Selys, 1860 (Odonata: Platystictidae), Zootaxa 5188 (5), pp. 453-476 : 460 460
Lepidoptera   new species  Fabricius, Johann Christian, 1775, Systema Entomologiae: sistens insectorvm classes, ordines, genera, species, adiectis synonymis, locis, descriptionibvs, observationibvs, Officina Libraria Kortii : 470 470
Argia telesfordi   sp. nov.  Meurgey, François, 2009, Redescription of Argia concinna (Rambur), with a description of Argia telesfordi spec. nov. from Grenada, West Indies (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 2272, pp. 54-62 : 56-58 56-58
Argia sabino     Vega-Badillo, Viridiana, Hernández-Ortiz, Vicente, Valenzuela-González, Jorge E., Novelo-Gutiérrez, Rodolfo, Ibáñez-Bernal, Sergio & Reynoso-Velasco, Daniel, 2024, Catalogue of the types of Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Odonata, and Strepsiptera in the IEXA Entomological Collection at Instituto de Ecología, A. C, Zootaxa 5551 (3), pp. 401-452 : 445 445
Argia rudolphi   sp. nov.  Garrison, Rosser W. & Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2017, New species of the damselfly genus Argia from Mexico, Central America and Ecuador with an emphasis on Costa Rica (Insecta: Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 4235 (1), pp. 1-93 : 23-25 23-25
Argia fissa     Kormondy, E. J., 1959, Lestes tikalus, N. Sp. and other Odonata from Guatemala, The Ohio Journal of Science 59, pp. 305-312 : 311 311
Argia oculata     Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B., Kalkman, Vincent J., Dow, Rory A., Stokvis, Frank R. & Tol, Jan Van, 2014, Redefining the damselfly families: a comprehensive molecular phylogeny of Zygoptera (Odonata). Supporting Information Table 2: List of analysed samples., Systematic Entomology 39 (1), pp. 1-10 : 3 3
Argia pima     Vega-Badillo, Viridiana, Hernández-Ortiz, Vicente, Valenzuela-González, Jorge E., Novelo-Gutiérrez, Rodolfo, Ibáñez-Bernal, Sergio & Reynoso-Velasco, Daniel, 2024, Catalogue of the types of Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Odonata, and Strepsiptera in the IEXA Entomological Collection at Instituto de Ecología, A. C, Zootaxa 5551 (3), pp. 401-452 : 445 445
Argia pulla     Gonzalez Soriano, Enrique, Noguera, Felipe & Perez-Hernandez, Cisteil X, 2024, Diversity of an Odonata assemblage from a tropical dry forest in San Buenaventura, Jalisco, Mexico (Insecta, Odonata), Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. 116135-116135 : 116135 116135
Argia sertaneja   sp. nov.  Vilela, Diogo Silva, Jacques, Gabriel De Castro & Souza, Marcos Magalhães De, 2024, Argia sertaneja sp. nov. (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) from Northern Minas Gerais state, Brazil, Zootaxa 5471 (1), pp. 125-133 : 126-130 126-130
Nepheronia argia subsp. argia     Bivar-De-Sousa, António, Vasconcelos, Sasha, Mendes, Luís F., Larsen, Torben B., Baker, Jon & Guilherme, João L., 2016, Butterflies of Guinea-Bissau: VIII. New data, new reports, corrections and biodiversity (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea), Zootaxa 4201 (1), pp. 1-77 : 13 13
Argia huanacina     Garrison, Rosser W. & Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2018, Damselflies of the genus Argia (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) from Ecuador with descriptions of five new species, Zootaxa 4470 (1), pp. 1-69 : 17-18 17-18
Argia jocosa     Garrison, Rosser W. & Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2018, Damselflies of the genus Argia (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) from Ecuador with descriptions of five new species, Zootaxa 4470 (1), pp. 1-69 : 18 18
Nepheronia argia subsp. variegata     Miles, William R. C., Morgan, Lauren E., Mulvaney, Lydia R. J. & Vetina, Alvaro A., 2022, A contribution to the knowledge of the butterfly fauna of Maputo Special Reserve, Mozambique from African Natural History Research Trust expeditions (Papilionoidea), Metamorphosis 33 (1), pp. 48-63 : 53 53
Argia anceps     Gonzalez Soriano, Enrique, Noguera, Felipe & Perez-Hernandez, Cisteil X, 2024, Diversity of an Odonata assemblage from a tropical dry forest in San Buenaventura, Jalisco, Mexico (Insecta, Odonata), Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. 116135-116135 : 116135 116135
Argia mayi     Gonzalez Soriano, Enrique, Noguera, Felipe & Perez-Hernandez, Cisteil X, 2024, Diversity of an Odonata assemblage from a tropical dry forest in San Buenaventura, Jalisco, Mexico (Insecta, Odonata), Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. 116135-116135 : 116135 116135
Argia     Mauffray, William F. & Tennessen, Kenneth J., 2019, A Catalogue and Historical Study of the Odonata of Ecuador, Zootaxa 4628 (1), pp. 1-265 : 36-45 36-45
Argia modesta     Takiya, Daniela Maeda, Santos, Allan Paulo Moreira, Pinto, Angelo Parise, Henriques-Oliveira, Ana Lucia, Carvalho, Alcimar do Lago, Sampaio, Brunno Henrique Lanzellotti, Clarkson, Bruno, Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, Avelino-Capistrano, Fernanda, Goncalves, Ines Correa, Cordeiro, Isabelle da Rocha Silva, Camara, Josenir Teixeira, Barbosa, Julianna Freires, de Souza, W. Rafael Maciel & Rafael, Jose Albertino, 2016, Aquatic Insects from the Caatinga: checklists and diversity assessments of Ubajara (Ceara State) and Sete Cidades (Piaui State) National Parks, Northeastern Brazil, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8354-8354 : 8354 8354
Argia tupi     Vilela, Diogo Silva, Guillermo-Ferreira, Rhainer, Del-Claro, Kleber & Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo, 2018, Females of two species of Argia from Chapada dos Guimarães National Park, Brazil (Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 4420 (3), pp. 430-438 : 434-437 434-437
Argia pallens     Gonzalez Soriano, Enrique, Noguera, Felipe & Perez-Hernandez, Cisteil X, 2024, Diversity of an Odonata assemblage from a tropical dry forest in San Buenaventura, Jalisco, Mexico (Insecta, Odonata), Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. 116135-116135 : 116135 116135
Argia     Takiya, Daniela Maeda, Santos, Allan Paulo Moreira, Pinto, Angelo Parise, Henriques-Oliveira, Ana Lucia, Carvalho, Alcimar do Lago, Sampaio, Brunno Henrique Lanzellotti, Clarkson, Bruno, Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, Avelino-Capistrano, Fernanda, Goncalves, Ines Correa, Cordeiro, Isabelle da Rocha Silva, Camara, Josenir Teixeira, Barbosa, Julianna Freires, de Souza, W. Rafael Maciel & Rafael, Jose Albertino, 2016, Aquatic Insects from the Caatinga: checklists and diversity assessments of Ubajara (Ceara State) and Sete Cidades (Piaui State) National Parks, Northeastern Brazil, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8354-8354 : 8354 8354
Argia nataliae   sp. nov.  Garrison, Rosser W., 2019, Argia nataliae n. sp. from Colombia (Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 4590 (4), pp. 477-486 : 478-484 478-484
Argia     DeMarmels, Jurg, 1992, Dragonflies (Odonata) From The Sierras Of Tapirapeco And Unturan, In The Extreme South Of Venezuela, Acta Biologica Venezuelica 14 (1), pp. 57-78 : 62 62
Nepheronia argia subsp. mhondana     Liseki, Steven D. & Vane-Wright, Richard I., 2014, Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) of Mount Kilimanjaro: family Pieridae, subfamily Pierinae, Journal of Natural History 48 (25 - 26), pp. 1543-1583 : 1559 1559
Argia medullaris     Jocque, Merlijn & Garrison, Rosser, 2022, Dragonflies of Cusuco National Park, Honduras; checklist, new country records and the description of a new species of Palaemnema Selys, 1860 (Odonata: Platystictidae), Zootaxa 5188 (5), pp. 453-476 : 461 461
Argia funebris     Jocque, Merlijn & Garrison, Rosser, 2022, Dragonflies of Cusuco National Park, Honduras; checklist, new country records and the description of a new species of Palaemnema Selys, 1860 (Odonata: Platystictidae), Zootaxa 5188 (5), pp. 453-476 : 461 461
Argia schorri   sp. nov.  Garrison, Rosser W. & Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2017, New species of the damselfly genus Argia from Mexico, Central America and Ecuador with an emphasis on Costa Rica (Insecta: Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 4235 (1), pp. 1-93 : 27-29 27-29
Argia mayi     Vega-Badillo, Viridiana, Hernández-Ortiz, Vicente, Valenzuela-González, Jorge E., Novelo-Gutiérrez, Rodolfo, Ibáñez-Bernal, Sergio & Reynoso-Velasco, Daniel, 2024, Catalogue of the types of Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Odonata, and Strepsiptera in the IEXA Entomological Collection at Instituto de Ecología, A. C, Zootaxa 5551 (3), pp. 401-452 : 444 444
Argia noveloi     Vega-Badillo, Viridiana, Hernández-Ortiz, Vicente, Valenzuela-González, Jorge E., Novelo-Gutiérrez, Rodolfo, Ibáñez-Bernal, Sergio & Reynoso-Velasco, Daniel, 2024, Catalogue of the types of Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Odonata, and Strepsiptera in the IEXA Entomological Collection at Instituto de Ecología, A. C, Zootaxa 5551 (3), pp. 401-452 : 444 444
Argia modesta     Takiya, Daniela Maeda, Santos, Allan Paulo Moreira, Pinto, Angelo Parise, Henriques-Oliveira, Ana Lucia, Carvalho, Alcimar do Lago, Sampaio, Brunno Henrique Lanzellotti, Clarkson, Bruno, Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, Avelino-Capistrano, Fernanda, Goncalves, Ines Correa, Cordeiro, Isabelle da Rocha Silva, Camara, Josenir Teixeira, Barbosa, Julianna Freires, de Souza, W. Rafael Maciel & Rafael, Jose Albertino, 2016, Aquatic Insects from the Caatinga: checklists and diversity assessments of Ubajara (Ceara State) and Sete Cidades (Piaui State) National Parks, Northeastern Brazil, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8354-8354 : 8354 8354
Argia     Takiya, Daniela Maeda, Santos, Allan Paulo Moreira, Pinto, Angelo Parise, Henriques-Oliveira, Ana Lucia, Carvalho, Alcimar do Lago, Sampaio, Brunno Henrique Lanzellotti, Clarkson, Bruno, Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, Avelino-Capistrano, Fernanda, Goncalves, Ines Correa, Cordeiro, Isabelle da Rocha Silva, Camara, Josenir Teixeira, Barbosa, Julianna Freires, de Souza, W. Rafael Maciel & Rafael, Jose Albertino, 2016, Aquatic Insects from the Caatinga: checklists and diversity assessments of Ubajara (Ceara State) and Sete Cidades (Piaui State) National Parks, Northeastern Brazil, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8354-8354 : 8354 8354
Argia harknessi     Gonzalez Soriano, Enrique, Noguera, Felipe & Perez-Hernandez, Cisteil X, 2024, Diversity of an Odonata assemblage from a tropical dry forest in San Buenaventura, Jalisco, Mexico (Insecta, Odonata), Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. 116135-116135 : 116135 116135
Argia undetermined     Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B., Kalkman, Vincent J., Dow, Rory A., Stokvis, Frank R. & Tol, Jan Van, 2014, Redefining the damselfly families: a comprehensive molecular phylogeny of Zygoptera (Odonata). Supporting Information Table 2: List of analysed samples., Systematic Entomology 39 (1), pp. 1-10 : 3 3
Argia lilacina     Takiya, Daniela Maeda, Santos, Allan Paulo Moreira, Pinto, Angelo Parise, Henriques-Oliveira, Ana Lucia, Carvalho, Alcimar do Lago, Sampaio, Brunno Henrique Lanzellotti, Clarkson, Bruno, Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, Avelino-Capistrano, Fernanda, Goncalves, Ines Correa, Cordeiro, Isabelle da Rocha Silva, Camara, Josenir Teixeira, Barbosa, Julianna Freires, de Souza, W. Rafael Maciel & Rafael, Jose Albertino, 2016, Aquatic Insects from the Caatinga: checklists and diversity assessments of Ubajara (Ceara State) and Sete Cidades (Piaui State) National Parks, Northeastern Brazil, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8354-8354 : 8354 8354
Argia adamsi     Garrison, Rosser W. & Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2018, Damselflies of the genus Argia (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) from Ecuador with descriptions of five new species, Zootaxa 4470 (1), pp. 1-69 : 9-11 9-11
Argia leonorae     Vega-Badillo, Viridiana, Hernández-Ortiz, Vicente, Valenzuela-González, Jorge E., Novelo-Gutiérrez, Rodolfo, Ibáñez-Bernal, Sergio & Reynoso-Velasco, Daniel, 2024, Catalogue of the types of Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Odonata, and Strepsiptera in the IEXA Entomological Collection at Instituto de Ecología, A. C, Zootaxa 5551 (3), pp. 401-452 : 444 444
Argia anceps     Vega-Badillo, Viridiana, Hernández-Ortiz, Vicente, Valenzuela-González, Jorge E., Novelo-Gutiérrez, Rodolfo, Ibáñez-Bernal, Sergio & Reynoso-Velasco, Daniel, 2024, Catalogue of the types of Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Odonata, and Strepsiptera in the IEXA Entomological Collection at Instituto de Ecología, A. C, Zootaxa 5551 (3), pp. 401-452 : 444 444
Argia cuprea     Novelo-Gutiérrez, Rodolfo & Gómez-Anaya, José Antonio, 2021, Description of the larva of Argia cuprea (Hagen, 1861) with notes on its phylogenetic affinities (Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 5057 (3), pp. 437-445 : 438-445 438-445
Argia carolus   sp. nov.  Garrison, Rosser W. & Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2017, New species of the damselfly genus Argia from Mexico, Central America and Ecuador with an emphasis on Costa Rica (Insecta: Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 4235 (1), pp. 1-93 : 12-14 12-14
Argia concinna     Meurgey, François, 2009, Redescription of Argia concinna (Rambur), with a description of Argia telesfordi spec. nov. from Grenada, West Indies (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 2272, pp. 54-62 : 55-56 55-56
Argia chelata     Novelo-Gutiérrez, Rodolfo, 2013, Description of the larva of Argia chelata Calvert, 1902 (Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 3745 (4), pp. 479-485 : 480-484 480-484
Argia carlcooki     Gonzalez Soriano, Enrique, Noguera, Felipe & Perez-Hernandez, Cisteil X, 2024, Diversity of an Odonata assemblage from a tropical dry forest in San Buenaventura, Jalisco, Mexico (Insecta, Odonata), Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. 116135-116135 : 116135 116135
Argia selysi   sp. nov.  Garrison, Rosser W. & Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2018, Damselflies of the genus Argia (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) from Ecuador with descriptions of five new species, Zootaxa 4470 (1), pp. 1-69 : 30-34 30-34
Argia forficula     Mauffray, William F. & Tennessen, Kenneth J., 2019, A Catalogue and Historical Study of the Odonata of Ecuador, Zootaxa 4628 (1), pp. 1-265 : 232 232
Argia dives     Garrison, Rosser W. & Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2018, Damselflies of the genus Argia (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) from Ecuador with descriptions of five new species, Zootaxa 4470 (1), pp. 1-69 : 13-15 13-15
Argia frequentula     Kormondy, E. J., 1959, Lestes tikalus, N. Sp. and other Odonata from Guatemala, The Ohio Journal of Science 59, pp. 305-312 : 310 310
Argia extranea     Kormondy, E. J., 1959, Lestes tikalus, N. Sp. and other Odonata from Guatemala, The Ohio Journal of Science 59, pp. 305-312 : 310 310
Argia oculata     Kormondy, E. J., 1959, Lestes tikalus, N. Sp. and other Odonata from Guatemala, The Ohio Journal of Science 59, pp. 305-312 : 310 310
Argia fissa     Kormondy, E. J., 1959, Lestes tikalus, N. Sp. and other Odonata from Guatemala, The Ohio Journal of Science 59, pp. 305-312 : 310 310
Argia extranea     Kormondy, E. J., 1959, Lestes tikalus, N. Sp. and other Odonata from Guatemala, The Ohio Journal of Science 59, pp. 305-312 : 310 310
Argia iniumata     DeMarmels, Jurg, 1992, Dragonflies (Odonata) From The Sierras Of Tapirapeco And Unturan, In The Extreme South Of Venezuela, Acta Biologica Venezuelica 14 (1), pp. 57-78 : 62 62
Argia lilacina     Takiya, Daniela Maeda, Santos, Allan Paulo Moreira, Pinto, Angelo Parise, Henriques-Oliveira, Ana Lucia, Carvalho, Alcimar do Lago, Sampaio, Brunno Henrique Lanzellotti, Clarkson, Bruno, Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, Avelino-Capistrano, Fernanda, Goncalves, Ines Correa, Cordeiro, Isabelle da Rocha Silva, Camara, Josenir Teixeira, Barbosa, Julianna Freires, de Souza, W. Rafael Maciel & Rafael, Jose Albertino, 2016, Aquatic Insects from the Caatinga: checklists and diversity assessments of Ubajara (Ceara State) and Sete Cidades (Piaui State) National Parks, Northeastern Brazil, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8354-8354 : 8354 8354
Argia elongata   sp. nov.  Garrison, Rosser W. & Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2017, New species of the damselfly genus Argia from Mexico, Central America and Ecuador with an emphasis on Costa Rica (Insecta: Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 4235 (1), pp. 1-93 : 14-21 14-21
Argia koroivarum   sp. nov.  Vilela, Diogo Silva, Guillermo-Ferreira, Rhainer & Koroiva, Ricardo, 2023, Argia koroivarum sp. nov. (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) from Minas Gerais state Southeastern Brazil, Zootaxa 5296 (1), pp. 58-66 : 59 59
Argia oculata     Gonzalez Soriano, Enrique, Noguera, Felipe & Perez-Hernandez, Cisteil X, 2024, Diversity of an Odonata assemblage from a tropical dry forest in San Buenaventura, Jalisco, Mexico (Insecta, Odonata), Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. 116135-116135 : 116135 116135
Cupido argiades     Lee, Dong-Yeol, Jeong, Ilyeong, Kim, Seonmin, Choi, Jae Won, Won, Min Hyeok, Kim, Donguk, Kim, Dongmin, Kim, Young-Kun, Jeon, Jiseung, Ryu, Jihun, Bang, WooJun, Chang, Jun Hyuk & Choi, Kwang Shik, 2024, Checklist for the insect fauna of two East Sea Islands (Ulleungdo Is. and Dokdo Is.) in the Republic of Korea, Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. e 129360-e 129360 : e129360--1 e129360--1
Cupido argiades     Weidlich, Michael, 2016, Zur Schmetterlingsfauna der Ionischen Inseln Griechenlands mit der Beschreibung neuer Psychiden-Taxa sowie ein Beitrag zu ihrer Köcherfliegenfauna (Lepidoptera, Trichoptera), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 66 (2), pp. 265-320 : 283 283
Everes argiades subsp. diporides     Irungbam, Jatishwor Singh, Meitei, Laishram Ricky, Huidrom, Harmenn, Soibam, Baleshwor Singh, Ngangom, Aomao, Ngangom, Bendang, Meitei, Ronald & Fric, Zdenek Faltynek, 2020, An Inventory Of The Butterflies Of Manipur, India (Insecta: Lepidoptera), Zootaxa 4882 (1), pp. 1-91 : 51 51
Everes argiades     Fernández Vidal, Eliseo H., 2017, Lepidópteros de O Courel (Lugo, Galicia, España, N. O. Península Ibérica) XI: Riodinidae y Lycaenidae. (Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 17, pp. 385-399 : 392 392
Everes argiades subsp. diporides     Sheikh, Taslima, Awan, Muhammad Akram & Parey, Sajad H., 2021, Checklist of Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) of Union Territory Jammu and Kashmir, India, Records of the Zoological Survey of India 121 (1), pp. 127-171 : 140 140
Cupido argiades     Aistleitner, Eyjolf, 2021, Zur Chorologie und Faunistik der Tagfalter in den Ost- und Südalpen 1. Tagfalter (Papilionoidea) aus der Sammlung von Herbert Meier † sowie Daten aus den Sammlungen des Entomologischen Forschungsmuseums EFMEA in Feldkirch, Linzer biologische Beiträge 52 (2), pp. 787-867 : 810 810
Everes argiades     Dubatolov, V. V. & Kostomarova, I. V., 2019, Hesperioidea And Papilionoidea (Lepidoptera) Of Coniferous Forests From The Nature Reserve Botchinskii, Amurian Zoological Journal XI (1), pp. 48-71 : 56 56
Cupido (Everes) argiades     Ramos, Tito Salvadores & Ramos, Rafael Salvadores, 2020, Nuevos registros de interés de mariposas diurnas de Galicia (NO España) (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 22, pp. 381-388 : 385 385
Argiallagma minutum     Kormondy, E. J., 1959, Lestes tikalus, N. Sp. and other Odonata from Guatemala, The Ohio Journal of Science 59, pp. 305-312 : 310 310
Argiallagma minutum     Kormondy, E. J., 1959, Lestes tikalus, N. Sp. and other Odonata from Guatemala, The Ohio Journal of Science 59, pp. 305-312 : 310 310

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