Araeopteron ussurica, Fibiger, Michael & Kononenko, Vladimir, 2008

Fibiger, Michael & Kononenko, Vladimir, 2008, A revision of the subfamily Araeopteroninae Fibiger, 2005 in the Russian Far East and neighbouring countries with a description of four new species (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), Zootaxa 1891, pp. 39-54 : 50

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scientific name

Araeopteron ussurica

sp. nov.

Araeopteron ussurica sp. n.

( Figs. 9, 10 View FIGURES 1 – 12 , 17 View FIGURES 13 – 19 )

Material examined. Holotype, male, RUSSIA, Primorye terr. Gornotaezhnoe, 17.vii.1994 (V. Kononenko), genit. prep. 5869 M. Fibiger, coll. M. Fibiger (to be deposited in ZMUC). Paratypes: 1 male, Primorye terr., Chuguevsky reg., 60 km E Zavetnoe, 24–26.vii.2002 (D. Nilsson & K. Larsen), genit. prep. 5747 M. Fibiger, coll. D. Nilsson.

Diagnosis. A. ussirica is distinguishable from other East Asiatic Araeopteron species by its small size; the whitish patches on forewing; the shape of the apically club-like sacculus; the low, hill-like ampulla; the short, broad aedeagus; and the narrow patch on the vesica, with many small cornuti.

Description. Adult ( Figs. 9, 10 View FIGURES 1 – 12 ). Wingspan 9.5–10.5 mm. Antennae without lamellae, with scales. Labial palps strongly upturned, 3rd segment 2.0 times as long as 2nd. Head small, eyes large. Head, patagia, thorax, and ground colour of forewing and hindwing dark grey, forewing strongly suffused with white scales, especially at basal and costal area, hindwing powdered with many white scales; both wings with discal spots. All crosslines present, well marked, especially the medial shadow; terminal line on both wings prominently indicated by black interveinal spots. Underside unicolorous grey, without pattern. Colour of abdomen basally and apically grey, medially dark grey. Male genitalia ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 13 – 19 ). Uncus relatively long, slightly and smoothly curved; membranous part of valva relatively short, broadest 2/3 from base, there smoothly rounded; sacculus curved ventrally, club-like apically, tip rounded; clasper fused to sacculus, with arched, low hill-like ampulla. Aedeagus short and broad, vesica with narrow spined patch, with many small, narrow cornuti. Female unknown.

Distribution. Russian Far East, southern and central part of Primorye terr. (Fig. 38).

Etymology. Named after Ussuri, the biggest river in the Ussuri region [Ussuriisky krai]) of the Primorye Territory.


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen













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