Aphelandra pulcherrima (Jacq.) Kunth, 2016

Baksh-Comeau, Yasmin S., Maharaj, Shobha S., Adams, Dennis, Harris, Stephen A., Filer, Denis L. & Hawthorne, William D., 2016, An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Trinidad and Tobago with analysis of vegetation types and botanical ‘ hotspots’, Phytotaxa 250 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

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Aphelandra pulcherrima (Jacq.) Kunth



Aphelandra pulcherrima (Jacq.) Kunth , Nov. Gen. Sp. 2: 236 (1818) Habit: Shrub. Habitat: Shady places of forest and savanna margins. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: E Coast; Little Tobago-St.Giles; TRINIDAD: Catshill-Basse Terre; Grande Riviere-Matelot ; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; NW Peninsular Corner; P.O.S.-Santa Cruz; Tucker-Mt.Catherine. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 4: 4% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 11% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 6: 20% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Craig Hall, Broadway s.n. (BM); Menna, Broadway s.n. (BM); Lambeau Hill, Sandwith 1647 (K); Spring Garden, Broadway 3490 (BM). TRINIDAD: Blue Basin, Diego Martin, Broadway 5875 (BM); Aripo Savanna, Waller Field, Howard 10446 (BM). Global range: Lesser Antilles, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia.

Aphelandra scabra (Vahl) Sm., Cycl. 39: Aphelandra no. 3 (1819) Exotic.

Aphelandra tetragona (Vahl) Nees , in DC., Prodr. 11: 295 (1847) Exotic.

Asystasia gangetica (L.) T.Anderson, Enum. Pl. Zeyl. 235 (1860) Syn: Asystasia coromandeliana Nees ; Justicia gangetica L. Exotic.

Asystasia violacea Dalz. ex C.B.Clarke, Fl. Brit. Ind. View in CoL 4: 494 (1884) Exotic.

Avicennia germinans View in CoL (L.) L., Sp. Pl. (ed. 3) 3: 891 (1764) Syn: Avicennia nitida Jacq. View in CoL ; Avicennia germinans View in CoL (L.) L. var. guayaquilensis (Kunth) Moldenke ; Avicennia nitida Jacq. View in CoL ; Avicennia nitida Jacq. var. trinitensis Moldenke Common View in CoL name: Black Mangrove, Limewood. Habit: Tree. Habitat: Littoral hedge and thicket and central parts of mangrove woodland, common. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Chaguanas-Couva. RBS Vegetation Classes: Swamp/marsh (Vegnum 10: 33% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Without locality, Eggers 5897 (K). TRINIDAD: Chacachacare, Richardson 872 (TRIN 15946). Global range: Coasts of the American subtropics and tropics.

Avicennia schaueriana Stapf & Leechman ex Moldenke, Lilloa View in CoL 4: 336 (1939) Common name: Black Mangrove, White Mangrove. Habit : Tree. Habitat: Central parts of mangrove woodland and coastal brackish swamps. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Caroni. RBS Vegetation Classes: Swamp/marsh (Vegnum 10: 33% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Without locality, Broadway 5817 (BM); Monos, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 2402); Cocorite, sine coll. (TRIN 7988); Caroni Swamp, Blue River, sine coll. (TRIN 5221), Adams 13661 (TRIN); Monkey Point, sine coll. (TRIN 10461). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Guyana, Surinam, Brazil, Uruguay.

Barleria cristata View in CoL L., Sp. Pl. 636 (1753) Exotic.

Barleria lupulina Lindl. , Edwards's Bot. Reg. 18: t. 1483 (1832) Exotic.

Blechum pyramidatum (Lam.) Urban, Repert. View in CoL Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 15: 323 (1918) Syn: Blechum brownei Juss. f. puberulum Leonard Common Name View in CoL : John Bush. Habit: Herb. Habitat: Waste places. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; SW Coastal; Scarborough-Plymouth; TRINIDAD: Chaguanas-Couva; Cumaca; NW Peninsular Corner; Nariva; Princes Town; SW Icacos-Cedros; San Fernando; Southern Watershed; Tabaquite-Brickfield; Trinity Hills; Chacachacare; Monos. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 3% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 1% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 36% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 6: 20% RBS samples; Vegnum 7: 50% RBS samples; Vegnum 8: 40% RBS samples); Swamp/marsh (Vegnum 11: 23% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Dralfair, Scarborough, Broadway 3801 (BM). TRINIDAD: Woodbrook, Broadway 5259 (BM); Aripo Savanna, Howard 10347 (BM). Global range: Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Greater Antilles, Virgin Islands, Lesser Antilles, United States (Florida), Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Ecuador, Galapagos Islands, Peru, Bolivia.


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Bravaisia integerrima (Spreng.) Standl., Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 23: 1335 (1926) Syn: Amasonia integerrima Spreng. ; Bravaisia floribunda DC. Common name: Bois Negresse, Jigger Wood, White Mangue. Habit : Tree. Habitat: Evergreen and semi-evergreen seasonal forest, in inundated areas, mangrove margins and mud volcanos. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Biche-Poole; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Longdenville-Talparo; Princes Town; Rio Claro-Mayaro; Southern Watershed; Tabaquite-Brickfield; Trinity Hills. PSP Distribution Plots: Arena-Cumuto. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 4: 24% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 19% RBS samples); Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: without locality, Lockhart s.n. (K). Global range: Lesser Antilles, United States (Florida), Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru.

Crossandra infundibuliformis View in CoL (L.) Nees, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 98 (1832) Exotic.

Dicliptera aripoensis (Britton) Leonard, Fl. View in CoL Trinidad & Tobago 2: 374 (1954) Syn: Diapedium ariopense Britton Habit : Herb. Habitat: Montane woodland. IUCN: CR. Star: BK. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Central Range; Grande Riviere-Matelot View in CoL ; Southern Watershed; Trinity Hills. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 4: 4% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 3% RBS samples); Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Aripo Heights, Broadway 7094 (BM). Global range: Apparently endemic to Trinidad, but probably in the Paria Peninsula, Venezuela.

Dicliptera martinicensis (Jacq.) Juss., Ann. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris 9: 268 (1807 Habit: Herb. Habitat: Semi-open rocky areas. Star: GD. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: without locality, Crueger s.n. (TRIN 2907). Global range: Greater Antilles, St. Croix, Lesser Antilles.

Dicliptera sexangularis (L.) Juss., Ann. Mus . Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris 9: 267 (1807 Syn: Justicia assurgens L. Habit : Herb. Habitat: Waste ground. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: St. Joseph Road, Broadway 7780 (BM). Global range: Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Virgin Islands, Lesser Antilles, United States (Florida), Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Surinam, French Guiana, Bolivia.

Elytraria imbricata (Vahl) Pers., Syn. Pl. View in CoL 1: 23 (1805) Syn: Elytraria tridentata Vahl View in CoL ; Justicia imbricata Vahl View in CoL ; Verbena squamosa Jacq. Exotic.

Eranthemum pulchellum Andrews, Bot. Repos. View in CoL 2: t.88 (1800) Exotic.

Fittonia albivenis (Lindl. ex Veitch) Brummitt, Bot. Mag. View in CoL 182: 165 (1979) Exotic.

Goldfussia isophylla Nees, Pl. Asiat. Rar. View in CoL 3: 88 (1832) Syn: Strobilanthes isophyllus (Nees) T.Anderson Exotic. View in CoL

Graptophyllum pictum View in CoL (L.) Griff., Notulae ad Plantas Asiaticas 4: 139 (1854) Exotic.

Hemigraphis alternata (Burm.f.) T.Anderson, J. Linn. Soc. London View in CoL 7: 114 (1864) Exotic.

Hemigraphis repanda View in CoL (L.) Lindau & Lauterb., Nachtr. Fl. Deutsch. Südsee 385 (1905) Exotic.

Hygrophila costata Nees, Pl. Hort. Bonn. Icon. View in CoL 2: 7 (1824) Syn: Hygrophila conferta Nees View in CoL ; Hygrophila guianensis Nees Habit View in CoL : Herb. Habitat: Streamsides in shaded places. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Maracas Road, Broadway 7805 (BM). Global range: Greater Antilles, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina.

Isotheca alba Turrill, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1922: 188 View in CoL (1922) Habit: Shrub. Habitat: Rocky places near streams. IUCN: VU. Star: BK. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Aripo Heights, Broadway 7092 (BM), Williams s.n. (K, TRIN 9858), sine coll. (TRIN 10113, TRIN 14148). Global range: Venezuela (Paria Peninsula).

Justicia carthaginensis Jacq., Enum. Pl. Carib. View in CoL 11 (1760) Syn: Adhatoda carthaginensis (Jacq.) Nees Habit View in CoL : Herb. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Scarborough, Broadway 4797, (BM); Logwood Park, Broadway 9317 (K). TRINIDAD: San Fernando Hill, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 2909). Global range: Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Virgin Islands, Lesser Antilles, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Ecuador, Peru.

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Justicia comata (L.) Lam., Encyc. 1: 632 (1785) Syn: Dianthera comata L.; Stethoma comata Britton Habit : Herb. Habitat: Weed in damp thickets and woods, usually on banks of streams. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Calder Hall, Broadway 3812 (BM); Betsy’s Hope River, Louis d’Or, Broadway 3873 (K); Mason Hall, Courland River, Sandwith 1859 (K). TRINIDAD: Oropuche River, Broadway 7630 (BM, K); Matura Forest Reserve, Philcox et al. 8062 (K). Global range: Greater Antilles, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay.

Justicia flaviflora (Turrill) Wassh., Brittonia View in CoL 47: 424 (1995) Syn: Beloperone flaviflora Turrill Habit View in CoL : Shrub. Habitat: Montane Forest. IUCN: CR. Star: BK. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Aripo Heights, Williams s.n. (K, NY, TRIN 9859), Broadway 7093 (BM, K, TRIN 12986). Global range: Endemic to Trinidad, known only from the Aripo Heights.

Justicia laevilinguis (Nees) Lindau, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. View in CoL 19 (Beibl. 48): 20 (1894) Habit: Shrub. Habitat: Swamps and wet grassy places. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Nariva Swamp, Kelly s.n. (K), Philcox & Ramcharan 8181 (K). Global range: Venezuela, Surinam, French Guiana, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina.

Justicia mohintli Moc. & Sessé ex Nees, Prodr. 11: 361 (1847) Exotic.

Justicia pectoralis Jacq., Enum. Pl. Carib. 11 (1760) Syn: Dianthera pectoralis (Jacq.) J.F.Gmel. ; Stethoma pectoralis (Jacq.) Raf. Common name: Carpenter Bush, Carpenter Grass, Fresh Cut, Garden Balsam, Herbe a Charpentiers, Zeb Charpentier. Habit: Herb. Habitat: Weed of roadsides and waste places. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: SW Icacos-Cedros; San Fernando; Southern Watershed. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 5: 8% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 7: 10% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Caledonia, Broadway 4544 (BM). TRINIDAD: St. Anns, Broadway s.n. (BM); Tunapuna, Raynal 15703 (K, P); Oropuche Local Road, Broadway 6173 (K); Aripo Savanna, Howard 10346 (BM). Global range: Greater Antilles, Virgin Islands, Lesser Antilles, Mexico, Central America, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay.

Justicia secunda Vahl, Symb. Bot. View in CoL 2: 7 (1791) Syn: Dianthera secunda (Vahl) Griseb. Common Name View in CoL : Chachamunchin, St. John Bush. Habit: Shrub. Habitat: In second growth in moist shady places. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; Trinidad: Biche-Poole; Central Range; Cumaca; Huevos; P.O.S.-Santa Cruz; Princes Town; San Fernando; Tabaquite-Brickfield. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 3% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 3% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 8% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 6: 10% RBS samples); Swamp/marsh (Vegnum 11: 8% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Without locality, Gregg s.n. (BM). TRINIDAD: Woodbrook, Broadway s.n. (BM); St. Joseph, Purseglove P6123 (K); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Verdant Vale, Broadway 7672 (BM); Aripo Road, Broadway 6007 (BM, K); Aripo Heights Road, Philcox et al. 409 (K); Aripo Savanna, Howard 10352 (BM). Global range: Virgin Islands, Lesser Antilles, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, French Guiana, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru.

Justicia tobagensis (Urban) Wassh., Brittonia View in CoL 47: 425 (1995) Habit: Shrub. Habitat: Forest undergrowth. IUCN: VU. Star: BK. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Great Dog River, Eggers 5847 (K); Mount St. George-Castara Road, Baker s.n. (K, TRIN 15305). Global range: Endemic to Tobago.

Lankesteria barteri Hook.f., Bot. Mag. View in CoL 91: t. 5533 (1865) Exotic.

Lepidagathis alopecuroidea (Vahl) R.Br. ex Griseb., Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 453 (1862) Syn: Ruellia alopecuroides Vahl ; Teliostachya alopecuroides (Vahl) Nees Habit : Herb. Habitat: Weed of plantations, pathsides and roadsides in forests. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Southern Watershed. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 5: 3% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Above Bloody Bay, Sandwith 1892 (K); Roxborough to Main Ridge Road, Clement & Ryves 313 (BM). TRINIDAD: St. Anns, Corstorphine & Corstorphine s.n. (BM); Ortinola Estate, Alston 5129 (BM); St. Joseph, Philcox & Andrews 7700 (K); Curepe, Raynal 15542, (K, P); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Broadway 5926 (BM). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Peru.


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Megaskepasma erythrochlamys Lindau, Bull. Herb. Boiss. 5: 666 (1897) Exotic.

Mendoncia hoffmannseggiana Nees , in DC, Prodr. 11: 50 (1847) Habit: Climber. Habitat: In thickets. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Central Range; North Central Coast; Trinity Hills. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 4: 4% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Cap de Ville, Broadway 2227 (K). Global range: Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru.

Odontonema brevipes Urban, Symb. Antill. 7: 385 (1912) Habit: Shrub. Habitat: Deep shade in moderatealtitude forest. IUCN: VU. Star: BK. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: E Coast; NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 2% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 1% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: The Widow, near Easterfield, Broadway 3516 (BM); Lot 42, Broadway 4037 (BM); Easterfield, Broadway 4378 (BM); Main Ridge above Parlatuvier, Sandwith 1898 (K); Parlatuvier Road, Tobago Forest Reserve, Clement & Ryves 431 (BM). Global range: Endemic to Tobago.

Odontonema nitidum (Jacq.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. View in CoL 2: 494 (1891) Syn: Justicia nitidia Jacq. ; Thyrsacanthus nitidus Nees Habit View in CoL : Shrub. Habitat: Savannas. IUCN: NE. Star: BU. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Mt. St. George-Castara Road, sine coll. (TRIN 13534). TRINIDAD: Without locality, Fendler 627 (BM); San Juan, Broadway s.n. (BM); Four Roads, Riley 214 (BM); San Fernando Hill, Broadway 6089 (BM); Pitch Lake, Corstorphine & Corstorphine s.n. (BM). Global range: Greater Antilles, Virgin Islands, Lesser Antilles.

Odontonema tubaeforme (Bertol.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. View in CoL 2: 493 (1891) Exotic.

Pachystachys coccinea (Aubl.) Nees View in CoL , in DC. Prodr. 11: 319 (1847) Syn: Justicia coccinea Aubl. View in CoL ; Pachystachys riedeliana Nees Common Name View in CoL : Black Stick, Cobo Bone, Zocobo. Habit: Shrub. Habitat: Along streams and in plantations. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arima Valley; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Central Range; Grande Riviere-Matelot View in CoL ; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; Rio Claro-Mayaro; Tabaquite-Brickfield. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 2% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 5% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 6% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Santa Cruz, sine coll. (TRIN 6629); St. Anns, Broadway s.n. (BM); Loanga, Maracas Valley, Jermy 3188 (BM), Jermy 3189 (BM); Guanapo Heights, Adams 13355 (TRIN); Aripo Savanna, Howard 10350 (BM); Sans Souci, Philcox & Gillies 8277 (BM, K). Global range: Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, Brazil, Ecuador, Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Java.

Pachystachys lutea Nees, Prodr. 11: 320 (1847) Exotic.

Pachystachys spicata (Ruiz. & Pav.)Wassh., Proc. Biol. Soc. View in CoL Washington 99(1): 175(1986) Exotic

Pseuderanthemum bicolor (Schrank) Radlk., Sitzb. Math. View in CoL -Phys. Cl. Akad. Wiss. München 13: 286 (1884) Exotic.

Pseuderanthemum carruthersii (Seem.) Guillaumin, Ann. Inst. Bot. View in CoL -Géol. Colon. Marseilles sér. 6, 5–6: 48 (1948) Syn: Pseuderanthemum carruthersii (Seem.) Guillaumin var. atropurpureum (W.Bull) Fosberg Exotic. View in CoL

Ruellia fulgida Andrews, Bot. Repos. 8: t.527 (1808) Syn: Arrhostoxylum fulgidum (Andrews) Nees ; Arrhostoxylum fulgidum Nees var. angustissimum Hochr. ; Ruellia fulgida Andrews var. angustissima (Hochr.) Leonard ; Stemonacanthus fulgidus Griseb. Habit : Shrub. Habitat: Shaded forest areas. IUCN: NE. Star: BU. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; TRINIDAD: Grande Riviere-Matelot. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 4: 3% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: Near Speyside, Broadway 3876 (K); Mason Hall, Broadway 4399, (BM, K); Charlotteville, Williams s.n. (K, TRIN 11079); Castara-Parlatuvier Road, near Englishman’s Bay, Sandwith 1882 (K). TRINIDAD: Caparo, sine coll. (TRIN 7816); Mt. Tamana, Broadway 5603 (BM); Brigand Hill, sine coll. (TRIN 13629); Montserrat Hills, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 2916). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Central America, Venezuela, Colombia.

Ruellia geminiflora Kunth var. angustifolia (Nees) Griseb., Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 451 (1861) Syn: Dipteracanthus angustifolius (Nees) Bremek. ; Dipteracanthus geminiflorus Nees var. angustifolius Nees Habit : Herb. Habitat: Savannas. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Piarco-Arima. RBS Vegetation Classes: Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 12: 33% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Piarco Savanna, Britton

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& Hazen s.n. (TRIN 11534), Broadway 7588 (BM);O’Meara Savanna, [Finlay s.n.] (TRIN 2913), open savanna, Adams 13403 (TRIN). Global range: Venezuela, Colombia, Guianas, Peru, Bolivia.

Ruellia macrophylla Vahl, Symb. Bot. View in CoL 2: 72 (1791) Exotic.

Ruellia tuberosa View in CoL L., Sp. Pl. 635 (1753) Common name: Minnie Root, Monkey Gun. Habit: Herb. Habitat: Weed of waste ground; dry sandy or gravelly soil at low elevations, common in maritime localities. IUCN: LC. Star: GN . RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD : Nariva ; Princes Town; San Fernando; Chacachacare; Monos . RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 5: 8% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 6: 30% RBS samples; Vegnum 7: 10% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO : Scarborough , Feilden s.n. ( K), Broadway 2986 ( BM); near Mt. St. George, Clement & Ryves 187 ( BM). TRINIDAD : Woodbrook , Broadway s.n. ( BM); Tunapuna, Raynal 15707 ( K); Cunupia, Broadway s.n. ( K); Plum-Mitan Road, Philcox & Andrews 7742 ( K). Global range: Bahamas, Cayman Islands , Greater Antilles , Virgin Islands , Lesser Antilles , United States (Florida) , Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela , Guianas , Peru .

Ruspolia hypocrateriformis (Vahl) Milne-Redh., Kew Bull. 1936: 269 View in CoL (1936) Exotic.

Ruspolia seticalyx (C.B.Clarke) Milne-Redh., Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1936: 270 View in CoL (1936) Syn: Pseuderanthemum seticalyx Stapf Exotic. View in CoL

Sanchezia oblonga Ruiz & Pav., Fl. Peruv. View in CoL 1: 7 (1798) Syn: Sanchezia nobilis Hook.f. Exotic. View in CoL

Schaueria flavicoma (Lindl.) N.E.Br., Gard. Chron. View in CoL 1: 14 (1883) Exotic.

Staurogyne trinitensis Leonard, J. Wash. Acad. Sci. View in CoL 27: 401 (1937) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Roadsides. IUCN: NE. Star: BU. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Arima, [Finlay s.n.] (NY, TRIN 2900). Global range: Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil.

Thunbergia alata Boj. ex Sims, Bot. Mag. View in CoL 52: t.2591 (1825) Syn: Thunbergia alata Boj. ex Sims var. alba Paxton View in CoL ; Thunbergia alata Boj. ex Sims var. albiflora Hooker Common Name View in CoL : Black-Eyed Susan. Exotic.

Thunbergia erecta (Benth.) T.Anderson, J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. View in CoL 7: 18 (1863) Exotic.

Thunbergia fragrans Roxb., Pl. Coromandel View in CoL 1: 47 (1796) Syn: Thunbergia volubilis Pers. Exotic. View in CoL

Thunbergia grandiflora (Roxb. ex Rottler) Roxb., Bot. Regist. View in CoL 6: t. 495 (1820) Exotic.


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Royal Botanic Society


Royal Botanic Gardens


Bristol Museum














Aphelandra pulcherrima (Jacq.) Kunth

Baksh-Comeau, Yasmin S., Maharaj, Shobha S., Adams, Dennis, Harris, Stephen A., Filer, Denis L. & Hawthorne, William D. 2016

Pseuderanthemum bicolor (Schrank)

Schrank 1884: 286

Graptophyllum pictum

1854: 139

Crossandra infundibuliformis

Nees 1832: 98
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