Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) verrucosus Wainstein, 1972

Tixier, Marie-Stéphane, Dennj, Principato, Douin, Martial, Kreiter, Serge & Haralabos, Tsolakis, 2019, Mites of the genus Typhlodromus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from Southern France: combined morphological and molecular approaches for species identification, Zootaxa 4604 (2), pp. 242-280 : 259

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Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) verrucosus Wainstein, 1972


Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) verrucosus Wainstein, 1972 View in CoL

Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) verrucosus Wainstein, 1972: 1480 View in CoL .

Anthoseius verrucosus — Beglyarov, 1981: 24.

Anthoseius (Aphanoseius) vernicosus [sic]— Karg, 1983: 323.

Amblydromella verrucosa — Moraes et al., 1986: 177.

Amblydromella (Aphanoseia) verrucosa — Denmark & Welbourn, 2002: 309.

Specimens collected. Two females on Pinus sp. ( Pinaceae ) in Parc des Cévennes, France (44°05’47.3”N, 3°33’03.7”E), on 14/09/2017.

Known distribution. Austria, Czechoslovakia, Georgia, Italy, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine.

Measurements (2 females) ( Figs 24–29 View FIGURES 24–29 )

Dorsum. Dorsal shield 405, 388 long, 250, 242 wide at level of setae s4, 275, 274 at level of setae S2 and 257, 232 at level of setae S4; strongly reticulated with embossed cells mainly in the dorsocentral region. With five crataeriform solenostomes (gd2, gd4, gd6, gd8, gd9); solenostome gd3 clearly visible on the peritremal shield at level of setae z4–s4. 18 pairs of dorsal setae and two pairs of sub-lateral setae: j 1 28, 26; j3 28; j 4 20, 21; j 5 17, 20; j6 24; J2 26; J 5 14, 12; z2 21; z3 21; z 4 26, 25; z 5 21, 22; Z4 30; Z5 45, 46; s4 26; s 6 28, 27; S2 29; S4 32; S 5 31, 33; r 3 27, 28; R1 23. All setae are thick, blunt and smooth, except S4, S5, Z4 and Z5 slightly serrated. Peritreme extending forward to level of the bases of setae j1. Poroids id1, id2, id4, is1, idm1, idm2, idm3 and idx visible on the dorsal shield.

Ventral idiosoma. Sternal shield smooth, with two pairs of setae (st1, st2) and poroids iv1 and iv2 on the posterior margin of the sternal shield. Distances between setae st1–st1 54, 56, st2–st2 84, 81, st1–st2 68, 73. A clear constriction of the sternal shield is present anterior to setae st2. Setae st3 on the interscutal membrane, setae st4 and poroids iv3 tylochorous (on platelets). Genital shield with a clear indentation posteriorly to the setae st5 at the bases of genital sigilla (1–3 pairs). The 4 th and 5 th pairs of genital sigilla not allways visible. The 6 th pair of sigilla (sgpa) filiform, postero-paraxial to setae ZV1. Ventrianal shield sub-pentagonal with a constriction at level of setae JV2. Length of the ventrianal shield 139, 126, width at level of setae ZV2 105, 88, at level of setae JV2 98, 83, at level of setae JV3 97, 83 and at level of para-anal setae 93, 74. Solenostome gv3 small, postero-paraxial to the setae JV2 at the level of setae JV3. Four pairs of pre-anal setae, JV1, JV2, JV3 and ZV2 on the ventrianal shield. Setae JV5 smooth 38, 41 long. Anterior inguinal sigilla (metapodal plates) filiform, slightly curved 11–12 long. The posterior ones 27, 33 long and 6–7 thick.

Chelicera. The fixed digit 38, 36 long, with four teeth plus the apical one (a 5 th tooth is sometimes visible posteriorly to the pilus dentilis); three of them between the apical tooth and the pilus dentilis and one tooth laterally to the pilus dentilis. Movable digit 37–35 long, with three teeth; the proximal one is very small.

Legs. Genu II with seven setae, 2 2/0 2/0 1; Legs IV with three macrosetae: SgeIV 21–22 (with spatulate tip), StiIV 25, 26 (with rounded tip), StIV 37, 38 (with spatulate tip).

Insemination apparatus. Major duct short 6–7, accessus sometimes visible. Atrium incorporated at the basis of the calyx. Minor duct clearly visible, the extremity of the minor duct sometimes observable ( Fig. 29 View FIGURES 24–29 ). Calyx 29–32 long, almost cylindrical initially (width 4–5), with a constriction at the half of its length (width 1.5–3), and getting larger afterwards (width 15–18), thicker, with a cup shape.

Remarks. In Moraes et al., (2004), this species is mentioned as a synonym of Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) richteri Karg. Evans & Edland (1998) proposed this synonymy but did not provide any argumentation for supporting this decision. The seta length measurements provided by Evans & Edland (1998) are similar to those provided in the original description of T. (A.) verrucosus . Unfortunately, the original description of T. (A.) richteri ( Karg, 1970) is very brief. In the world database of Demite et al. (2018), T. (A.) verrucosus and T. (A.) richteri are considered as valid species. Evans & Edland (1998) mentioned four solenostomes on the dorsal shield of T. (A.) richteri and 1–3 teeth on the movable digit of the chelicera (three teeth being the most frequent situation). Karg (1970) did not mention solenostomes in the original description of T. (A.) richteri and indicated the presence of two teeth on the movable digit. Wainstein (1972) in the original description of T. (A.) verrucosus reported three teeth on the movable digit and six pairs of pores on the dorsal shield (although his illustrations indicate five pairs, gd2, gd4, gd6, gd8, gd9). Probably the 6 th pair reported is the poroids id1. In all specimens examined from France, we found five pairs of dorsal solenostomes (gd2, gd4, gd6, gd8, gd9) and three teeth on the movable digit of the chelicerae. It should be mentioned that in four specimens the 3 rd tooth was vestigial. Thus, we considered the specimens herein collected as T. (A.) verrucosus because of the number of solenostomes on the dorsal shield. This is the first time that this species is reported from France.














Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) verrucosus Wainstein, 1972

Tixier, Marie-Stéphane, Dennj, Principato, Douin, Martial, Kreiter, Serge & Haralabos, Tsolakis 2019

Amblydromella (Aphanoseia) verrucosa

Denmark, H. A. & Welbourn, W. C. 2002: 309

Amblydromella verrucosa

Moraes, G. J. & McMurtry, J. A. & Denmark, H. A. 1986: 177

Anthoseius (Aphanoseius) vernicosus

Karg, W. 1983: 323

Anthoseius verrucosus

Beglyarov, G. A. 1981: 24

Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) verrucosus Wainstein, 1972 : 1480

Wainstein, B. A. 1972: 1480
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