Anopinella macrosema Brown and Adamski

Brown, John W. & Adamski, David, 2003, Systematic revision of Anopinella Powell (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Euliini) and phylogenetic analysis of the Apolychrosis group of genera, Zootaxa 200, pp. 1-94 : 33-35

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scientific name

Anopinella macrosema Brown and Adamski

sp. nov.

Anopinella macrosema Brown and Adamski View in CoL , new species

Figs. 24 View FIGURES 23 ­ 24 , 47 View FIGURES 46 ­ 47 , 82

Diagnosis. Anopinella macrosema is one of the largest species in the genus; the male genitalia are somewhat similar to those of A. phillipsae and A. peruvensis in the possession of minute, highly reduced socii. Anopinella phillipsae has a much smaller forewing length, patches of shiny, apically recurved scales on the basal ca. 0.65 of the forewing (lacking in A. macrosema ), and a broader, more apically recurved cucullus ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 23 ­ 24 , 25 View FIGURES 25 ­ 26 ). Anopinella peruvensis has a unique attenuate, upcurved apex of the valva ( Fig. 27 View FIGURES 27 ­ 28 ). Anopinella macrosema can be distinguished from other Anopinella by the combination of the following: large size, pale forewing ground color, minute socius, slightly apically recurved costa of the valva, broadly rounded apicoventral angle of the cucullus, and sparse hair­like spicules of the corpus bursae on the side opposite of ductus seminalis.

Description. Head: Frontoclypeus white, or white with dark brown on lateral marginal, vertex white intermixed with few dark brown scales; labial palpus with outer surface brown intermixed with white basally, inner surface white. Antenna with scape white; flagellomeres pale brown intermixed with few brown scales.

Thorax: Tegula and mesonotum white. Forewing (Fig. 82) length 9.9­12.0 mm (mean = 11.2; n = 10); basal fascia yellowish brown intermixed with few brown and reddishbrown scales; costal blotch yellowish brown intermixed with brown, reddish brown, and dark brown; basal fascia and costa blotch separated by a pale band of white intermixed with few yellowish­brown scales demarcating costal blotch, recurved from distal costa to tornus, encircling elliptical ocellus, except posterior end; costal blotch with a small white oblong spot near posterior end; area between CuP and posterior margin pale reddish brown intermixed with few brown scales; apical area reddish brown intermixed with brown; submarginal area reddish brown intermixed with brown. Fringe with inner portion gray, outer portion pale gray. Hindwing pale gray, with faint irregular transverse bands, gradually darkening from base to apex.

Abdomen: Male genitalia ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 23 ­ 24 ; drawn from JWB slide 1067; n = 4) with uncus strongly curved at basal 0.33. Socius minute. Gnathos arms slender, with laterally flattened, uptunred apical lobes connected dorsally by an acutely arched flange. Valva with costa upturned at apex; sparse piliform setae on basal ridge; sacculus slightly rounded; postsacculus broadly emarginate, divergent from costa, forming an elongate, broadly rounded cucullus; cucullus moderately setose. Phallus weakly curved near middle; vesica densely microtrichiate. Female genitalia ( Fig. 47 View FIGURES 46 ­ 47 ; drawn from JWB slides 1068, 1190; n = 3) with weakly developed, subtriangular sclerotized patch at lamella postvaginalis; eighth tergum with a median longitudinal sinus; ostium U­shaped, slightly narrowed, ca. 0.25 width of seventh sternum at widest point. Ductus bursae moderately long; inception of accessory bursae ca. equidistant between ostium and corpus bursae. Corpus bursae large, subspherical, with sparse hair­like spicules on side opposite of ductus seminalis.

Holotype, ɗ, Costa Rica , Cartago Province, Villa Mills, 3100 m, 9 Jul 1993, E. Phillips. Deposited in INBio.

Paratypes (3ɗ, 6Ψ). COSTA RICA : Cartago Province: Villa Mills, 3100 m, 9 Jul 1993 (1ɗ), E. Phillips (INBio). Río Macho, Est. Ojo de Agua, Sendero al Torre 47, 2960 m, 26 Mar 1998 (1ɗ), E. Alfaro, B. Gamboa & A. Picado (INBio). Guarco, Est. La Esperanza, 2600 m, Jul 2001 (1Ψ), R. Delgado (INBio). El Guarco, R.F. Río Macho, 500 m E Est. La Esperanza, 2600 m, 13­14 May 2002 (1Ψ), J. Jiménez & E. Phillips (INBio). Cerro de la Muerte, 3100 m, 17 Sep 1998 (1Ψ), V. O. Becker (VBC). Macizo de la Muerte, Pension la Georgina, 3000 m, Cerro de Muerte, S border Cartago Province, 23­25 May 1985 (1ɗ), blacklight, J. Powell & P. A. Opler (UCB). Puntarenas Province: Est. La Casona, 1520 m, 4­23 Aug 1994 (1Ψ), K. L. Martinez (INBio). San José Province: Est. Cuericí, Sendero al Mirador, 4.6 km E Villa Mills, 2640 m, 20­22 Jan 1996 (1Ψ), B. Gamboa (INBio), 2600 m, 21­26 Sep 1995 (1Ψ), B. Gamboa (INBio).

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from “macro,” referring to the relatively large size of this species, and “sema” or seed.















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