Amerodectes longifuscus Hernandes & Pedroso

Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, Pedroso, Luiz Gustavo A. & Oniki-Willis, Yoshika, 2016, Five new feather mites of the subfamily Pterodectinae (Acariformes: Astigmata: Proctophyllodidae) from passerines and hummingbirds (Aves) of Brazil, Zootaxa 4161 (3), pp. 301-328 : 303-307

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Amerodectes longifuscus Hernandes & Pedroso

sp. nov.

Amerodectes longifuscus Hernandes & Pedroso sp. nov.

( Figs. 1–3 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 , 16 View FIGURE 16 A, 17A, 17F)

Type material. Holotype male, paratypes 21 males, 15 females, 11 tritonymphs and 1 larva ex Poospiza lateralis (Nordmann, 1835) ( Passeriformes : Emberizidae ), BRAZIL, São Paulo State, Campos do Jordão , 22°44'20"S 45°35'27"W, 25 July 1979, Y. Oniki-Willis and E.O. Willis cols. (#Y-24) GoogleMaps ; 4 males and 6 females, same host species, locality and collector, 30 January, 1979, (#Y-51).

Type deposition: Holotype male at DZUnesp-RC (#3569); paratypes at DZUnesp-RC (#3570–3602), MHNCI, ZISP, UMMZ, USNM, and DZSJRP.

Male. (holotype, range for 8 paratypes in parentheses). Idiosoma, length × width, 390 (384–401) × 143 (133– 156). Prodorsal shield: entire, lateral margins slightly concave at level of scapular setae, posterior margin straight, posterior angles rounded, length 118 (114–125), width 106 (99–109), surface with median dark patch posterior to scapular setae, and a few minute lacunae ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 A); bases of scapular setae se separated by 56 (54–59). Setae ve present, rudimentary. Scapular shields narrow. Humeral shields absent. Setae cp and c2 situated on striated tegument. Subhumeral setae c3 lanceolate, 23 (24–30) × 9 (7–8). Hysteronotal shield: greatest length 267 (260– 273), width at anterior margin 102 (98–109), anterior margin straight, surface without lacunae, with a longitudinal patch of dark sclerotization medially; in some specimens this patch is less expressed. Distance between prodorsal and hysteronotal shields 10 (6–14). Posterior margins of opisthosomal lobes rounded. Terminal cleft shaped as an inverted U with divergent branches, 29 (28–34) long. Supranal concavity indistinct. Setae f2 anterior to bases of setae ps2. Setae h1 situated slightly anterior to level of f2. Setae h3 setiform (slender), 83 (72–94) long; setae ps2 78 (77–90) long; setae ps1 filiform, about 5 long, situated slightly anterior to bases of setae h3. Distances between dorsal setae: c1: d2 113 (101–110), d2: h1 117 (108–121), h2: h2 58 (52–61), h3: h3 42 (37–46).

Epimerites I fused into a V, fused part connected to medial parts of epimerites II by narrow transverse bands ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 B). Coxal fields I, II without extensively sclerotized areas. Rudimentary sclerites rEpIIa absent. Coxal fields I closed, II–IV open. Epimerites IVa indiscernible. Genital arch 38 (40–44) in width; aedeagus 108 (102–120) long from anterior bend to tip, extending to midlevel of adanal suckers. Genital papillae not connected at bases. Genital and adanal shields absent. Adanal suckers 12 (11–14) in diameter, distance between centers of discs 33 (31–43), corolla smooth, surrounding membrane with radial striae. Opisthoventral shields occupying lateral areas of opisthosoma and distal half of opisthosomal lobes; inner margins of these shields at level of anal suckers with blunt- angular extensions bearing setae ps3. Setae 4b situated slightly posterior to level of setae 3a. Distance between ventral setae: 1a: 4b 131 (122–138), 4b: 4a 42 (40–45), 4a: g 47 (45–50), g: ps3 60 (56–63), ps3: ps3 62 (62– 73).

Femora II with narrow ventral crest ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 B), other segments of legs I–IV without processes. Solenidion σ1 of genu I 11 (9–12) long, situated at midlevel of segment; solenidion σ of genu III inserted at distal half of segment. Genual setae cG I, II and mG I, II filiform. Seta d of tarsi II slightly shorter than corresponding seta f; seta d of tarsi III two to three times shorter than corresponding seta f ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 C). Solenidion φ of tibia IV extending to midlevel of ambulacral disc. Tarsus IV 27 (26–29) long, without claw-like apical process; setae d and e button-like, seta d situated at midlevel of segment ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 D).

Female (range for 8 paratypes). Idiosoma, length × width, 539–556 × 161–180. Prodorsal shield: shape as in male, length × width, 130–140 × 117–133, surface with few lacunae and with median dark patch from the level of scapular setae to posterior margin of shield, bases of setae se separated by 67–77 ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 A). Setae ve present, rudimentary. Scapular shields narrow, poorly developed dorsally. Humeral shields absent. Setae cp and c2 situated on striated tegument. Setae c3 lanceolate, 25–31 × 7–10. Anterior and lobar parts of hysteronotal shield separated dorsally by narrow transverse band of soft tegument ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 B). Distance between prodorsal and anterior hysteronotal shields 5–24. Anterior hysteronotal shield roughly rectangular, anterior margin straight, greatest length 282–309, width at anterior margin 118–151, surface with small lacunae in posterior part, with median dark band (this band is noticeably wider than in male). Length of lobar region 87–108, greatest width 83–97. Terminal cleft narrow, 57–64 long. Supranal concavity distinct; lobar shield undivided medially, surface without ornamentation. Setae h1 slightly anterior to level of supranal concavity; setae h1 and f2 arranged in a trapezium. Setae h2 lanceolate with blunt apex, 43–47 × 7–8. Setae ps1 situated near inner margins of opisthosomal lobes, closer to h3 than to h2. Setae h 3 17–24 long. Distances between dorsal setae: c1: d2 130–147, d2: h1 158–166, h2: h2 69–75, h3: h 3 29–41.

Epimerites I fused into a V ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 B). Coxal fields I–IV open. Epimerites IVa indiscernible. Translobar apodemes of opisthosomal lobes present, wide, fused to each other anterior to terminal cleft. Epigynum horseshoe shaped, greatest width 63–73; apodemes of ovipore connected with epimerites IIIa. Primary spermaduct with slight enlargement near the head of spermatheca; secondary spermaducts 12–18 long ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 F). Pseudanal setae filiform, setae ps2 situated at level of posterior half of anal opening; distance between pseudanal setae: ps2: ps2 43–49, ps3: ps 3 17–24, ps2: ps 3 22–27.

Femora II with ventral crest, other segments of legs I, II without processes. Solenidion σ1 of genu I short, 11– 15 long, situated at midlevel of segment. Solenidion σ of genu III inserted basally. Genual setae cG I, II, mG I, II as in male. Seta d of tarsi I, II slightly shorter than corresponding seta f, setae d of tarsi III, IV 2–3 times shorter than corresponding setae f. Genu IV dorsally inflated, with narrow dorsal crest.

Differential diagnosis. Amerodectes longifuscus sp. nov. is similar to three species of this genus described from hosts of the family Emberizidae : A. phyrgillus Mironov & González-Acuña 2011 , A. sicalis Mironov & González-Acuña 2011 , and A. zonotrichiae Mironov & González-Acuña 2014 . All those species have, in males, setae h3 long, exceeding the distance between scapular setae se, and the aedeagus reaching the midlevel or posterior margins of the adanal suckers. The new species can be distinguished from all three species in having the coxal fields I closed in males (posterior part of epimerites I connected with epimerites II), and by having a median dark band on the hysteronotal shield and the posterior part of the prodorsal shield. In males of A. phyrgillus , A. sicalis and A. zonotrichiae , the coxal fields I are open (epimerites I and II are not connected), and the dorsal shields lack any longitudinal dark patch. Females of the new species are also easily distinguished from the same three species by the presence of the median dark band on the anterior hysteronotal shield and in the posterior half of the prodorsal shield. Any median sclerotized bands are absent in the other three species.

Remarks. Although the unique longitudinal pattern of darker sclerotization of this species is absent in previously described species of Amerodectes , it has been reported in species of another pterodectine genus from the Old World: Montesauria euplectes Mironov & Fain 2003 , M. jesionowskii Mironov & Kopij 1997 , M. macronoi Mironov et al. 2012 , and M. pallida Mironov 2008 ; in the latter three species it has been reported from females only ( Mironov & Fain 2003; Mironov & Kopij 1997; Mironov 2008; Mironov et al. 2012).

Etymology. The specific name refers to the longitudinal dark band on the dorsal shields in both sexes (from longus, L. = long + fuscus, L. = dark, swarthy) and is an adjective.

















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