Amegilla (Asaropoda) frogatti Cockerell, 1914

Leijs, Remko, Dorey, James & Hogendoorn, Katja, 2020, The genus Amegilla (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Anthophorini) in Australia: a revision of the subgenus Asaropoda, ZooKeys 908, pp. 45-122 : 45

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scientific name

Amegilla (Asaropoda) frogatti Cockerell, 1914


Amegilla (Asaropoda) frogatti Cockerell, 1914 Figure 13A-M View Figure 13

Anthophora preissi frogatti Cockerell, 1914: 468.

Specimens examined

(4 males, 3 females).


Holotype of A. frogatti : female, Brewarrina, NSW, 1914, WW Frogatt, NHM UK 010812649.


Male with round patch of black bristles on S4 and shallow emarginated apicomedial area of S5. Female paraclypeal and supraclypeal marks present, tibial scopa grey, T2 with band of black hairs anteriorly, process on S6 small narrow transverse lineo-reticulate, shiny posteriorly, not well defined (Fig. 13L View Figure 13 ). Overall appearance grey, as in preissi .

Decision for synonymy.

Anthophora preissi frogatti was synonymised by Brooks, 1988 with preissi without stating the reason for doing so. Examination of the types of A. preissi and A. preissi frogatti clearly indicate different species, particularly because of the absence of yellow integument of the para- and supra-clypeal areas in female A. preissi . The type localities respectively, WA ( A. preissi ) and Brewarrina, NSW ( A. preissi frogatti ), may also indicate that these names belong to different species.

The description of A. preissi frogatti place it in the calva group. There is a male from the type locality: Brewarrina, NSW, 1914, WW Frogatt, in the QM collection with identification label from Hacker. The sternum morphology of this specimen shows that it is in the calva group, indicating that A. frogatti is a valid species. Although the male of A. preissi has never been described, the sternum morphology as well as the patch of bristles on S4, which has an elongated shape in A. preissi and is round in A. frogatti , also validates A. frogatti as a separate species.


Male (QM T238472): Body length 14 mm, forewing length 9.3 mm, head width 4.5 mm.

Structure: Inner orbits of eyes slightly diverging above; head wider than long; clypeal protuberance in profile 0.68 × eye width; mandible with distinct subapical tooth; F1 equal to combined length of next 1.6 flagellomeres; F1 0.6 × as long as scape; F2 0.58 × as long as F3; F3-F10 1.83 × as long as wide; last flagellomere 1.13 × as long as F1; marginal cell length 0.82 distance from apex of cell to wing tip; cu-v of hind wing circa as long as second abscissa of M+Cu; S5 with apicomedial emargination narrow triangular shaped circa five times as wide as deep; S6 with apicomedial emargination very shallow and wide; T7 extended emarginated resulting in two lateral teeth.

Genitalia: penis valves with well extended shoulders; volsella short with 12 short setae (Fig. 13H View Figure 13 ); gonocoxa laterally with a few short setae; apex of gonocoxa with acute ventral and dorsal lobes; outer gonostylus circa as long as penis valve base, with robust setae at inner surface; inner gonostylus little shorter than outer gonostylus, slightly club shaped with short robust setae at apex (Fig. 13G View Figure 13 ); S7 (Fig. 13E View Figure 13 ); S8 apex slightly emarginated, with slender setae at apex and along midline (Fig. 13F View Figure 13 ).

Pubescence: Head white on genae and labrum, clypeus and paraclypeal area black, vertex and around ocelli grey intermixed with black hairs; scutum with pale brown hairs anteriorly, remaining hairs grey intermixed with black hairs; scutellum and metanotum grey intermixed with black hairs; mesosoma laterally and ventrally white, under wing base grey-pale brown intermixed with black hairs; fore leg femur and tibia posteriorly with long white hair intermixed with some black hairs, pale brown hairs on outer surface; mid and hind legs black on inner surface and pale brown-grey on outer surface; metasomal terga T1 anteriorly with white hairs, on disk with pale brown hairs; T2-T5 hairs pale brown, T2 anteriorly with entire band of black hairs; T3 with entire band of black hairs, but narrower than on T2; S1-S4 with narrow fringes of adpressed white hairs on posterior margins, hairs on disks erect and pale brown darker towards sides; S4 apicomedial area with small round patch of posteriorly- and proximally-directed black bristles; S5 with long brown branched hairs around the emargination and long pale brown fringes at lateral corners; S6 with dense batch of dark brown branches hairs apicomedially.

Colouration: Integument black, apart from: posterior margins of sterna translucent orange-brown; legs dark brown; scape with ivory mark below, black above; labrum ivory with translucent dots near dorsolateral corners; clypeus ivory; supraclypeal area ivory; paraclypeal area ivory; mandible ivory at base brownish at tip; proboscis orange-brown.

Female redescription (QM T238470): Body length 14.5 mm, forewing length 10.4 mm, head width 5.2 mm.

Structure: Inner orbits of eyes almost parallel; head wider than long; clypeal protuberance in profile 0.69 × eye width; mandible with distinct subapical tooth; F1 equal to combined length of next 2.6 flagellomeres; F1 0.85 × as long as scape; F2 circa as long as F3; F3-F10 1.25 × as long as wide; last flagellomere 0.66 × as long as F1; marginal cell length 0.82 distance from apex of cell to wing tip; cu-v of hind wing 1.42 × as long as second abscissa of M+Cu; S6 with small median slightly raised area (Fig. 13L View Figure 13 ).

Pubescence: Head with white hairs on genae and labrum, clypeus and paraclypeal area black, grey intermixed with black hairs on vertex and around ocelli; scutum with anteriorly with pale brown hairs, remaining hairs grey intermixed with black hairs; scutellum and metanotum grey intermixed with black hairs; mesosoma laterally and ventrally with white pubescence and intermixed black hairs; pronotal lobes grey-pale brown, ventrally between hind coxa black; fore leg with femur and tibia posteriorly with long white hair intermixed with some black and pale brown hairs on outer surface; mid and hind legs black on inner surface and grey-white on outer surface; scopa on hind leg grey-white with streak of pale brown hair below basitibial plate; metasomal terga T1 anteriorly white intermixed with dark hairs, on disk with pale brown hairs; T2-T5 hairs pale brown; T2 anteriorly with entire band of black hairs; T3 with black hairs anterolaterally; T5 with black prepygidial fimbria; T6 with strong black hairs flanking the pygidial plate; S2-S4 on posterior margins with narrow fringes of white hairs laterally and black medially, the fringes with black hairs wider on consecutive terga, hairs on disks erect and black.

Colouration: Integument black, apart from: posterior margins of sterna translucent orange-brown; legs dark brown; labrum ivory with translucent dots near dorsolateral corners; clypeus ivory with two large dark brown patches in dorsolateral corners leaving a narrow ivory midline; supraclypeal area ivory; paraclypeal area ivory; mandible ivory at base brownish at tip; proboscis orange-brown.

Flower records.

Capparis mitchelli ( Capparaceae ).


Figure 13I View Figure 13 .













