Acrostichum sp.

Kvaček, Zlatko & Teodoridis, Vasilis, 2011, The Late Eocene Flora Of Kučlín Near Bílina In North Bohemia Revisited, Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B 67 (3 - 4), pp. 83-144 : 87-88

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scientific name

Acrostichum sp.


Acrostichum sp.

Pl. 1, fig. 9

2002a Acrostichum lanzeanum (VISIANI) CHANDLER ; Kvaček, p. 221, pl. 4, fig. 9.

Fragmentary slightly ovate (?) pinnae with entire margin, showing straight midvein and dense simple secondaries at almost right angle, occasionally dichotomizing near the midrib.

D i s c u s s i o n: Bůžek et al. (1990, fig. 3) mentioned the occurrence of Acrostichum and illustrated a detail with anastomosing venation. The specimens ( Kvaček 2002a, pl. 4, fig. 9) do not show anastomoses very distinctly and correspond in this respect with some records from the Eocene of England ( Gardner and Ettingshausen, 1879 –1882, pl. 1). These poorly and incompletely preserved fragments may represent Acrostichum lanzeanum , of which both sterile and fertile pinnae were recorded in other Eocene floras of the Northern Hemisphere (in Europe e.g., Eckfeld, Geiseltal, Célas, Bembridge) but also in the Oligocene (e.g., at Eger-Kiseged, Hungary – Andreánszky 1954). Its nearest living relative, Acrostichum aureum , is a common mangrow fern with the cosmopolite distribution in tropical and subtropical areas.

M a t e r i a l: CGS sine num., NM G 7896a, b.


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