Achaetothorax mahunkaorum, Papp, László, 2017

Papp, László, 2017, Twenty New Species Of Fifteen Genera Of The Afrotropical Sphaeroceridae (Diptera), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63 (4), pp. 377-427 : 378-380

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.63.4.377.2017

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scientific name

Achaetothorax mahunkaorum

sp. nov.

Achaetothorax mahunkaorum View in CoL sp. n.

(Figs 1–7)

Holotypemale ( HNHM): KENYA: ShimbaHillsNat. Park , 2003. 02. 20–25., leg. Ma- hunkaS.[ándor] – PappL.[ujza] .

Paratypes ( HNHM): 2 males (oneofthemwithgen. prep.): samelabeldata .

Size (inmm): bodylength 1.96 (holotype), 1.75–2.00 (paratypes); winglength 1.78 (holotype), 1.56–1.69 (paratypes); wingwidth 0.60 (holotype), 0.60–0.64 (paratypes).

Description. Male. Headallshinyblack, mostpartswithfinehachure, exceptfrontal triangleandapostoculararea. Firstflagellomeredirtyyellow, pedicelandscapegreywith someyellowishhue. Aristabare, 0.53 mmlong. Innerverticalsetamediumlong, 0.13 mm. Genawithstronglongitudinalhachure, narrowest (beloweye) width 0.10 mm, longitudi- nalaxisofeye 0.35 mm. Genalsetashort, 0.04 mm. Clypeuslarge. Prothoraxsmall, hardly discernibleindorsalview, 1 pprnt, 2 reclinate np, 1–1 pre-andpost-sutural sa (ia, thelatter small), 1 pa (large, 0.24 mm long). No kepst. Apical sc 0.41–0.42 mm, basal sc 0.23 mm long. Legsmostlyblack, forecoxaandtrochanter, baseofforetibiaandforetarsomeres 2–5 yel- low. Malemidtrochanternormal (withoutconicalventroapicallobe), slightlyextended ventrally. Mid coxa and trochanter as well as basal 2/5 to half of mid femur yellow. Mid tarsusdirtyyellow. Hindcoxa, trochanter, basal 1/3 ofhindfemur, tarsomeres 3–5, yel- low. Hindfemurstronglythickenedwithusualantero-andpostero-ventralshortsetae andananteroventralrowofshortthickthorns (pegs). Hindbasitarsusnotmodified. Wing membranehyaline, veinsochrous [holotype’syellowduetofadingonalcohol). Halterwax yellow.

Abdominal sternite 5 (Figs 1–2) much broader than long, with sparse long setae, includingapairofverylongsublateral- subapicalsetaeof 0.15 mm. Sternite 5 withamedio- Figs 1–7. Achaetothorax mahunkaorum sp. n., male sternite 5 and genitalia. 1 = sternite 5, ventral view, 2 = caudal half of sternite 5 in higher magnification, 3 = hypandrium, ventral view, 4 = surstylusandcaudalpartofhypandrium, lateralview, 5 = anus, subepandrial scleriteandcerci, caudalview, 6 = basiphalluswithbaseofphallapodeme, lateralview, 7 = postgonite, in broadest extension (sublateral view). Scale bar: 0.4 mm for Fig. 1, 0.2 mm for

Figs 2–5, 0.1 mm for Figs 6–7

caudalnarrowandsharpprocess, thoughlesssclerotised. Malegenitalia (Figs 3–7) characteristic with robust, apically rounded cercus (Fig. 5). Hypandrium (Fig. 3) large, with long medialapodemeandnarrowarms. Surstylus (Fig. 4) short, broadinlateralview, apex almostsharpincaudalview (Fig. 5), thornrathersmall. Basiphallus (Fig. 6) robustwith abooth-shapedventro-caudalprocess. Postgonite (Fig. 7; paramereofPAPP & Norrbom 1992) broadwithwidelyroundedcaudaledgeandashortbroad (muchnarrowing), cau- dallynosharpventralprocess.

Female. Abdominalsternite 2–5 evenlysclerotised. Longestsetaoftergite 5 atmargin, 0.20 mm. Cercus with two long down curved setae plus one medium size seta besides severalshorter, straight, hair-likesetae.

Etymology. Inamedthisnewspeciesafterthecollectors: thelateMrsMahunka (née

LujzaPapp) andthelateProf. Dr. SándorMahunka.

Comments. This species runs into couplet 9 in Norrbom and PAPP’s (1994) key, where it would go into a third case, wing with microtrichose area entirely covering cells r 2+3 and d, and only part of basal cells is non-microtrichose. The malegenitaliaarepeculiar, withitssurstylusshortandbroadbearingasharp apex and very small thorn.

Inthepapercomparingofthefliescapturedonelephantdungandcat- tle dung in the R.S.A. ( PAPP 2008 b) one may notice that there I listed a species “Achaetothoraxbovinussp. n.”. Studyingthespecimensagain, Icametothe conclusionthatthosespecimensareconspecificwith A. grootaerti , withonly minordifferences.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













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