
Costa, Maria Kátia Matiotti Da, Carvalho, Gervásio Silva & Zefa, Edison, 2022, Male genitalia morphology and dichotomous key of the Neotropical genera of Abracrini (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Ommatolampidinae) grasshoppers, Zootaxa 5159 (3), pp. 383-392 : 389-390

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https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5159.3.4

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Key to external and internal male genitalia of the Abracrini View in CoL genera.

1. Suboval epiproct and absence of furculae.................................................................. 2

1´. Subrectangular epiproct and presence of furculae paired and fused.............................................. 3

2. Cerci bifurcated, short and robust with branch internal short; bridge of the epiphallus concave; ectophallic sheath wide; gonopore ventral expansion rectangular................................................................ Agesander View in CoL

2´. Cerci not bifurcated, long and slender; bridge of the epiphallus flat; ectophallic sheath narrow; gonopore ventral expansion digitiform.................................................................................... Ixalotettix View in CoL

3. Bridge of the epiphallus flat; lophi of the epiphallus not sclerotized; ectophallic sheath wide and aedeagus valves long, equal in size................................................................................................ 4

3`. Bridge of the epiphallus concave with or without medium reentrance; lophi of the epiphallus sclerotized; aedeagus valves short............................................................................................... 5

4. Presence of protuberances in the median region of the epiproct; cerci bifurcated thin, large and pointed apex; anterior projections same size as the ancorae; posterior projections divergent......................................... Parasitalces View in CoL

4´. Presence of median salience at the posterior border of the epiproct; cerci not bifurcated, rounded apex; anterior projections shorter as the ancorae; posterior projections convergent.................................................. Sitalces View in CoL

5. Furculae widely separate, represented by small points; lophi sclerotized.......................................... 6

5´. Furculae absent; lophi not sclerotized..................................................................... 7

6. Epiproct triangular; furculae sclerotized; cerci short and conical; aedeagus valves with apex superior larger than the inferior; ectophallic sheath narrow........................................................................ Roppacris View in CoL

6´. Epiproct rectangular; furculae not sclerotized; cerci long, thin and with small bifurcation; aedeagus valves with apex superior same size than the inferior; ectophallic sheath wide................................................... Eujivarus View in CoL

7. Cerci with large bifurcation and internal branch short......................................................... 8

7´. Cerci without bifurcation and branch equal size............................................................. 9

8. Apex of the pointed cerci; bridge of the epiphallus convex; anterior projections of the epiphallus longer than the ancorae; aedeagus valves long; apex divided and not curved..................................................... Eusitalces View in CoL

8´. Apex of the rounded cerci; bridge of the epiphallus flat; anterior projections of the epiphallus same size as the ancorae; aedeagus valves short; apex divided and curved...................................................... Monneacris View in CoL

9. Dark spots present on the apical and median region or protuberances of the epiproct; conic and short cerci............. 10

9´. Dark spots absence of the epiproct; long cerci; furculae with medium concavity in the basal region of the epiproct....... 11

10. Furculae absence; bridge of the epiphallus flat; ancorae apex convergent; lophi straight and not sclerotized; medium protuberance present at the epiphallus; gonopore ventral expansion digitiform; aedeagus valves short.............. Robustusacris View in CoL

10´. Furculae great posteriorly elongated; bridge of the epiphallus concave; ancorae with apex divergent; lophi straight and sclerotized; absent of the medium protuberance at the epiphallus;gonopore ventral expansion rectangular; aedeagus valves long............................................................................................ Salvadoracris View in CoL

11. Epiphallus with medium protuberance M-shaped or without; bridge of the epiphallus flat.......................... .. 12

11´. Epiphallus without medium protuberance not M-shaped; bridge of the epiphallus convex.......................... .. 13

12. Ancorae with apex convergent; lophi straight and sclerotized; aedeagus valves short; ectophallic sheath wide; gonopore ventral expansion rectangular.......................................................................... Arimacris View in CoL

12´. Ancorae with apex divergent; lophi curved and not sclerotized; aedeagus valves long; ectophallic sheath narrow; gonopore ventral expansion digitiform................................................................... Caruaruacris View in CoL

13´. Cerci without bifurcation at the extremity................................................................. 14

13. Cerci with or without small bifurcation at the extremity...................................................... 15

14. Anterior projections of the epiphallus same size as the ancorae; posterior projections divergent; ectophallic sheath narrow; aedeagus valves long........................................................................ Ommalotettix

14´. Anterior projections of the epiphallus longer than the ancorae; posterior projections convergent; ectophallic sheath wide; aedeagus valves short....................................................................... Liebermannacris View in CoL

15. Cerci long and thin reaching the end of the epiproct; absence of the furculae..................................... 16

15´. Cerci long and robust overtaking the end of the epiproct; presence of the furculae................................ .. 17

16. Aedeagus valves short; epiphallus without medium protuberance; cerci without bifurcation at extremity.......... Abracris View in CoL

16´. Aedeagus valves long; epiphallus with medium protuberance; cerci with bifurcation at extremity........... Orthocapheus

17. Apex of the subgenital pointed plate...................................................................... 18

17´. Apex of the subgenital rounded plate..................................................................... 19

18. Aedeagus valves short and directed up;epiproct without median transverse sulci............................. Xiphiola View in CoL

18´. Aedeagus valves long and directed down; epiproct with median transverse sulci............................ Teinophaus View in CoL

19. Cerci bifurcad or trifurcaded........................................................................... 20

19´. Cerci with internal branch short and bifurcation large........................................................ 21

20. Subgenital plate rounded; furculae widely separate; represented by small points sclerotized; cerci trifurcated and robust; bridge of the epiphallus concave; and without medium protuberance; ectophallic sheath wide; aedeagus valves long and equal in size......................................................................................... Psiloscirtus View in CoL

20´. Subgenital plate globular; furculae absent; cerci bifurcated and thin; bridge of the epiphallus flat with medium protuberance; ectophallic sheath narrow; aedeagus valves short as elongated siphons................................. Rhachicreagra View in CoL

21. Epiproct triangular; furculae absent; cerci long and thin, bifurcated, pointed apex, internal branch short and bifurcation large; ectophallic sheath wide; aedeagus valves short; anterior projections same size as the ancorae................... Jodacris View in CoL















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