Ablabesmyia cauame Neubern, 2013

Oliveira, Caroline Silva Neubern De, Silva, Mário Antonio Navarro Da & Gessner, Alaíde Aparecida Fonseca, 2013, <p> <strong> Neotropical <em> Ablabesmyia </ em> Johannsen (Diptera: Chironomidae, Tanypodinae) – Part I </ strong> </ p>, Zootaxa 3733 (1), pp. 1-123 : 13-15

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scientific name

Ablabesmyia cauame Neubern

sp. nov.

Ablabesmyia cauame Neubern sp. n.

( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 3 )

Type material. Holotype: ♂, Brazil, Roraima, Boa Vista, Cauamé river , 60°66`00``W– 02°51`00``S, 28- 30.v.2009, L.M. Fusari-LEIA . Paratypes: 3 ♂♂, same data as holotype-LEIA ; 4 ♂♂, same data as holotype-DZUP ; ♂, Amazonas, Manaus, Coari, igarapé Martha , 63°13`89``W– 04°13`33``S, 5-6.xi.2007, S. Couceiro-LEIA ; 2 ♂♂, same previous data— DZUP .

Diagnostic characters. Ablabesmyia cauame sp. n. differs from other species by the combination of the following characters: antepronotal lobe with 9 setae, femora with 2 bands, middle and hind tibiae with 3 bands, tapered megaseta, grooved aedeagal blade, dorsal lobe with fringe.

Etymology. Named after Rio Cauamé, its type locality.

Male (n = 5, unless otherwise stated): Dimensions: Total length 3.23–3.65 mm. Wing length 1.46–1.66 mm. Total length/wing length 2.18–2.27. Wing length/length of profemur 2.43–2.68.

Coloration ( Fig. 3A–F View FIGURES 3 ): wings and abdomen follow figures 3A and 3E, respectively. Legs: P I —femur with 2 bands, tibia with 4 bands; P II, P III —femora with 2 bands, tibiae with 3 bands. Ratio of bands, related tibiae and tarsomeres 1 follow table 4. Hypopygium: gonocoxite apex and gonostylus base brown.

Head: antenna with 14 flagellomeres; AR 1.98; apical flagellomere 106–126 µm and subapical seta 28–35 µm long; temporals 47–52; postoculars 15; coronal triangle 168–173 µm long and base 91–93 µm; clypeus bearing 26– 31 setae, 85–91 µm long and 80–85 µm wide; labrum with 2 setae, 98–100 µm long and 54 µm wide; tentorium 146–152 µm long; cibarial pump 285–289 µm long and orifice 54–56 µm from apex; palpomeres 1–5: 45–53; 82–92; 117–121; 112–117; 230–250 µm long; palpomere 3 with sensilla capitata 29–34 µm from base.

Wing ( Fig. 3A View FIGURES 3 ): width/lenght 0.30–0.32; VR 0.85; C 1.34–1.37 mm long; Sc 0.77–0.80mm long; m-cu 31–32 µm long and 437–440 µm from arculus; fr 513–518 µm from arculus; R 3 apex close to C; brachiolum with 3 setae; squama with 46 setae.

Thorax: antepronotals 9; humerals 7–9; prealars 18–24; supraalar 1; scutelars 22–25.

Legs ( Fig. 3B–D View FIGURES 3 ): P I –apex of tibia 46–48 µm wide and with apical pectinated spur 49–52 µm long, spur ratio 0.61–0.66; tarsomeres 1 with 2 pseudospurs 60–70 µm long. P II –apex of tibia 43–45 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 54–57 and 40–44 µm long, spurs ratio 0.54–0.60 and 0.55–0.61 respectively; tarsomeres 1–3 with 2 or 3 pseudospurs 45–73 µm long. P III –coxa with 5 central microsetae; apex of tibia 46–47 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 54–57 and 43–45 µm long, spurs ratio 0.62–0.63 and 0.58–0.63 respectively; tarsomeres 1–2 with 1 or 2 pseudospurs 58–72 µm long. Lengths and proportions of leg segments table 5.

Hypopygium ( Fig. 3F–I View FIGURES 3 ): tergite IX with 2 central setae; anal point covers partially the aedeagal complex; phallapodeme 43–46 µm long; sternapodeme 100–110 µm long; gonocoxite 123–128 µm long and 88–91 µm wide; gonostylus 138–142 µm long, with 5 apical teeth; tapered megaseta; HR 0.88–0.91; HV 2.34–2.61. Aedeagal complex: grooved aedeagal blade 42–43 µm long and base 11–12 µm, 9/10 5 µm; dorsal lobe club-shaped with fringe, 15–16 µm long and base with 9 µm, lateral lobe and basidorsal lobe present.

Female and immatures. Unknown.


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure













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