-59.713333, 4.699167: 12 Treatments

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Protoneura tenuis     Ellenrieder, Natalia Von & Garrison, Rosser W., 2017, A synopsis of the Neotropical genus Protoneura (Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 4361 (1), pp. 1-76 : 39-41 39-41
Trichanthera gigantea     Daniel, Thomas F., 2015, Synopsis of Trichanthera (Acanthaceae: Ruellieae: Trichantherinae), Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 62 (1), pp. 1-23 : 9-16 9-16
Rudgea cornigera     Lachenaud, Olivier, Bruniera, Carla P. & Zappi, Daniela C., 2022, The Rudgea hostmanniana complex (Rubiaceae) in the Guiana Shield region, Phytotaxa 561 (3), pp. 219-242 : 227-229 227-229
Rudgea bolivarensis     Lachenaud, Olivier, Bruniera, Carla P. & Zappi, Daniela C., 2022, The Rudgea hostmanniana complex (Rubiaceae) in the Guiana Shield region, Phytotaxa 561 (3), pp. 219-242 : 226-227 226-227
Metaleptobasis diceras     Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2013, <p> <strong> A revision of <em> Metaleptobasis </ em> Calvert (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) with seven synonymies and the description of eighteen new species from South America </ strong> </ p>, Zootaxa 3738 (1), pp. 1-155 : 29-32 29-32
Pteridocalyx appunii     Delprete, Piero G., 2019, Notes on calycophyllous Rubiaceae. Part V. A succinct overview of genera with calycophylls, and a revision of Pteridocalyx (Sipaneeae) with observations on distyly and calycophyll variation, Phytotaxa 391 (1), pp. 81-92 : 87-89 87-89
Ouratea candelabra   sp. nov.  Sastre, Claude, 2006, Deux nouvelles espèces d’Ouratea (Ochnaceae) des Guyanes, Adansonia (3) 28 (1), pp. 119-127 : 124-126 124-126
Ancistrus bovallii     Lujan, Nathan K., Armbruster, Jonathan W. & Lovejoy, Nathan R., 2018, Multilocus phylogeny, diagnosis and generic revision of the Guiana Shield endemic suckermouth armoured catfish tribe Lithoxini (Loricariidae: Hypostominae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 184, pp. 1169-1186 : 1180-1182 1180-1182
Paramaka antonii     Salles, F. F., Domínguez, E., Mariano, R., Boldrini, R., Clavier, S. & Lima, L. R. C., 2025, A review of Paramaka Savage & Peters, 1992 (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) with the description of two new species, Zootaxa 5590 (3), pp. 401-421 : 403 403
Notionotus shorti   syn. nov.  Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Liza M. & Short, Andrew Edward Z., 2022, Revision of the water scavenger beetle genus Notionotus Spangler, 1972 in the Neotropical Region (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae, Enochrinae), ZooKeys 1109, pp. 141-191 : 141 141
Platynectes (Platynectes) submaculatus     Gustafson, Grey T., Short, Andrew E. Z. & Miller, Kelly B., 2016, New species of diving beetles in the subgenus Platynectes s. str. from the Guiana Shield (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Agabinae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 56 (1), pp. 79-102 : 92-94 92-94
Adelphydraena spinosa   sp. nov.  Perkins, Philip D. & Ribera, Ignacio, 2020, Three new species and DNA sequence data of the rare South American water beetle genus Adelphydraena Perkins, 1989 (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae), Zootaxa 4858 (1), pp. 35-52 : 39-47 39-47