Phylo norvegicus
Blake, James A., 2021, New species and records of Orbiniidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from continental shelf and slope depths of the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Zootaxa 4930 (1), pp. 1-123
: 83-84
83-84 |
Scoloplos intermedius
Blake, James A., 2021, New species and records of Orbiniidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from continental shelf and slope depths of the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Zootaxa 4930 (1), pp. 1-123
: 31-37
31-37 |
Chaetozone castouria
sp. nov.
Blake, James A., 2022, New species and records of Caulleriella, Chaetocirratulus and Chaetozone (Annelida, Cirratulidae) from continental shelf and slope depths of the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Zootaxa 5113 (1), pp. 1-89
: 49-54
49-54 |
Anguillosyllis acsara
sp. nov.
Maciolek, Nancy J., 2020, Anguillosyllis (Annelida: Syllidae) from multiple deep-water locations in the northern and southern hemispheres, Zootaxa 4793 (1), pp. 1-73
: 27-30
27-30 |
Califia schmitti
Blake, James A., 2021, New species and records of Orbiniidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from continental shelf and slope depths of the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Zootaxa 4930 (1), pp. 1-123
: 70-75
70-75 |
Heterospio bathyala
sp. nov.
Blake, James A. & Maciolek, Nancy J., 2023, New species and records of Heterospio (Annelida, Longosomatidae) from continental shelf, slope and abyssal depths of the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and adjacent seas, Zootaxa 5260 (1), pp. 1-74
: 16-20
16-20 |
Orbiniella acsara
sp. nov.
Blake, James A., 2021, New species and records of Orbiniidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from continental shelf and slope depths of the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Zootaxa 4930 (1), pp. 1-123
: 99-103
99-103 |
Anguillosyllis palpata
Maciolek, Nancy J., 2020, Anguillosyllis (Annelida: Syllidae) from multiple deep-water locations in the northern and southern hemispheres, Zootaxa 4793 (1), pp. 1-73
: 15-24
15-24 |
Kirkegaardia kladara
sp. nov.
Blake, James A., 2016, Kirkegaardia (Polychaeta, Cirratulidae), new name for Monticellina Laubier, preoccupied in the Rhabdocoela, together with new records and descriptions of eight previously known and sixteen new species from the Atlantic, Pacific, and Southern Oceans, Zootaxa 4166 (1), pp. 1-93
: 26-28
26-28 |
Chaetozone adunca
sp. nov.
Blake, James A., 2022, New species and records of Caulleriella, Chaetocirratulus and Chaetozone (Annelida, Cirratulidae) from continental shelf and slope depths of the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Zootaxa 5113 (1), pp. 1-89
: 31-37
31-37 |