Signoretia maculata Baker

Viraktamath, C. A. & Webb, M. D., 2016, Review of the genus Signoretia (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Signoretiinae) of the Oriental region with description of nine new species, Zootaxa 4193 (3), pp. 486-516 : 491-492

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Signoretia maculata Baker


Signoretia maculata Baker View in CoL

Figs 18–22 View FIGURES 16 – 30 , 54 View FIGURES 47 – 65 , 70, 71 View FIGURES 66 – 79 , 87–90 View FIGURES 80 – 90 , 97 View FIGURES 91 – 97 , 121–132 View FIGURES 121 – 132 .

Signoretia maculata Baker, 1923: 357 View in CoL –358, Pl. 1, fig. 4.

Creamy white with dark brown markings. Crown with black spot on either side of median carina. Pronotum with anterior marginal large median spot and another smaller oval spot, black. Mesonotum with one spot on either side of median line, black and visible through translucent extension of pronotum, apex of scutellum dark brown. Forewing with costal margin, claval commissure, claval veins, vein M, black, veins bordering apical cells lined with black, area between claval suture and inner claval vein, brown.

Male genitalia. Pygofer with dorsal margin declivous in basal 0.66, posterior 0.33 rounded, ventral margin sinuate, anterior margin concave with tergal apodemes, ventral process arising almost at mid ventral region, slender, elongate, about 2.5 times as long as height of pygofer in lateral view, apically pointed with a few microsetae. Subgenital plates long and narrow, more than 5 times as long as wide at base, with long hair-like setae and 2–3 short, stout macrosetae on dorsal margin. Style slender, S-shaped with apex irregularly rounded and rugose, with microsetae. Connective Y-shaped, arms about as long as stem. Aedeagus with degenerate membranous shaft articulated with well sclerotized ventral Y-shaped ventral process articulated with connective, arms of ventral process divergent beyond midlength and shorter than ventral pygofer process. Segment X large hood-like and occupying most of dorsum of pygofer, ventral lamellate process with dentate margin and ventral margin sclerotized and anteriorly enlarged into small process.

Female genitalia. Seventh sternite longer than wide, abruptly narrowed in posterior 0.25, posterior margin concave medially with lateral rounded angles. First and second valvulae as in Figs 87–90 View FIGURES 80 – 90 .

Measurements. Male 7.2–7.6 mm long, 1.7 mm wide across eyes and 1.6 times wide across posterolateral angels of pronotum. Female 8.3 mm long, 1.9 mm wide across eyes and also across posterolateral angles of pronotum.

Material examined. INDIA: Holotype ♀, Darjeeling district, Mangpu , Sureil , elevation 1500 m, S.W. Kemp (ZSI). Other material . Myanmar: 1 Ƌ, N.E. Burma: Kambaiti , 2000m, 28.v.1934, Malaise (Riksmus. Stockhom). 2 Ƌ, 1 ♀, Arunachal Pradesh: 10 Km S. Hunli , 1597m, 28o19’ 05.1” N, 0 95o56’15.2”E, 12.ix.2014, Yeshwanth, HM and C.A. Viraktamath; Manipur: Moreh, Chahmol , 24o21’51.8”N, 0 94o 10’12.7”E, 1.x.2013, Prathapan, K.D. & Shameem ( UASB) GoogleMaps .

Remarks. Baker described this species from a single specimen (holotype) from India, Darjeeling district, Mangpu, Sureil, elevation 1,500 meters, S. W. Kemp (ZSI). Both S. aureola and S. maculata resemble each other and have very similar male genitalia (see Remarks under S. aureola ). Although the type female of S. aureola has golden yellow markings on forewing its male specimens from India have colouration similar to that in S.maculata . More specimens from the type locality of S. aureola ( Myanmar, Ruby mines) are necessary for ruling out whether these two species are synonymous.


University of Agricultural Sciences
















Signoretia maculata Baker

Viraktamath, C. A. & Webb, M. D. 2016

Signoretia maculata

Baker 1923: 357
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