-63.0, 0.12: 13 Treatments

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Mesembrinella semiflava     Whitworth, Terry L. & Yusseff-Vanegas, Sohath, 2019, A revision of the genera and species of the Neotropical family Mesembrinellidae (Diptera: Oestroidea), Zootaxa 4659 (1), pp. 1-146 : 89-90 89-90
Zeugomantispa compellens     MACHADO, RENATO JOSÉ PIRES & RAFAEL, JOSÉ ALBERTINO, 2010, Taxonomy of the Brazilian species previously placed in Mantispa Illiger, 1798 (Neuroptera: Mantispidae), with the description of three new species, Zootaxa 2454 (1), pp. 1-61 : 51-55 51-55
Myrcia summa     Santos, Matheus F., Lucas, Eve & Sano, Paulo T., 2018, A taxonomic monograph of Myrcia sect. Sympodiomyrcia (Myrteae, Myrtaceae), Phytotaxa 380 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Sipaneopsis duckei   sp. nov.  Delprete, Piero G., 2018, Two new species of the tribe Sipaneeae (Rubiaceae) from white-sand areas of Brazilian and Colombian Amazon, Phytotaxa 382 (1), pp. 125-135 : 130-132 130-132
Gynacantha dryadula   sp. nov.  Neiss, Ulisses Gaspar & Marmels, Jürg De, 2017, Gynacantha dryadula sp. nov. from the Guiana Shield (Odonata, Anisoptera: Aeshnidae), Zootaxa 4254 (5), pp. 563-574 : 564-573 564-573
Pseudogaurax infulatus   sp. nov.  Marques, Carla De Oliveira, Riccardi, Paula Raile & Ale-Rocha, Rosaly, 2022, New records and species of Pseudogaurax Malloch, 1915 (Diptera: Chloropidae) from the Amazon basin, Zootaxa 5200 (6), pp. 501-524 : 508-510 508-510
Dasmeusa pauperata     Pecly, Nathalia H., Takiya, Daniela M., Cavichioli, Rodney R. & Mejdalani, Gabriel, 2023, Taxonomic revision and phylogeny of the sharpshooter genus Dasmeusa Melichar, 1926, with a scanning electron microscopy study of D. pauperata (Fabricius, 1803) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Cicadellini), Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 81, pp. 655-687 : 655 655
Syringogaster fapeam   sp. nov.  Rafael, J. A., Câmara, J. T. & Holanda, M. J. A., 2011, A new species of Syringogastridae (Diptera, Acalyptratae) from the Amazon Basin and new records for Brazil, Zootaxa 3014 (1), pp. 26-34 : 27-29 27-29
Guyalna aurora   sp. nov.  Ruschel, Tatiana Petersen, 2017, Seven new species of the cicada genus Guyalna Boulard & Martinelli, 1996 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Fidicinini) with a re-description of the type species, Zootaxa 4281 (1), pp. 246-279 : 251-255 251-255
Syneches maculosum     Soares, Matheus M. M., Freitas-Silva, Rafael A. P. & Ale-Rocha, Rosaly, 2021, Review of Brazilian species of Syneches Walker (Diptera, Hybotidae, Hybotinae), with description of ten new species, Zootaxa 5049 (1), pp. 1-84 : 45 45
Paraphasma umbretta     Chiquetto-Machado, Pedro I., Morales, Adriana C. & Cancello, Eliana M., 2022, Taxonomic revision of Paraphasma Redtenbacher, 1906 (Phasmatodea, Pseudophasmatidae) based on phallic and external morphology, Zootaxa 5122 (1), pp. 1-80 : 60-66 60-66
Pseudogaurax flaviscutellatus   sp. nov.  Marques, Carla De Oliveira, Riccardi, Paula Raile & Ale-Rocha, Rosaly, 2022, New records and species of Pseudogaurax Malloch, 1915 (Diptera: Chloropidae) from the Amazon basin, Zootaxa 5200 (6), pp. 501-524 : 505-508 505-508
Anapolisia iuna   sp. nov.  Mendes, Diego Matheus De Mello & Rafael, José Albertino, 2025, Review of Anapolisia Piza, 1980 and Tropicophyllum Koçak & Kemal, 2008 stat. rev. (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae: Microcentrini), Zootaxa 5564 (1), pp. 1-184 : 45-49 45-49