-52.76042, -23.8349: 10 Treatments

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Microlinus perobanus   sp. nov.  Busanello, Dilson G. C. & Caron, Edilson, 2016, First Record and a New Species of the Rare Xantholinini GenusMicrolinusCasey (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae) in Brazil, The Coleopterists Bulletin 70 (3), pp. 606-610 : 606-610 606-610
Zischkaia pacarus     Nakahara, Shinichi, Zacca, Thamara, Dias, Fernando M. S., Dolibaina, Diego R., Xiao, Lei, Espeland, Marianne, Casagrande, Mirna M., Mielke, Olaf H. H., Lamas, Gerardo, Huertas, Blanca, Kleckner, Kaylin & Willmott, Keith R., 2019, Revision of the poorly known Neotropical butterfly genus Zischkaia Forster, 1964 (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae), with descriptions of nine new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 551, pp. 1-67 : 38-44 38-44
Cambeva perobana   sp. nov.  Martins, Isadora Carolina, Reis, Renan Borges dos, Stabile, Bruno Henrique Mioto & Graça, Weferson Júnio da, 2024, Iterative taxonomy reveals a new species of Cambeva (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) with intraspecific variation from the rio Piquiri and Ivaí basin, upper rio Paraná basin, Brazil, Neotropical Ichthyology (e 230140) 22 (3) : -1 -1
Adiantum raddianum     Brozoski, Ana Lucia, Prado, Jefferson & Labiak, Paulo Henrique, 2023, O gênero Adiantum (Pteridaceae) no Estado do Paraná, Brasil, Iheringia, Série Botânica (e 2023021) 78, pp. 1-19 : 14-15 14-15
Croton glandulosus     Pereira, Amanda Da Paixão Noronha, Riina, Ricarda & Caruzo, Maria Beatriz Rossi, 2022, Croton (Euphorbiaceae) of the Brazilian state of Paraná: an annotated checklist, species distribution, and identification key, Phytotaxa 570 (3), pp. 231-274 : 246 246
Croton sanctae-crucis     Pereira, Amanda Da Paixão Noronha, Riina, Ricarda & Caruzo, Maria Beatriz Rossi, 2022, Croton (Euphorbiaceae) of the Brazilian state of Paraná: an annotated checklist, species distribution, and identification key, Phytotaxa 570 (3), pp. 231-274 : 257 257
Vitalius paranaensis     Brescovit, Antonio D., Lucas, Sylvia M., Iniesta, Luiz F. M. & Marques-da-Silva, Emanuel, 2024, Mygalomorphae spiders (Araneae) recorded by the Sistema de Notificação de Animais Peçonhentos (SINAP) in the state of Paraná, Zoologia (e 23051) 41, pp. 1-21 : 14-17 14-17
Acanthoscurria paulensis     Brescovit, Antonio D., Lucas, Sylvia M., Iniesta, Luiz F. M. & Marques-da-Silva, Emanuel, 2024, Mygalomorphae spiders (Araneae) recorded by the Sistema de Notificação de Animais Peçonhentos (SINAP) in the state of Paraná, Zoologia (e 23051) 41, pp. 1-21 : 8 8
Pterinopelma longisternale     Brescovit, Antonio D., Lucas, Sylvia M., Iniesta, Luiz F. M. & Marques-da-Silva, Emanuel, 2024, Mygalomorphae spiders (Araneae) recorded by the Sistema de Notificação de Animais Peçonhentos (SINAP) in the state of Paraná, Zoologia (e 23051) 41, pp. 1-21 : 9-11 9-11
Dolichophaonia paranaensis     LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147 : 59 59