-43.1099, -18.3712: 10 Treatments

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Melanastera brasiliensis   sp. nov.  Serbina, Liliya Š., Malenovský, Igor, Queiroz, Dalva L. & Burckhardt, Daniel, 2025, Jumping plant-lice of the tribe Paurocephalini (Hemiptera: Psylloidea: Liviidae) in Brazil, Zootaxa 5585 (1), pp. 1-164 : 88-89 88-89
Lepidocharax burnsi   sp. nov.  Ferreira, Katiane M., Menezes, Naércio A. & Quagio-Grassioto, Irani, 2011, A new genus and two new species of Stevardiinae (Characiformes: Characidae) with a hypothesis on their relationships based on morphological and histological data, Neotropical Ichthyology 9 (2), pp. 281-298 : 286-288 286-288
Grotea delicator     Lima, Alessandro Rodrigues & Kumagai, Alice Fumi, 2024, Two new species of Grotea Cresson (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Labeninae) from Brazil, Zootaxa 5403 (1), pp. 104-114 : 108-109 108-109
Dicranopteris rufinervis     Lima, Lucas Vieira & Salino, Alexandre, 2018, The fern family Gleicheniaceae (Polypodiopsida) in Brazil, Phytotaxa 358 (3), pp. 199-234 : 207 207
Parnisa infuscata   sp. nov.  Sanborn, Allen F., Gonzaga, Luiz P. & Takiya, Daniela M., 2024, A new cicada (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) species from Brazil with a detailed description of the genus Parnisa Stål, 1862 and key to the known species, Zootaxa 5538 (1), pp. 33-44 : 36-40 36-40
Paepalanthus hirtellus   sp. nov.  Trovó, Marcelo, Echternacht, Livia & Sano, Paulo Takeo, 2011, Paepalanthus hirtellus, a new species of Paepalanthus subsection Actinocephaloides (Eriocaulaceae) from Minas Gerais, Brazil, Phytotaxa 15, pp. 26-32 : 27-31 27-31
Actinocephalus delicatus   sp. nov.  Echternacht, Livia, Trovó, Marcelo & Sano, Paulo Takeo, 2011, Two new species of Actinocephalus (Eriocaulaceae) from Minas Gerais, Brazil, Phytotaxa 27, pp. 26-36 : 27-31 27-31
Myrcia venosissima   sp. nov.  Sobral, Marcos, Caliari, Cláudia P., Gressler, Eliana, Mazine, Fiorella F., Magenta, Mara & Viana, Pedro L., 2016, Seven new southeastern Brazilian species of Myrcia (Myrtaceae), Phytotaxa 247 (1), pp. 27-44 : 41-42 41-42
Parablechnum glaziovii     Dittrich, Vinícius Antonio De Oliveira, Salino, Alexandre, Monteiro, Reinaldo & Gasper, André Luís De, 2018, The fern genera Lomaria, Lomariocycas, and Parablechnum (Blechnaceae, Polypodiopsida) in southern and southeastern Brazil, Phytotaxa 362 (3), pp. 245-262 : 256 256
Lavoisiera itambana     Martins, Angela B. & Almeda, Frank, 2017, A Monograph of the Brazilian endemic genus Lavoisiera (Melastomataceae: Microlicieae), Phytotaxa 315 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450