Phrynidius wibmeri, Noguera & Santos-Silva, 2023

Noguera, Felipe A. & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2023, New species and records in Phrynidius Lacordaire (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae), Zootaxa 5323 (4), pp. 451-476 : 462-464

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Plazi (2023-08-03 16:09:28, last updated 2024-11-28 07:21:31)

scientific name

Phrynidius wibmeri

sp. nov.

Phrynidius wibmeri sp. nov.

( Figs 22–28 View FIGURES 22–28 )

Type material. Holotype male from MEXICO, Veracruz: Los Tuxtlas Biol. Sta. UNAM, 250’, 22.VIII.1982, C. & L. O’Brien & Wibmer leg. ( FSCA). Paratypes — MEXICO, Veracruz: Los Tuxtlas Biol. Sta. UNAM, 250’, 3 males, 2 females, 22.VIII.1982, C. & L. O’Brien & Wibmer leg. (1 male, 1 female, MZSP, formerly FSCA; 2 males, 1 female, FSCA); GoogleMaps 1 male, 17–22.V.1983, C.W. & L. O’Brien leg. ( RHTC); GoogleMaps 1 specimen, Estacion Biologia Los Tuxtlas , 18.58610 -95.07245 ± 150 m, 130 m, 29.V.2016, ADMAC #Wa-F-01-1-all, tropical rainforest ex sifted leaf litter, ADMAC Team leg., ( CMNC [ CMNEN00047529 ]); GoogleMaps 3 specimens, 18.58593 -95.07665 ± 150 m, 180 m, 29.V.2016, ADMAC #Wa-F-01-2-all, tropical rainforest ex sifted leaf litter, ADMAC Team leg. (2, CMNC [ CMNEN00047530 , CMNEN00047531 ]; 1, UNAM); GoogleMaps 1 specimen, 18.58300 -95.08223 ± 20 m, 360 m, 29.V.2016, ADMAC #Wm-F-01- 1-04, tropical rainforest ex sifted leaf litter, ADMAC Team leg. ( CMNC [ CMNEN0004753 ]); GoogleMaps 1 specimen, 18.58693 -95.07648 ± 20 m, 180 m, 29.V.2016, ADMAC #Wm-F-01-1-01, tropical rainforest ex sifted leaf litter, ADMAC Team leg. ( BMNH). GoogleMaps Note. The term ADMAC corresponds to the Ant Diversity in the MesoAmerican Corridor research project.

Diagnosis. Phrynidius wibmeri sp. nov. differs from P. diminutus by the antennal tubercles not very close to each other (close in P. diminutus ), antennomere III longer than the scape (shorter in P. diminutus ), and by the sides of the prothorax rounded centrally (almost straight in P. diminutus ). See remarks under the previous new species, especially P. obrieni sp. nov.

Description. Holotype Male ( Figs 22–25 View FIGURES 22–28 ). Integument black.

Head. Frons coarsely punctate, with irregular surface; with moderately abundant, minute pale yellowish-brown setae not obscuring integument, and moderately abundant, short, arched, spatulate yellowish-brown setae of same color interspersed.Antennal tubercles with a few coarse punctures frontally, punctures distinctly finer than on frons; pubescence and erect setae as on frons. Vertex abundantly, coarsely punctate, except smooth median groove; with pale yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, especially centrally and close to prothorax, and a few short, arched yellowish-white squamiform setae interspersed. Area behind eyes somewhat abundantly, coarsely punctate; with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument close to eye, glabrous close to prothorax. Genae abundantly, coarsely rugose-punctate, punctures less distinct than on frons; 3.0 times width of lower eye lobe; with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, and moderately abundant, arched, squamiform yellowish-white setae interspersed. Wide central area of postclypeus with pale yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument close to frons, and long yellowish-brown setae directed forward close to anteclypeus. Labrum finely, shallowly punctate; mostly glabrous on wide central area, with yellowish pubescence laterally. Eye lobes without ommatidia between them; distance between upper eye lobes 0.54 times distance between outer margins of eyes; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.78 times distance between outer margins of eyes; lower eye lobes longer than wide (1.6 times). Antennae 1.55 times elytral length, not reaching posterior third of elytra. Scape with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, short, arched, squamiform yellowish-brown setae interspersed, and a few short, erect, spatulate brownish setae interspersed, especially basally and ventrally. Pedicel with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument. Antennomere III slightly arched; with yellowish-white pubescence basally, pubescence sparser, yellowish brown on remaining surface, and short, arched, squamiform yellowish-white setae interspersed. Antennomere IV with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence absent on some areas, and a few very short, squamiform yellowish-white setae interspersed. Antennomeres V–VII with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence almost absent on wide central area of dorsal surface; antennomeres VIII–XI with abundant yellowish pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence gradually whiter and denser toward XI. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.87; pedicel = 0.19; IV = 0.72; V = 0.27; VI = 0.25; VII = 0.23; VIII = 0.21; IX = 0.21; X = 0.19; XI = 0.25.

Thorax. Prothorax wider than long; sides rounded. Pronotum coarsely punctate, with irregular surface; with four distinct gibbosities on center of disk, two on longitudinal axis, two on transverse axis, located closer to the anterocentral angle than to posterocentral angle; with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence distinctly denser laterally, this area wider on posterior half, and slightly longer and lighter on center of posterior half, almost absent on center of anterior half; with short, sparse, erect, spatulate brownish setae interspersed. Sides of prothorax coarsely, abundantly punctate, with irregular surface; with sparse, minute yellowish-brown pubescence, and short, sparse, erect, spatulate brownish setae interspersed. Prosternum coarsely punctate, punctures slightly finer centrally; with yellowish-brown pubescence laterally, pubescence yellowish-white centrally, both not obscuring integument, especially centrally. Prosternal process parallel-sided on wide central area; narrowest area 0.34 times procoxal width; with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument. Mesoventrite and mesanepisternum smooth; mesepimeron coarsely punctate; mesanepisternum with abundant pale yellowish-brown pubescence partially obscuring integument; mesoventrite with yellowish pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence absent on each side of posterocentral area; mesepimeron glabrous. Sides of metaventrite shallowly, coarsely punctate, central area and narrow band close to metacoxal cavities smooth; with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument. Mesoventral process narrowed centrally; coarsely punctate on basal half, finely punctate on apical half; apex 0.43 times mesocoxal width; with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument.

Elytra. Sub-ovoid; abundantly, coarsely, deeply punctate, with irregular surface; with irregular, elevated gibbosities, forming a semicircle on dorsal surface of posterior half; with abundant, minute yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, and short, arched, spatulate brownish setae interspersed, spatulate setae more abundant on posterior third. Legs. Femora with abundant, minute yellowish-brown setae not obscuring integument and short, decumbent squamiform yellowish-white setae interspersed. Tibiae with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, except glabrous apical region, glabrous area larger laterally and ventrally on meso- and metatibiae, elongate on sides of protibiae, ventral posterior third of protibiae with dense, bristly yellowish-brown pubescence, dorsal sulcus of mesotibiae with abundant, short, erect yellowish-brown setae, and dense fringe of yellowish-brown setae on apical margin of all tibiae; with short, arched, spatulate brownish setae interspersed, and squamiform yellowish-white setae interspersed.

Abdomen. Ventrites with abundant, minute pale yellowish-brown setae not obscuring integument, and sparse, squamiform yellowish-brown setae interspersed.

Female ( Figs 27–28 View FIGURES 22–28 ). Similar to male, differing especially by the shorter antennae, 1.2 times elytral length, slightly surpassing base of posterior third of elytra.

Variability. Antennae brown from antennomere VI; palpi brownish; posterocentral gibbosity on the pronotum irregular and not very distinctly. Some paratypes are brown or dark brown.

Dimensions in mm (holotype male/ paratypes male/ paratypes female). Total length, 6.20/4.80–6.20/5.60–6.60; prothoracic length, 2.00/1.50–2.00/1.70–1.90; anterior prothoracic width, 1.85/1.35–1.80/1.50–1.90; posterior prothoracic width, 1.90/1.50–1.90/1.65–1.95; maximum prothoracic width, 2.35/1.30–2.40/1.90–2.35; humeral width, 2.15/1.60–2.10/1.80–2.15; elytral length, 3.60/2.80–3.70/3.65–4.00.

Etymology. The new species is dedicated to Guillermo J. Wibmer, one of the collectors of the holotype.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 22–28. Phrynidius wibmeri sp. nov. 22–25) Holotype male: 22) Dorsal habitus; 23) Ventral habitus; 24) Lateral habitus; 25) Head, frontal view. 26) Paratype male, dorsal habitus. 27–28) Paratype female: 27) Dorsal habitus; 28) Ventral habitus.


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo











