Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) ocellaris Pérez, 1901

Mérida-Rivas, Jorge A., Hinojosa-Díaz, Ismael A., Ayala-Barajas, Ricardo, Pozo, Carmen & Vandame, Rémy, 2022, Revision of carpenter bees of the subgenus Neoxylocopa Michener (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from Mexico and Mesoamerica, Zootaxa 5158 (1), pp. 1-67 : 30-32

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Plazi (2022-06-27 07:09:48, last updated 2024-11-28 23:07:16)

scientific name

Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) ocellaris Pérez, 1901


Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) ocellaris Pérez, 1901 View in CoL

( Figs. 43–46 View FIGURES 43–46 , 135 View FIGURES 132–135 )

Xylocopa ocellaris Pérez, 1901: 90 View in CoL . Holotype: Museìum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris , France (♀). Type locality: Panama, Chiriquí

Diagnosis. Female: Body length, female, approximately 25 mm (according to Mawdsley, 2017); head without elevated ridges or prominences on frons; ocelli below tangent of the eyes; area between parapsidal line and mesoscutal disc with sparse punctures; wings yellow with copper iridescence; pubescence reddish-brown in genal area, vertex, dorsal and lateral regions of mesosoma, internal region of anterior basitarsus and T1 ( Figs. 43–46 View FIGURES 43–46 ), otherwise black; integument of terga evenly black; T1 very densely punctate (punctures separated three or four times their diameter), T2 and T3 with dense punctures on discal area (punctures separated by two or more times their diameter), T4 and T5 with dense punctures, larger than those on T1 to T3; Male: Undescribed.

Description. Female: Black integument, pubescence reddish-brown in genal area, vertex, dorsal and lateral regions of mesosoma, internal region of anterior basitarsus and T1 ( Figs. 43–46 View FIGURES 43–46 ); approximate body length 25 mm. Head: Clypeus with wide inferior margin unpunctate; throughout the inferior submargin with a depression; lateral and inferolateral areas with densely punctate, separated by approximately their diameter; genal area with dense punctures, separated by three or more times their diameter. Pits posterior to the ocelli of half the diameter of this; vertex with scattered punctures; distance between punctures more of four times their diameter, similar in size as those on clypeus; middle region of vertex without punctures. Mesosoma: Between the parapsidal line and discal area with sparse punctures; wings yellow with copper iridescence. Metasoma: T1 with very densely punctate (punctures separated three or four times their diameter); T2 and T3 with dense punctures on discal area, separated by two or more times their diameter; T4 and T5 with dense punctures, larger than those on T1 to T3; T6 with very densely puntuate. Male: Undescribed.

Distribution ( Fig. 135 View FIGURES 132–135 ). Recorded from Colombia ( Gonzalez & Gonzalez 2009), Costa Rica, and Panama ( Pérez 1901; Enderlein 1913; Moure 2012), in the following ecoregions ( Dinerstein et al. 2017): Atlantic isthmus Humid forests, Pacífic isthmus Humid forests, and Mountainous forests of Talamanca. With wide altitudinal distribution from 0 to 3300 m.

Material examined. 42 ♀: COSTA RICA: Heredia : Sarapiquí: La Virgen, Estación Magsasay, 10.38416, -84.050; 200 m, 31-XII-1991 GoogleMaps , 1 ♀ ( MNCR). Puntarenas : Buenos Aires: Boruca, Vuelta Campana, Río Terraba , Rey Curre, 8.979096, -83.26380; 300m, 1-I-1992 GoogleMaps , S. Rojas, 1 ♀ ( MNCR). Golfito: Jiménez, P.N. Corcovado, Estación Agujas , 8.53661. -83.42551; 300 m, 9-I-2000 , J. A. Azofeita, 2 ♀; 19-XII-2005; J. A. Azofeita, 1 ♀ ( MNCR). Jiménez, P.N. Corcovado, Quebrada La Bonanza. 8.52713, -83.44141; 500 m, 25-I-2002 GoogleMaps , J. A. Azofeita, 5 ♀ ( MNCR). Jiménez, P.N. Corcovado, Estación Sirena, Playa Sirena, 8.48017, -83.59128; 1 m, 1-IV-1989 GoogleMaps , R. Blanco , 3 ♀; 1-X-1989, G.Fonseca, 1 ♀; 1-I-1990, G.Fonseca, 2 ♀; 1-II-1990, G.Fonseca, 3 ♀; 1-VI-1990, N.Obando, 3 ♀; 1-VI-1991, J. C. Saborio, 1 ♀; 1-I-1992, G.Fonseca, 6 ♀; 1-IV-1992, G. Rodríguez, 2 ♀; 1-VI-1993, G.Fonseca, 1 ♀; 1-I-1994, G.Fonseca, 1 ♀; 26-I-2000, K. Caballero, 1 ♀. Jiménez, Reserva Federal Golfo Dulce, Estación Agujas, 8.53482, -83.42667; 375 m, A. Azofeita: 2-I-1996, 1 ♀; 7-I-1998, 3 ♀ ( MNCR). Jiménez, Sector La Leona , Cerro Puma, 8.45482, -83.49503; 100 m, M. Moraga GoogleMaps , 1 ♀. Osa: Sierpe, Rancho Quemado, 8.67909, -83.56671; 200 m, 6-II-1994 GoogleMaps , A. Marin, 1 ♀ ( MNCR). San José: Cerro de la Muerte, 9.56094, -83.74811; 3304 m, 28-II-1985 GoogleMaps , J. Adams, 1 ♀ ( SEMC) .

Commentaries. This is the only species of Neoxylocopa in which females have reddish-brown pubescence on frontal area, genal area, vertex, mesosoma, and T 1. There is few information about this species, and no information on the male. It was not possible to measure specimens.

The sonorina species group

Diagnosis. Female and male of majority of species less than 25 mm in length. Female: Frontal area of head without elevated ridges or prominences adjacent to ocelli (as in figs. 47 and 56); Clypeus: lateral areas no protuberant, clypeus densely punctate including discal area. Area below middle ocellus with a well-defined anterior frontal groove as in mexicanorun group; ocelli located below the tangent of the eyes; lateral ocelli with pits on the posterolateral region. Malar area equal than or similar to minimum diameter of F1; mandible with a notch at the level of the middle tooth ( Figs. 57 View FIGURES 56–61 and 76 View FIGURES 75–81 ). Punctation of mesoscutum as in mexicanorum group. Terga as in mexicanorum group. Posterior tibiae: apex of basitibial plate as in mexicanorum group ( Figs. 50 View FIGURES 47–51 , 60 View FIGURES 56–61 and 97 View FIGURES 94–97 ). Scutellum noticeably convex (not angled) ( Fig. 78 View FIGURES 75–81 ). Male: Integument as in mexicanorum group except terga with black bands covering only posterior margin; clypeus and labrum as in mexicanorum group; lateral ocelli below upper margin of eyes; internal distal extreme of hind tibiae with a prominent subapical projection with curved distal extreme defining a concave area (as in figs. 55 and 101), internal surface of hind tibiae with pubescence only on basal region, distal region noticeably bare.

Keys for species in the sonorina group as recognized in this study

1. Female: Integument and pubescence black or predominantly black.............................................. 2

- Male: Integument and pubescence yellowish, light brown or orange; some terga may present black integument........... 7

2(1). Body length around 19 mm (few specimens may exceed 20 mm); Head length around 5 mm; T1 to T5 with reddish posterior submargins ( Fig. 51 View FIGURES 47–51 ); wings light-brown with coppery-golden iridescence, some with violet iridescence ( Fig. 49 View FIGURES 47–51 ) (Clarion Island, Mexico)............................................................................ X. clarionensis View in CoL

- Body length around 21.5 mm (individuals of some species may be a little under this); Head length around 5.5 mm, generally longer; usually with black terga (occasionally with dark reddish posterior submargins); wings dark-brown with iridescence of variable color (bluish or reddish to violet).................................................................. 3

3(2). Body length over 25 mm; basitibial plate with anterior dentiform projection sharper and narrower than the posterior projection ( Fig. 97 View FIGURES 94–97 ) (Southernmost Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras)............................................. X. wilmattae View in CoL

- Body length 25 mm or less; basitibial plate with both dentiform projections with similar width, the anterior sharper than the posterior ( Fig. 60 View FIGURES 56–61 )..................................................................................... 4

4(3). Genal area with densely punctate on inferior region, and middle and superior region with punctures separated by one and a half to three times their diameter ( Fig. 77 View FIGURES 75–81 ); mesoscutum, between parapsidal line and discal area with scattered punctures; T2 to T5 with very scattered punctures ( Fig. 81 View FIGURES 75–81 ) (Southeastern Mexico)...................................... X. maya sp. nov.

- Genal area densely punctate ( Figs. 66 View FIGURES 66–70 and 86 View FIGURES 86–89 ); mesoscutum, between parapsidal line and discal area with dense or scattered punctures; terga with dense punctures ( Figs. 61 View FIGURES 56–61 and 70 View FIGURES 66–70 )....................................................... 5

5(4). Wings dark-brown with coppery-violet iridescence ( Fig. 89 View FIGURES 86–89 ), body length over 20 mm (Northwestern, Western and Central Mexico, Southwestern, United States)............................................................. X. sonorina

- Wings dark-brown with purple, bluish or violet iridescence ( Figs. 59 View FIGURES 56–61 and 69 View FIGURES 66–70 )...................................... 6

6(5). Wings dark-brown with purple iridescence ( Fig. 59 View FIGURES 56–61 ); discal area of T2 and T3 with scattered punctation, maximun puncture separation around five puncture diameters all over central third of T2 ( Fig. 61 View FIGURES 56–61 ) (Northeastern Mexico, slope of Gulf of Mexico, Texas).............................................................................. X. griswoldi sp. nov.

- Wings with bluish and violet iridescence ( Fig. 69 View FIGURES 66–70 ); discal area of T2 and T3 with denser punctation, maximum puncture separation around five puncture diameters only along midline of T2 while adjacent areas of central third of tergum with a maximum puncture separation of three puncture diameters ( Fig. 70 View FIGURES 66–70 ) (Mexican Pacific slope from Sinaloa to Nicaragua). X. gualanensis View in CoL

7(1) Body length of around 25 mm; clypeus with a wide black spot on discal area ( Fig. 98 View FIGURES 98–101 ); hind tibia with short robust external spur; internal distal area without curved subapical projection, only a carinated edge ending in a distal angle ( Fig. 101 View FIGURES 98–101 ); T1 to T6 with black apical margin (Southernmost Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras)..................................... X. wilmattae View in CoL

- Body length less than 25 mm; clypeus with or without a dark brown longitudinal line, but never with a wide brown spot on discal area (as in figs. 52 and 62); hind tibia with thin external spur; internal area with notable narrow curved subapical projection (as in figs. 55 and 65); T1 to T5 with black or yellow-orange apical margin....................................... 8

8(7) Body length of around 20 mm: clypeus with a dark brown middle longitudinal line ( Fig. 52 View FIGURES 52–55 ); hind tibia with distal internal area with a narrow curved, sometimes short projection, without a clear subapical concavity ( Fig. 55 View FIGURES 52–55 ) (Clarion Island, Mexico).. X. clarionensis View in CoL

- Body length greater than 20 mm, clypeus with a yellowish, light brown, or dark brown longitudinal line; hind tibia with internal distal area with a curved projection with a subapical concavity ( Figs. 65 View FIGURES 62–65 , 74 View FIGURES 71–74 , 85 View FIGURES 82–85 and 93 View FIGURES 90–93 )............................. 9

9(8) Clypeus with a light brown longitudinal midline reaching half the length of clypeus ( Fig. 82 View FIGURES 82–85 ); T1 to T5 with apical margin with dark brown bands; hind tibia internal distal area with a very short distal projection, with a shallow or not very evident subapical concavity ( Fig. 85 View FIGURES 82–85 ) (Southeastern Mexico)..................................................... X. maya sp. nov.

- Clypeus with a light or dark-brown longitudinal midline either shorter or longer than half the length of clypeus; T1 to T5 with yellowish-orange integument with no noticeable bands; hind tibia, area distal internal with a curved distal projection, with a evident subapical concavity ( Figs. 65 View FIGURES 62–65 , 74 View FIGURES 71–74 , 93 View FIGURES 90–93 ).............................................................. 10

10(9) Clypeus with a light-brown longitudinal midline reaching at most one third the length of clypeus ( Fig. 62 View FIGURES 62–65 ); hind tibia, distal internal area with a thick distal concave projection widened distally ( Fig. 65 View FIGURES 62–65 ) (Northeastern Mexico, slope of Gulf of Mexico, Texas).............................................................................. X. griswoldi sp. nov.

- Clypeus, with a narrow light to dark brown middle longitudinal line unpunctate ( Figs. 71 View FIGURES 71–74 and 90 View FIGURES 90–93 ); hind tibia, distal internal area with a distal concave projection evenly shaped (not widened distally) ( Figs. 74 View FIGURES 71–74 and 93 View FIGURES 90–93 )............................. 11

11(10) Clypeus with a subtle light-brown middle longitudinal line reaching close to clypeus margin ( Fig. 71 View FIGURES 71–74 ); T3 to T7 with a noticeable, unpunctate middle longitudinal line (Mexican Pacific slope from Sinaloa to Nicaragua).............. X. gualanensis View in CoL

- Clypeus with a noticeable light to dark brown middle longitudinal line reaching close to clypeus margin ( Fig. 90 View FIGURES 90–93 ); T3 to T7 with a middle longitudinal line only different in coloration, but not unpunctate (Northwestern, Western and Central Mexico, Southwestern, United States).................................................................... X. sonorina

Dinerstein, E., Olson, D., Joshi, A., Vynne, C., Burgess, N. D., Wikramanayake, E., Hahn, N., Palminteri, S., Hedao, P., Noss, R., Hansen, M., Locke, H., Ellis, E. C., Jones, B., Barber, C. V., Hayes, R., Kormos, C., Martin, V., Crist, E., Sechrest, W., Price, L., Baillie, J. E., Weeden, D., Suckling, K., Davis, C., Sizer, N., Moore, R., Thau, D., Birch, T., Potapov, P., Turubanova, S., Tyukavina, A., de Souza, N., Pintea, L., Brito J. C., Llewellyn, O. A., Miller, A. G., Patzelt, A., Ghazanfar, S. A. Timberlake, J., Kloser, H., Shennan-Farpon, Y., Kindt, R., Kindt, R., Lilleso, J. B., Van Breugel, P., Graudal, L., Voge, M., Al-Shammari, K. F. & Saleem, M. (2017) An Ecoregion-Based Approach to Protecting Half the Terrestrial Realm. Bioscience, 67 (6), 534 - 545. https: // doi. org / 10.1093 / biosci / bix 014

Enderlein, G. (1913) Zur Kenntnis der Xylocopen Sudamerikas und ubereinen Zwitter von Xylocopa ordinaria. Archiv fu ¨ r Naturgeschichte, Abteilung A, 79, 156 - 170.

Gonzalez, V. H. & Gonzalez, M. M. (2009) Notas biologicas y taxonomicas sobre los abejorros del Maracuya del genero Xylocopa (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Xylocopini) en Colombia. Acta biologica Colombiana, 14, 31 - 40.

Mawdsley, J. R. (2017) Large carpenter bees: A guide to the species of Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) from North and Central America. Pineway Press, University Park, Maryland, 64 pp.

Moure, J. S. (2012) Xylocopini Latreille, 1802. In: Moure, J. S., Urban, D. & Melo, G. A. R. (Orgs), Catalogue of Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in the Neotropical Region. Online version. Available from: http: // www. moure. cria. org. br / catalogue (accessed 12 March 2021)

Perez, J. (1901) Contribution a l'etude des Xylocopes. Actes de la Societe Linneenne de Bordeaux, 56, 1 - 128.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 43–46. Female of X. (N.) ocellaris. 43. Frontal view; 44. Genal area and mesosoma lateral view; 45. Dorsal habitus; 46. Metasoma.

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FIGURES 132–135. Maps of distribution. 132. X. (N.) fimbriata; 133. X. (N.) frontalis 134. X. (N.) nautlana; 135. X. (N.) ocellaris.

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FIGURES 56–61. Female of X. (N.) griswoldi sp. nov. 56. Frontal view; 57. Mandible left. 58. Lateral habitus; 59. Dorsal habitus. 60. Basitibial plate; 61. T2 to T3.

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FIGURES 75–81. Female of X. (N.) maya sp. nov. 75. Frontal view; 76. Mandible left; 77. Genal area, 78. Scutellum; 79. Lateral habitus; 80. Dorsal habitus; 81. Metasoma.

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FIGURES 47–51. Female of X. (N.) clarionensis. 47. Frontal view; 48. Lateral habitus. 49. Dorsal habitus; 50. Basitibial plate; 51. Metasoma.

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FIGURES 94–97. Female of X. (N.) wilmattae. 94. Frontal view; 95. Lateral habitus; 96. Dorsal habitus; 97. Basitibial plate.

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FIGURES 66–70. Female of X. (N.) gualanensis. 66. Genal area; 67. Frontal view; 68. Lateral habitus; 69. Dorsal habitus; 70. T2 to T3.

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FIGURES 86–89. Female of X. (N.) sonorina. 86. Genal area; 87. Frontal view; 88. Lateral habitus; 89. Dorsal habitus.

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FIGURES 98–101. Male of X. (N.) wilmattae. 98. Frontal view; 99. Lateral habitus; 100. Dorsal habitus; 101. Hind tibia.

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FIGURES 52–55. Male of X. (N.) clarionensis. 52. Frontal view; 53. Lateral habitus; 54. Dorsal habitus; 55. Hind tibia.

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FIGURES 62–65. Male of X. (N.) griswoldi sp. nov. 62. Frontal view; 63. Lateral habitus; 64. Dorsal habitus; 65. Hind tibia.

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FIGURES 71–74. Male of X. (N.) gualanensis. Fig. 71. Frontal view; 72. Lateral habitus. 73. Dorsal habitus; 74. Hind tibia.

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FIGURES 82–85. Male of X. (N.) maya sp. nov. 82. Frontal view; 83. Lateral habitus; 84. Dorsal habitus; 85. Hind tibia.

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FIGURES 90–93. Male of X. (N.) sonorina. 90. Frontal view; 91. Lateral habitus; 92. Dorsal habitus; 93. Hind tibia.


Museo Nacional de Costa Rica


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


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