Yllenus tschoni (Caporiacco, 1936)

Wesolowska, W. & van Harten, A., 2010, Order Araneae, Arthropod fauna of the UAE, Abu Dhabi: Dar Al Ummah, pp. 27-69 : 60-63

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Yllenus tschoni (Caporiacco, 1936)


Yllenus tschoni (Caporiacco, 1936) View in CoL Figures 92-97 View Figures 92 - 97

Specimens examined: 7 km S of al-Jazirat al-Hamra , 1 1♂ 6 ‘:, 1.xii. 2004, WT . Al-Rafah , 1 ♀ Q3, 27 30. iv. 2008, WT ; 2♂, 1 l 2. ii. 2009, WT . Sharjah Desert Park , 1 1♂ d, 22.xi.2004, WT ; 1♂, 1 30. Xi.2008, PT . Description: Measurements. Cephalothorax length 1.5 1.7/2.1, width 1.5 1.6/2.0, height 1.0 1.1 / 1.2. Abdomen length 1.8 2.0/2.9, width 1.2 — 1.4/2.4. Eye field length 0.7-0.8/ 1.0, anterior width 1.0-1.1 / 1.5, posterior width 1.2-1.3 /1.8.

Male. Small spider with short legs. Carapace rounded, high in cephalic part, highest approximately at posterior lateral eyes, and sloping behind eye field. Colouration of carapace dark brown, darker near eyes, eye field covered with numerous small scales, which form large yellowish spot on anterior part of eye field. Long brown bristles in vicinity of eyes. On thoracic part two white Stripes running from posterior lateral eyes to posterior edge of carapace. Clypeus clothed in long dense white hairs extending to lateral sides of carapace. Mouthparts and sternum brown. Abdomen ovoid, brown with two broad longitudinal white bands, venter yellowish. Spinneters light with brown tips. Legs short, dark yellow, in some specimens with brown patches on lateral surfaces of femora and tibiae, also metatarsi apically brown. Leg hairs long, dense, White. Palpal structure as in Figures 92-95 View Figures 92 - 97 , tibial apophysis long, embolus long, with accompanying large ‘ membraneous conductor’


Female. Carapace high, brown, eye field black laterally. Whole carapace densely covered with short whitish hairs, especially densely on slopes. Fawn scales surround anterior eyes and form spot on eye field anteriorly. Chelicerae dark brown, gnathocoxae and labium light brown with whitish tips, sternum brown with large light central patch. Abdomen swollen, greyish beige with broad brown streak. Dense light hairs cover abdomen, among them sparse brown setae. Spinnerets beige. Legs orange, their hairs light, on tarsi dark scopule. Epigyne with central pocket (Fig. 90). Seminal ducts long, their initial weakly sclerotised Part forms loop ( Fig. 97 97 View Figures 92 - 97 ))-.

Remarks: The species was reported as Yllenus saliens (O. P.-Cambridge, 1876) (misidentified) by Denis (1966) from Algeria and by Proszynski (1968) from Egypt.

Distribution: Hithert O tl HS ' Species. is _ known from Algeria ’ Liby a » E gypt and Israel ~ N@W to the UAE.













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