Pangrapta jianfenglingensis Hu & Wang, 2019

Hu, Yan-Qing & Wang, Min, 2019, Three new species and a new record of the genus Pangrapta Hübner, 1818 (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Pangraptinae) from China, Zootaxa 4590 (3), pp. 393-399 : 395

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4590.3.5


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scientific name

Pangrapta jianfenglingensis Hu & Wang

sp. nov.

Pangrapta jianfenglingensis Hu & Wang , sp. n. ( Figs 11–15 View FIGURES 11–20 )

Type material. Holotype: male, Jianfengling , Hainan Prov., 12.iv.2009, Min Wang. Four paratypes: 1 male & 3 females, Jianfengling, Hainan Prov., 30.xi.2011, Wentang Wang & Houshuai Wang.

Diagnosis. The new species has a relatively small wingspan (31–33 mm) comparing with the species P. perturbans ( Figs 16–20 View FIGURES 11–20 ; wingspan 34–37 mm). The main differences on the wing pattern are follows: in the new species, the triangular patch is located between the medial and subterminal lines, the postmedial line between vein M 3 and vein A is slightly incurved; on the hindwing, the postmedial line is slightly incurved medially, subterminal line is represented medially with dots. In P. perturbans the triangular patch is located between the postmedial and subterminal lines, the postmedial line between vein M 3 and vein A is intensely incurved; on the hindwing, the postmedial line is concave medially, the subterminal line is intact and represented with a row of dots. The main differences on the male genitalia are follows, the new species has a small and similarly round process of valva, the juxta with a row of spine at both side, an arc-shaped saccus and a short and curved aedeagus with the cornuti, while P. perturbans has a big and similarly era-shaped process of valva, the juxta without spine, a V-shaped saccus and a straight and long aedeagus without cornuti. In the female genitalia, the new species has a widened and pear-shaped ostium, a strongly sclerotized and sinuate ductus bursae and a round corpus bursae, while P. perturbans has a medium size ostium, a wrinkled and straight ductus bursae and a long and oval-shaped corpus bursae.

Description. Adult ( Figs 11 & 14 View FIGURES 11–20 ). Wingspan 31–33 mm. Head, thorax and collar pale brown; antenna brown, filiform; labial palpus stretched upward beyond the vertex. Abdomen brown. Forewing ground color brown, costa margin area pale brown; a triangular patch between the medial and subterminal lines, pale brown; basal line darker brown, represented at anterior part; antemedial line darker brown, arc-shaped; medial line darker brown, excurved to reniform spot, then incurved to inner margin, sinuate; postmedial line blackish brown, excurved to R 5, then incurved to inner margin; subterminal line inconspicuous, blackish brown and sinuate; terminal line blackish brown; cilia darker brown; terminal area pale blackish brown; orbicular spot darker brown circle; reniform dark brown, wedge-shaped. Hindwing ground color brown; medial line black, widened; postmedial line thin, black, with a blackish brown shadow outside; subterminal line represented medially with the black dots; terminal line blackish brown; cilia darker brown; discal spot black, wedgeshaped.

Male genitalia. ( Figs 12 & 13 View FIGURES 11–20 ). Uncus short, slender, hook-shaped at apex; tegumen short and broad; valve long and slender, curved at anterior part, with a similarly round process at costa margin, concave outside; cucullus round; juxta large, with a row of spine at both side; sacculus broad; saccus arc-shaped. Aedeagus curved, sclerotized, with a fingershaped process medially; vesica with a group of small spines on the basal diverticulum and a cornutus on the apical diverticulum.

Female genitalia. ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 11–20 ). Papillae anales short and broad; apophysis posterioris thin and long; apophysis anterioris long and relatively broad, divided basally; ostium broad, pear-shaped; ductus bursae short, sinuate and sclerotized; corpus bursae round, with a signum medially and a crowd of tiny spines apically.

Distribution. China (Hainan).

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the type-locality.















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