Uduba kavanaughi, Griswold & Ubick & Ledford & Polotow, 2022

Griswold, Charles, Ubick, Darrell, Ledford, Joel & Polotow, Daniele, 2022, A Revision of the Malagasy Crack-Leg Spiders of the Genus Uduba Simon, 1880 (Araneae, Udubidae), with Description of 35 New Species from Madagascar, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 67, pp. 1-193 : 54-56

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Felipe (2024-08-01 19:09:06, last updated 2024-08-01 23:03:16)

scientific name

Uduba kavanaughi

sp. nov.

Uduba kavanaughi View in CoL , new species

Figures 1 A–E View FIGURE , 7 I View FIGURE , 9 G View FIGURE , 28 F View FIGURE , 47 A–C View FIGURE , 76 D, E View FIGURE , Maps 9 View MAP , 13 View MAP .

Uduba sp. CG301 Wheeler et al. (2017: fig. 6), DNA voucher.

Type material. Holotype male ( CASENT9029870 ) from evergreen forest at 970m elevation in Parc National Ranomafana , 21º15ʹ50.6ʺS, 47º25ʹ9.6ʺE, Fianarantsoa Province, Madagascar, collected 11–12 January 2009, C. Griswold ( CGM01 ), deposited in CAS. Two paratype females ( CASENT9003516 ) and ( CASENT9003517 ), both from mixed tropical forest at 900m elevation in Ranomafana National Park, 21.25041°S, 47.41945°E, collected 2–22 January 2001 by D. H. and K. M. Kavanaugh, R. L. Brett, E. Elsom and F. Vargas, and one paratype male ( CASENT9031127 ) from Talatakely, 1.68 km SW Ranomafana, elev. 970m, 21º15ʹ50.6ʺS, 47º9.6ʺE, collected 11–12 January 2009 by C. Griswold, A. Saucedo and H. Wood, all deposited in CAS. GoogleMaps

Etymology. The species epithet is a patronym in honor of Dr. David H. Kavanaugh, Coleoptera curator and natural history explorer from the California Academy of Sciences, who dauntlessly pursued and collected this species as well as other Uduba .

Note. In the phylogeny publication by Wheeler et al. (2017) a voucher specimen of this species was included and listed as Uduba sp. CG301 “big red juvenile” ( Wheeler et al., 2017:fig. 6), DNA voucher, with the following collection data: “Talatakely forest, 42.3 km 58˚ NE Fianarantsoa, S21˚15ʹ28.0ʺ, E47˚25ʹ21.8ʺ, elev. 1050m, montane rainforest, general collecting, 24 December 2005 to 14 January 2006, H. Wood, J. Miller, J.J. Rafanomezantsoa, E. Rajeriarison, V. Andriamananona, [HW009] [DNA-MAD-111] 1j, (CASENT9024063, 1 juvenile, CAS)”.

Diagnosis. Uduba kavanaughi are members of Group I.a, the Uduba dahli group ( Map 13 View MAP ) of Group I, the Epigynal atrium group. They are ecribellate and very large, with males greater than 22mm, females greater than 30mm total length. Males can be distinguished from those of other Uduba with a screw shaped TA3 by having the TA2 that is hidden ventrally behind TA3 ( Figs. 47 A–C View FIGURE ) and are distinguished from Uduba platnicki by having the TA2 formed as a small, blunt blade with a median longitudinal ridge ( Fig. 28 F View FIGURE ) (in Uduba platnicki the TA2 a small, simple mound, lacking such a ridge, Fig. 28 E View FIGURE ). Females can be distinguished from those of other ecribellate Uduba that have an epigynal plate with median lobe surrounded by depressed atrium ( Figs. 76 D, E View FIGURE ) by having the plate short or nearly absent posteriad of atrium, height less than 0.12 times epigynal length, lateral lobes meet behind atrium to form short posterior plate, equal to 0.08–0.12 times epigynum length, median lobe short and broad, width atrium less than 3 times ML width, ML length less than 1.50 times width, atrium a broad depression on each side of ML; CO ( Figs. 76 D, E View FIGURE ) appear to be beneath the ML (as in U. halabe , Figs. 74 C, F View FIGURE ), but U. halabe has an entire cribellum ( Fig. 20 A View FIGURE ) whereas U. kavanaughi is ecribellate.

Description. Male (Holotype): Total length 24.00. Markings as in Figs. 1 A–B View FIGURE , 9 G View FIGURE , body and legs to patellae dark, tibiae to tarsi segments light. Carapace 13.80 long, 10.60 wide, 8.00 high; clypeus 3.60 high. Eye diameters: AME 0.50, ALE and PME 0.56, PLE 0.52. Chelicerae 18.00 long; sternum 14.20 long, 11.80 wide; labium 8.00 long; palpal coxae 11.50 long. With a colulus. Spination (paratype, CASENT9031127): palpus–femur d0-0-1, p0-0-1, r0-0-1; leg I–femur d1-0- 1-0, p0-0-1, r0-0-1, tibia d0-0-0-1, p0-1-1-0, v2-2-2-2, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p1-0-0, v2-1-3, r1-0-0; leg II–femur d1-1-2, p0-1-1-0, r0-1-1-0, patella r1, tibia d0-1-1-0, p0-1-1-0, v2-2-2-2, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p1-1-1, v1-1-2, r1-0-0; leg III–femur d1-1-0-1, p0-1-0-1-1, r0-1-0-1-1, tibia d0-0-1-0, p0-1-1-0, v2-2-2, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p1-2-2, v2-2-2, r1-2-2, tarsus v0-1-0; leg IV–femur d1-1-1- 0-1, p0-1-0-1, r0-0-0-1, tibia d0-0-0-1, p0-1-1-0, v2-1-2-0, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p0-1-2, v1-1-1-2, r0-1-1-1. Scopulae: cymbium, apicodorsal; beneath all tarsi, metatarsi I and II, and apices of metatarsi III and IV. Leg measurements [holotype]: I: 15.00 + 6.00 + 13.00 + 15.00 + 7.00 = 56.00; II: 14.50 + 5.50 + 10.00 + 13.00 + 2.50 = 48.50; III: 10.10 + 4.50 + 7.00 + 11.00 + 4.00 = 36.50; IV: 14.00 + 4.50 + 11.00 + 17.20 + 6.50 = 53.20; palpus: 9.00 + 2.20 + 2.10 + NA + 8.30 = 21.60. Leg formula 1423. Male palp (holotype, Figs. 47 A–C View FIGURE ): palpal tibia 0.34 times cymbial length, RTA conical, length 0.16 tibia length, length 0.56 times width, with bluntly pointed apex ( Fig. 47 B View FIGURE ); VTA conical, length 1.25 times width, length 0.31 tibia width; tibia lacking stout spines; tegulum convex, without ridge ( Figs. 47 B, C View FIGURE ), tegulum length 1.02 times width; TA1 extends distad of tegulum apex, TA1 extends past TA3 apex by 1.07 times tegulum length; TA3 a large, sharp-point- ed screw, with proximal ridges ( Figs. 47 B, C View FIGURE ), TA3 extends apicad of TA2 by 1.15 times tegulum length, TA2 hidden behind apex of TA3, forming a small, blunt blade with a median longitudinal ridge ( Fig. 28 F View FIGURE ); MA simple, origin at 0.41 times tegulum length, tegulum apex at 0.34 tegulum length from MA apex, MA small ( Figs. 47 B, C View FIGURE ), length (including apical processes) 0.56 times width, width 0.37 tegulum width; conductor fan margin irregular ( Fig. 47 C View FIGURE ). Female (Paratype, CASENT9003516): Total length 31.00. Markings as in Figs. 1 C–E View FIGURE , 7 I View FIGURE , carapace and legs reddish in life. Carapace 16.00 long, 11.60 wide, 6.50 high; clypeus 1.40 high. Eye diameters: AME 0.40, ALE 0.48, PME 0.46, PLE 0.50. Chelicerae 7.80 long; sternum 6.50 long, 5.20 wide; labium 3.50 long; palpal coxae 5.40 long. With a colulus. Spination: Female (paratype, CASENT9003517): palpus–femur d1-0-3, patella p1, tibia p2-0, tarsus p2-1, v2-0; leg I–femur d0-1-0-1, p0-0-0-2, patella p1, v1, tibia p0-1-1-0, v2-1-2-2, metatarsus v2-2-1; leg II–femur d1-0-0-1, p0-1-0-2, r0-1- 0-0, tibia p0-1-1-0, v2-2-2-2, metatarsus p0-1-1-0, v2-1-2-1; leg III–femur d1-1-0-1, p1-0-1-1, r1- 0-1-1, tibia d1-0-0-0, p0-1-1-0, v2-2-3, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p1-2-2, v2-2-2, r1-2-2, tarsus v0-1-0; leg IV–femur d0-1-0-1, p0-1-0-1, r0-0-0-1, tibia p0-1-1-0, v2-2-2, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p1-1-1, v2- 1-2-0, r2-2-1. Scopulae: strong ventral beneath all tarsi, beneath metatarsi I-III and apical half of metatarsus IV, and beneath apices of tibiae I and II. Leg measurements (Paratype, CASENT9003516): I: 12.00 + 5.80 + 9.60 + 10.00 + 4.80 = 42.20; II: 10.30 + 5.30 + 8.00 + 8.50 + 4.50 = 36.60; III: 8.60 + 4.60 + 5.50 + 8.00 + 4.40 = 31.10; IV: 11.20 + 4.80 + 8.70 + 12.00 + 4.90 = 41.60; palpus: 6.00 + 3.10 + 3.50 + NA + 6.80 = 19.40. Leg formula 1423. Female genitalia (Paratype, CASENT9003517): epigynal plate with median lobe surrounded by depressed atrium ( Fig. 76 D View FIGURE ), plate width 1.50 times length; atrium sides evenly concave, atrium extends anteriad and posteriad of ML, width 1.425 times atrium length; epigynum length 1.75 times atrium length, epigynum width 1.84 times atrium width; atrium width at side of ML 0.46 times ML width; atrium ends just anteriad of epigastric groove, atrium origin at 0.09 of epigynal plate length, medi- an lobe broad, notched apically and widest at base, median lobe length 1.27 times width, ML ends at atrium apex, ML length 0.49 times epigynal length; lateral lobes broad, atrium width 2.85 times LL width; copulatory openings appear to open beneath ML of atrium ( Fig. 76 D View FIGURE ). Vulva with spermathecal ducts making two large, transverse curves, vulva length 0.60 times width, vulva width 4.16 times distance between fertilization ducts ( Fig. 76 E View FIGURE ).

Variation. Male (N = 2): Total length = 24.00–26.00, carapace length / width = 1.30–1.37, carapace height / width = 0.55–0.75, PER / carapace width = 0.35–0.35, PER / OAL = 2.82–2.86, PER / AER = 1.33–1.35, OAL / OQL = 1.16–1.35, OQP / OQA 1.09–1.21, cheliceral length / clypeus height = 5.00–15.00, femur I length / carapace width = 1.29–1.42, metatarsus I length / carapace width 1.33–1.43, femur IV length / carapace width 1.23–1.32, cymbium length / carapace width = 0.62–0.78, cymbium length / palpal patella length = 2.83–3.77, cymbium length / palpal tibia length = 2.50–3.95, cymbium length / palpal femur length = 0.92–1.00, palpal tibia length / palpal patella length = 0.95–1.13. Male genitalia as in Figs. 28 F View FIGURE , 47 A–C View FIGURE . Female (N = 2): Total length = 31.00–37.00, carapace length / width = 1.38–1.52, carapace height / width = 0.56–0.57, PER / carapace width = 0.41–0.42, PER / OAL = 3.64–4.05, OAL / OQL = 1.00–1.02, OQP / OQA = 1.20–1.25, clypeus height / AME = 2.50–3.50, cheliceral length / clypeus height = 5.57–7.75, sternum length / width = 1.21–1.25, palpal coxa length / width = 2.35–2.39, femur I length / carapace width = 0.94–1.03, metatarsus I length / carapace width = 0.80–0.86, palpal tarsus length / carapace width = 0.49–0.59, palpal tarsus length / palpal patella length = 1.62–2.19, palpal tarsus length / palpal tibia length = 1.58–1.94, palpal tarsus length / palpal femur length = 1.00–1.13, palpal tibia length / palpal patella length = 1.03–1.13.

Material examined. MADAGASCAR: Fianarantsoa Province: Parc National Ranomafana, Talatakely , 1.68 km SW Ranomafana, 21º15ʹ50.6ʺS, 47º25ʹ9.6ʺE, elev. 970m, general collecting day and night, evergreen forest, 11–12 January 2009, C. Griswold (Holotype, CASENT9029870 , 1♂, CAS) GoogleMaps , Talatakely area , elev. 900m, mixed tropical forest, 2–22 January 2001, 21.25041°S, 47.41945°E, D. H. Kavanaugh (paratype, CASENT9003516 , 1♀, CAS) GoogleMaps , Talatakely area , 900m, mixed tropical forest, 2–22 January 2001, 21.25041°S, 47.41945°E, D. H. and K. M. Kavanaugh, R. L. Brett, E. Elsom, and F. Vargas (paratype, CASENT9003517 , 1♀, 1 juv. ♂, CAS) GoogleMaps , Talatakely , 1.68 km SW Ranomafana, 21º15ʹ50.6ʺS, 47º9.6ʺE, elev. 970m, general collecting day and night, evergreen forest, 11–12 January 2009, C. Griswold, A. Saucedo and H. Wood [CGM01] (paratype, CASENT9031127 , 1♂, CAS), Talatakely forest, 42.3 km 58˚NE Fianarantsoa, S21˚15ʹ28.0ʺ, E47˚25ʹ21.8ʺ, elev. 1050m, montane rainforest, general collecting, 24 December 2005 – 14 January 2006, H. Wood, J. Miller, J. J. Rafanomezantsoa, E. Rajeriarison, V. Andriamananona, [HW009] [DNA-MAD-111] ( CASENT9024063 , 1 juvenile, CAS) .

Natural history. The species Uduba kavanaughi has been collected in rainforest. Males and females of this large, ecribellate species have been found wandering at night. David Kavanaugh (pers. Comm.) reports that several females were found in burrows from which they emerged for short distances at night, and into which they quickly retreated when disturbed. These burrows never had any extended turrets or even evident silk atop or in any of these burrows.

Distribution. Specimens of Uduba kavanaughi are known only from the vicinity of Ranomafana Forest, in southeastern Madagascar ( Maps 9 View MAP , 13 View MAP ).

WHEELER, W. C., J. A. CODDINGTON, L. M. CROWLEY, D. DIMITROV, GOLOBO ♀, P. A., C. E. GRISWOLD, G. HORMIGA, L. PRENDINI, M. J. RAMIREZ, P. SIERWALD, L. M. ALMEIDA-SILVA, F. ALVAREZ-PADILLA, M. A. ARNEDO, L. R. BENAVIDES, S. P. BENJAMIN, J. E. BOND, C. J. GRISMADO, E. HASAN, M. HEDIN, M. A. IZQUIERDO, F. M. LABARQUE, J. LEDFORD, L. LOPARDO, W. P. MADDISON, J. A. MILLER, L. N. PIACENTINI, N. I. PLATNICK, D. POLOTOW, D. SILVA-DAVILA, N. SCHARFF, T. SZUTS, D. UBICK, C. VINK, H. M. WOOD, AND J. X. ZHANG. (2017). The spider tree of life: phylogeny of Araneae based on target-gene analyses from an extensive taxon sampling. Cladistics 33 (6): 576 - 616. <doi: 10.1111 / cla. 12182>

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FIGURE 1. Uduba spp., live individuals. A, B. U. kavanaughi, Holotype ♂ (CASENT9029870) from evergreen forest at 970m elevation at Talatakely, Parc National Ranomafana, January 2009. C, D. U. kavanaughi, Paratype ♀, CASENT9003517, Talatakely, 1.68 km SW Ranomafana, Parc National Ranomafana, January 2009. E. U. kavanaughi, Juvenile ♀, Parc National Ranomafana, April 1998. F. U. madagascariensis (Vinson, 1863), ♂ CASENT9006030, specimen from suburbs of Antananarivo. Photos A, B, F by Nikolaj Scharff, C, D by Charles Griswold, E by Dong Lin. Scale bars = 10 mm.

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FIGURE 7. Habitus photos of Uduba spp., females, dorsal views. A. U. pseudoevanescens, CASENT9006007, from Forêt Marovato, MNHN Paris. B. U. evanescens (Dahl, 1901), CASENT9006090 from Ranomafana National Park. C. U. volana, Holotype (CASENT9006072) from 1400m elevation at Ambohimanga. D. U. goodmani, Holotype (CASENT9006074) from Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d’Andohahela. E. U. salegy, Paratype (CASENT9006045) from Parc National Montagne d’Ambre. F. U. ibonia, CASENT9006033 from Ranomafana National Park. G. U. schlingeri, CASENT9006075 from Parc National Ranomafana. H. U. barbarae, paratype (CASENT9006064), from Lokobe Forest on the island of Nosy Be. I. U. kavanaughi, paratype (CASENT9003517) from Parc National Ranomafana. J. U. woodae, paratype (CASENT9017834) from spiny forest at Lake Ranobe. K. U. woodae, CASENT9006092 from Ambovombe, Carougeau, Muséum Paris. L. U. madagascariensis (Vinson, 1863), CASENT9006029, from forest near village of Ambohimanga. Scale bars (see A, I) = 5 mm.

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FIGURE 9. Habitus photos of Uduba spp., males, dorsal views. A. U. schlingeri, (CASENT9006077) from R. S. de Ivohibe. B. U. woodae, CASENT9017831 from Lake Ranobe. C. U. lehibekokoa, Holotype (CASENT9017929) from tropical dry forest in Parc National de Namoroka. D. U. salegy, Holotype (CASENT9006044) from montane rainforest in Parc National Montagne d’Ambre. E. U. ibonia, CASENT9006034 from Parc National Ranomafana. F. U. fandroana, CASENT9006103 from Forêt d’Ankazomivady. G. U. kavanaughi, Holotype (CASENT9029870) from evergreen forest in Parc National Ranomafana. H. U. lamba, Holotype (CASENT9042542) from rainforest in Réserve Nationale Intégrale Betampona. Scale bars: A–F, H = 5 mm, G = 10 mm.

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FIGURE 28. Uduba spp., left male palpal bulbs, apical views. A. U. hiragasy, holotype (CASENT9065679) from Tsinjoarivo Forest. B. U. valiha, paratype (CASENT9082181) from Forêt de Vevembe. C. U. fisheri, paratype (CASENT9026388) from Anjozorobe. D. U. halabe, (CASENT9042520) from Parc National Ranomafana. E. U. platnicki, holotype (CASENT9006021) from Marojejy Reserve. F. U. kavanaughi, paratype (CASENT9031127) from Talatakely, Parc National Ranomafana. C, conductor; MA, median apophysis; TA2, proapical apophysis of the tegulum, arising just prolaterad of distal notch; TA3, retroapical apophysis of the tegulum, typically with apex extending to prolateral. Scale bar = 0.2 mm (A–C); 0.5 mm (D–F). Illustrations by Charles Griswold.

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FIGURE 47. Uduba kavanaughi, new species, Holotype (CASENT9029870) from Parc National Ranomafana, left male palpus. A. Prolateral. B. Ventral. C. Retrolateral. Illustrations by Daniele Polotow. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.

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FIGURE 76. Uduba spp., female genitalia drawings. A, B. U. barbarae, new species, paratype (CASENT9006064) from Lokobe Forest on the island of Nosy Be. C, F, I. U. milamina, new species. C. Holotype (CASENT9010797) from a malaise canopy trap at the Ranomafana-Radio Tower. F, I. Paratype (CASENT9006100) from Andringitra Reserve. D, E. U. kavanaughi, new species, paratype (CASENT9003517) from Talatakely, Parc National Ranomafana. G, H. U. platnicki, new species, paratype (CASENT9030253) from Mikira Forest. A, C, D. H, I. Epigynum, ventral. B, E, F, G. Vulva, dorsal. Illustrations A, B by Jenny Speckels, C–I by Charles Griswold. At, atrium of epigynum; AtSp, atrial side plate of epigynum; EF, epigastric furrow; LL, lateral lobe of epigynum; ML, median lobe of epigynum. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.

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MAP 9. Distributions of Uduba fisheri, Uduba MAP 10. Distributions of Uduba hiragasy, Uduba rakotofrah, Uduba rajery, Uduba rakotozafy and Uduba valiha, Uduba taralily, Uduba danielae and Uduba sarotra. kavanaughi.

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MAP 13. Distribution of Group I.a, the Uduba dahli MAP 14. Distribution of Group I.b, the Uduba woodae group of Group I, the Epigynal atrium group: Uduba group of Group I, the Epigynal atrium group: Uduba lamba, U. fandroana, U. hainteny, U. kavanaughi, U. plat- andriamihajai, U. balsama, U. schlingeri, U. taralily, nicki, U. halabe, U. salegy, U. dahli Simon 1903 and U. lehibekokoa and U. woodae. U. ibonia.

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FIGURE 74. Uduba spp., female genitalia drawings. A, B. U. salegy, new species, paratype (CASENT9006045) Parc National Montagne d’Ambre. C, F. U. halabe, new species, paratype (CASENT9006015) Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d’Andohahela. D, E. U. balsama, new species, paratype (CASENT9013532) from Forêt de Kirindy. A, C, D. Epigynum, ventral. B, E, F. Vulva, dorsal. Illustrations A–C, F by Jenny Speckels, D, E by Charles Griswold. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.

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FIGURE 20. Uduba spp., females: cribellum or colulus, and base of anterior lateral spinnerets surrounded by soft, flexible cuticle, anterior to top. A. U. halabe, CASENT9017873 from Parc Nacional Ranomafana, entire cribellum. B. U. ibonia, CASENT9006035 from Parc Nacional Ranomafana, divided cribellum (note small size of spinning plates). C. U. pseudoevanescens, CASENT9006008 from Parc Nacional Périnet, divided cribellum. D. U. evanescens (Dahl, 1901), CASENT9024032 from Parc Nacional Ranomafana, colulus. E. U. madagascariensis (Vinson, 1863), CASENT9006028 from Forêt Analavelona, colulus. F. U. goodmani, holotype (CASENT9006074) from Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d’Andohahela, colulus. G. U. schlingeri, CASENT9006028 from Parc Nacional Ranomafana, divided cribellum (note large size of spinning plates at posterior margin of soft cuticle). Illustrations by Charles Griswold. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.


California Academy of Sciences











