Uduba evanescens (Dahl, 1901)

Griswold, Charles, Ubick, Darrell, Ledford, Joel & Polotow, Daniele, 2022, A Revision of the Malagasy Crack-Leg Spiders of the Genus Uduba Simon, 1880 (Araneae, Udubidae), with Description of 35 New Species from Madagascar, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 67, pp. 1-193 : 28-33

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Felipe (2024-08-01 19:09:06, last updated 2024-08-01 23:03:16)

scientific name

Uduba evanescens (Dahl, 1901)


Uduba evanescens (Dahl, 1901) View in CoL

Figures 2 D View FIGURE , 7 B View FIGURE , 8 C View FIGURE , 20 D View FIGURE , 29 A View FIGURE , 35 A–C View FIGURE , 36 A–F View FIGURE , 37 A–D View FIGURE , 38 A–I View FIGURE , 71 E, F View FIGURE , 80 G View FIGURE , Maps 7 View MAP , 16.

Calamistrula evanescens Dahl, 1901a: 196 , figs. 1-5. (type series, six slides and fragments of four individuals, from “South Central– Madagascar ”, in Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, examined). Lectotype of Calamistrula evanescens Dahl 1901 , here designated: the lectotype comprises the labelled fragments ZMB30812, ZMB30810_part_1, ZMB30810_part_2 and ZMB30811a. Lehtinen, 1967: 437, fig. 77. Lehtinen (1967) — p. 220: This is from the text on page 220: “ Calamistrula F. Dahl 1901 , Sitz.-Ber. Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berlin 9, 186: C. evanescens Dahl 1 901, ibid., 195 f. 1 5 from Madagascar (female from Berlin). Described in Zoropsidae View in CoL , transferred to Tengellidae by F. DAHL (1908: 194), and selected as the type genus for the subfamily Calamistrulinae by PETRUNKEVITCH (1928: 91). Listed here provisionally as a deviating genus of Miturgidae View in CoL : Uliodoninae. The name Calamistrulinae has priority over Uliodoninae, but it is not recommendable in this case. Lehtinen saw the Berlin types of C. evanescens Dahl 1901 and illustrated the vulva as his Fig. 77 View FIGURE , p. 437.

Uduba evanescens, Polotow et al., (2015: 151) View in CoL , new combination [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023248] ( Polotow et al. 2015: 151 — “ Calamistrula Dahl 1901 is a junior synonym of Uduba View in CoL .”

Uduba sp. CG8, Wheeler et al., (2017: 586, fig. 6), DNA voucher, ARACG000008, CASENT9005888.

Types. The type series has been dissected: part is mounted on six different slides, there are two whole juveniles in alcohol and fragments of at least one additional individual, probably a mature female, in alcohol. The type series seems to represent at least four individuals, of which at least one is a mature female. The type series comprises “ ZMB30808 View Materials _J” ( Fig. 37 B View FIGURE )” (this is a whole juvenile in alcohol), “ ZMB30811 View Materials _ J” ( Fig. 37 A View FIGURE ) (this is a whole juvenile in alcohol), “ ZMB30812 View Materials ” ( Fig. 37 D View FIGURE ) (this is a highly fragmented specimen in alcohol, which may be an adult, and the source of carapace and genitalia on the slide mounts), “ ZMB30813 View Materials _ J” ( Fig. 37 C View FIGURE ) (this is a highly fragmented specimen in alcohol, probably a juvenile), “ ZMB30808 View Materials a” ( Fig. 38 B View FIGURE )” (four legs on a slide), “ ZMB30809 View Materials _part1” ( Fig. 38 A View FIGURE ) (these are legs, palpi and endites on a slide), “ ZMB30809 View Materials _part_2” ( Fig. 38 C View FIGURE ) (these are four legs on a slide), “ ZMB30810 View Materials _part_1 ” (this is the female, here designated lectotype, including carapace, endites, spinnerets on a slide) ( Figs. 38 D– F View FIGURE ), “ ZMB30810 View Materials _part_2 ” (this is the female, including legs, endites, spinnerets on a slide) and “ ZMB30811 View Materials a ” ( Figs. 38 D–F View FIGURE )–(this is the female abdomen, including spinnerets and female genitalia, on a slide). We hereby designate the mature female as the lectotype of Calamistrula evanescens Dahl 1901a . The lectotype comprises the labelled fragments ZMB30812 View Materials , ZMB30810 View Materials _ part_1, ZMB30810 View Materials _ part_2 and ZMB30811 View Materials a.

Identification. Dahl’s German language description ( Dahl 1901a: 196) reveals much about his concept of the species. He remarks that the cribellum is highly reduced in this species, which corresponds to the ecribellate specimens in the syntype series and that are included in the species concept adopted here. Dahl (1901a: 181) states “ Die mir vorliegende neue Form, welche ich Calamistrula evanescens n. g. n. sp. nenne, unterscheidet sich von den meisten bis jetzt bekannt gewordenen Arten der Familie durch eine starke Reduction sowohl des Calamistimis als auch des Cribellums ” (OUR TRANSLATION: The new form lying before me, which I call Calamistrula evanescens n. g., n. sp…., differs from most of the species of the family known so far by a strong reduction in both calamistrum and cribellum). “An Stelle des Calamisti’ums findet man lediglich eine Gruppe stärkerer Haare die nicht durch eine regelmässige Haarreihe begrenzt wird.” (OUR TRANSLATION: Instead of the calamistrum, there is only a group of thicker hairs that is not limited by a regular row of hair.) “Die Zahl der Haare steigt bei unreifen Tieren bis auf etwa 50” (OUR TRANSLATION: The number of hairs in immature animals increases to around 50). Da aber ähnliche Haare auch sonst am Metatarsus vorkommen, fällt die Gruppe wenig ins Auge. Ich hoffe, dass die Fig. 1 View FIGURE der etwas rohen Zinkographien, deren Umrisse mit der Camera von Calamistrula . gezeichnet sind, die Verhältnisse veranschaulichen wii’d ”. (OUR TRANSLATION: However, since similar hairs also occur on the metatarsus, the group is hardly noticeable. I hope that Fig. 1 View FIGURE [sic] of the somewhat crude zincographs, the outlines of which with the camera of Calamistrula are drawn, the circumstances illustrated). “Nach der letzten Häutimg des mir allein bekannten Weibchens tritt, wie es scheint, die Zahl der Haare noch weit mehr zurück. Nur etwa 10 dieser stärkeren Haare bleiben erhalten imd die Grenzen des Feldes verwischen sich völlig üas Cribelliim dieser Species ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE ) ist breit di’eieckig, am Ende gerundet, kalil und, wie mir scheint, völlig frei von Spinnspulen.” (OUR TRANSLATION: After the last skinning [i.e., the final molt] of the only female I know, the number of hairs, it seems, decreases even more. Only about 10 of these thicker hairs are retained and the boundaries of the field are blurred … completely. The cribellum of this species ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE ) is broadly di’angular, rounded at the end, … and, it seems to me, completely free of spinning bobbins).

Remarks. Dahl (1901a: 196) states that there is only one mature female, which is here designated as the lectotype of Calamistrula evanescens Dahl 1901a .

Diagnosis. Uduba evanescens are members of Group II, the Epigynum lateral projection group, or Uduba evanescens group (Map 16). Males can be distinguished from those of other Uduba spp. except U. pseudoevanescens and U. rakotofrah in that the palp has a notched MA and a pointed TA2 that extends far apicad even of TA1 ( Figs. 29 A View FIGURE , 35 A–C View FIGURE , 36 A–F View FIGURE ) but differs from U. rakotofrah in that the TA3 and conductor extend apicad of all processes (in U. rakotofrah the TA2 extends far apicad [ Figs. 29 B View FIGURE , 57 B View FIGURE ]), TA3 is large and swollen (small and hidden in U. rakotofrah ) and the basal lobe of the MA is entire ( Fig. 29 A View FIGURE ) with a concave margin (deeply forked in U. rakotofrah [ Fig. 29 B View FIGURE ]). The females of Uduba evanescens have the epigynum of the typical “ Calamistrula ” type with large, ear-like lobes extending laterally of the median sector ( Fig. 71 E View FIGURE ). The lateral lobes are laterally rounded and larger than those on the epigyna of species U. volana ( Fig. 77 E View FIGURE ) and U. goodmani ( Fig. 77 A View FIGURE ). The genitalia of U. evanescens ( Figs. 71 E, F View FIGURE ) and U. pseudoevanescens ( Figs. 71 A, B View FIGURE ) are nearly identical and not diagnostic, but U. evanescens is ecribellate ( Fig. 20 D View FIGURE ) and U. pseudoevanescens has a divided cribellum ( Fig. 20 C View FIGURE ) or a vestige in the adult male.

Description. Male (CASENT9006087, Ranomafana): Total length 9.90. Markings as in Fig. 8 C View FIGURE . Carapace 5.50 long, 3.90 wide, 1.20 high; clypeus 0.30 high. Eye diameters: AME and ALE 0.26, PME 0.24, PLE 0.28. Chelicerae 2.40 long; sternum 2.40 long, 1.80 wide; labium 1.10 long; palpal coxae 1.70 long. With a colulus. Spination: palpus–femur d1-1-1, patella p1-0; leg I–femur d0-1-1-2, p0-1-2, r0-1-0, patella p1, tibia d0-1-1-0, p0-1-1-0, v2-2-2-2, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p1-1- 0, v2-2-2, r1-1-0; leg II–femur d0-1-1-1, p0-1-2, r0-1-1-0, patella p1, tibia d0-1-1-0, p0-1-1-0, v2- 2-2-2, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p1-2-1, v2-1-2, r1-0-1; leg III–femur d1-0-1-1, p0-0-1, r0-0-1, tibia d0- 1-0, p0-1-1-0, v2-2-2, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p1-2-1, v2-1-2-1, r1-1-1; leg IV–femur d1-1-3, tibia d0- 0-1-0, p0-1-1-0, v2-2-2, r1-0-0, metatarsus p1-2-2, v2-2-2, r1-1-2. Scopulae: cymbium, apicodorsal ( Figs. 32 A, C View FIGURE ); tarsi and apical metatarsi I–IV, ventral. Leg measurements: I: 6.50 + 2.20 + 6.70 + 6.60 + 3.60 = 25.60; II: 5.80 + 2.00 + 5.60 + 5.70 + 2.80= 21.90; III: 4.80 + 1.70 + 3.50 + 4.50 + 2.20 = 16.70; IV: 6.10 + 1.90 + 5.60 + 6.50 + 2.80 = 22.90; palpus: 1.90 + 0.70 + 0.80 + NA + 2.30 = 5.70. Leg formula 1423. Male palp: palpal tibia 0.41 times cymbial length, RTA triangular, length 0.35 tibia length, length 1.56 times width, with sharply-pointed apex ( Figs. 35 A– C View FIGURE ); VTA long, cylindrical, upturned, length 1.89 times width, length 0.47 times tibia width; tibia lacking stout spines; tegulum convex, with retroapical indentation, without ridge, tegulum length 1.06 times width; TA1 extends to tegulum apex, TA2 and TA3 extend beyond TA1 and tegulum apex, TA3 a convex, blunt lobe, TA2 a large, pointed triangle, extending farthest apicad of all tegular processes ( Figs. 29 A View FIGURE , 36 B, C View FIGURE ); MA complex, with proximal blunt lobe, median notch, and apical curved lobe ( Figs. 36 E, F View FIGURE ), origin at 0.13 times tegulum length, tegulum apex at 0.37 tegulum length from MA apex, length (including apical processes) 1.21 times width, MA large, length 0.54 times tegulum length, width 0.47 tegulum width; tegulum with apical mound that partially covers base of TA3; conductor fan concave ( Figs. 36 A–F View FIGURE ). Female (Ranomafana, CASENT9006086): Total length 15.71. Markings as in Fig. 7 B View FIGURE . Carapace 8.29 long, 5.57 wide, 3.57 high; clypeus 0.50 high. Eye diameters: AME 0.43, ALE 0.41, PME 0.38, PLE 0.41. Chelicerae 4.14 long; sternum 3.79 long, 2.75 wide; labium 1.79 long; palpal coxae 2.68 long. With a colulus ( Fig. 20 D View FIGURE ). Spination: palpus–femur d0-1-2, patella p1-0, tibia p2-0, tarsus p2-1-0; leg I–femur d1-0-1-0, p0-0-0-2, tibia v2-2-2-2, metatarsus v2-2-3; leg II–femur d1-0-0-1, p0-0-0-1, tibia p0-0-1-0, v1-2-1-2, metatarsus v2-2-3; leg III–femur d1-0-0-1, p1-0-0-1-1, r0-1-1-0, tibia d0-1-0-0, p1-0-1-0, v2-1-2, r1-0-1-0, metatarsus p1-2-2, v2-2-2, r1-1-2; leg IV–femur d1-0-0, tibia v1-1-2, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p0-0-1-2, v1-1-2, r0-0-1-2. Scopulae: ventral on tibia–tarsus I, metatarsus–tarsus II and II, apical metatarsus–tarsus IV. Leg measurements: I: 6.43 + 3.21 + 5.21 + 4.71 + 2.43 = 22.00; II: 5.57 + 2.86 + 4.43 + 4.29 + 2.14 = 19.29; III: 4.57 + 2.36 + 2.86 + 3.50 + 1.57 = 14.86; IV: 5.93 + 2.57 + 4.93 + 5.29 + 1.86 = 20.57; palpus: 2.86 + 1.57 + 1.71 + NA + 2.43 = 8.57. Leg formula 1423. Female genitalia (CASENT9024032) ( Figs. 71 E, F View FIGURE ): epigynal plate without depressed atrium, lateral lobes extending to sides forming earlike lobes, plate width 2.04 times length; width between bases of LL 0.65 times epigynum width; lateral ears wide, arising far from epigastric furrow ( Fig. 72 E View FIGURE ), (LL side) width 0.18 times width epigynum, lateral ears (LL side) width 0.89 times LL side length; median lobe a flat plate with longitudinal, laterally bulging convex median hoods, with copulatory openings beneath these hoods, distance between copulatory openings 0.37 times epigynum width, CO origin at 0.31 of epigynum length. Vulva ( Fig. 71 F View FIGURE ) with spermathecal ducts forming three loose, irregular longitudinal loops, vulva length 0.625 times width, fertilization ducts well separated, vulva width 8.00 times distance between FD ( Fig. 80 G View FIGURE ).

Variation. Male (N= 8): Total length 7.40–12.00; carapace length / width = 1.39–1.53, carapace height / width = 0.31–0.61, PER / carapace width = 0.38–0.47, PER / OAL = 2.38–2.69, PER / AER = 1.10–1.31, OAL / OQL = 1.13–1.24, OQP / OQA = 1.04–1.09, clypeus height / AME = 1.11–1.67, cheliceral length / clypeus height = 6.67–9.00, sternum length / width = 1.24–1.43, palpal coxa length / width = 1.62–3.00, femur I length / carapace width = 1.33–1.71, metatarsus I length / carapace width = 1.42–1.71, femur IV length / carapace width = 1.39–1.59, cymbium length / carapace width = 0.59–0.70, cymbium length / palpal patella length = 2.63–3.29, cymbium length / palpal tibia length = 2.10–2.88, cymbium length / palpal femur length = 1.00–1.21, palpal tibia length / palpal patella length = 1.13–1.25. Female (N= 6): Total length 11.50–21.00 (most are less than 15.71, but there is a very large individual from Montagne d’Anjanaharibe, CASENT9017839, that is 21.00 long); carapace length / width = 1.38–1.58, carapace height / width = 0.58-0.75, PER / carapace width = 0.46–0.83, PER / OAL = 2.71–3.32, PER / AER = 1.26–1.38, OAL / OQL = 1.00–1.25, OQP / OQA = 0.98–1.15, clypeus height / AME = 1.00–1.67, cheliceral length / clypeus height = 6.88–10.40, sternum length / width = 1.20–1.38, palpal coxa length / width = 1.79–2.42, femur I length / carapace width = 1.08–1.16, metatarsus I length / carapace width = 0.74–0.95, femur IV length / carapace width = 1.00–1.12, palpal tarsus length / carapace width = 0.38–0.48, palpal tibia length / palpal patella length = 1.40–2.00, palpal tarsus length / palpal tibia length = 1.40–1.67, palpal tarsus length / palpal femur length = 0.72–1.04, palpal tibia length / palpal patella length = 1.00–1.22. Genitalia as in ( Figs. 71 E, F View FIGURE , 80 G View FIGURE ).

Material examined. MADAGASCAR: No province specified: Calamistrula evanescens Dahl, 1901a: 196 , f. 1-5 (type series, six slides and fragments of four individuals, from” South Central–Madagascar”, in Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, lectotype of Calamistrula evanescens Dahl 1901 , the lectotype comprises the labelled fragments ZMB 30812, ZMB 30810_part_1, ZMB 30810_part_2 and ZMB 30811a. “ Madagascar C.”, F. Ambohimasoa (bois mort), July 1948, J. Millot, ( CASENT 9006083, 1♀, MNHN). Antananarivo Province: Res Spec. d’Ambohitantely, Forêt d’Ambohitantely, forest fragment, ca. 20 km NE d’Ankazobe, 18°12ʹ29.6ʺS, 047°17ʹ6.3ʺE, elev. 1638m, montane rainforest, “LDD” fallen logs/ litter, 20 March 2003, D. Silva, D. Andriamalala [DSD0064] ( CASENT 9015691, 2♂, 2♀, 13jj, CAS); R. S. d’Ambohitantely, Forêt d Ambohitantely, Jardin Botanique, 24.1 km 59°NE Ankazobe, 18°10’17ʺS, 47°16’55ʺE, elev. 1620m, montane rainforest, general collecting, fallen logs/litter, [AToL DNA voucher ARACG000008; Wheel- er et al. 2017 voucher Uduba-CG8], 19–21 March 2003, D. Andriamalala, D. Silva, et. al. [DSD0034] ( CASENT 9005888, 1♂, 1♀, 1jj, CAS); Analamanga Region, District of Ankazobe, Ambohitantely, 46Km NE of Ankazobe, 18º11.88ʹS, 47º16.89ʹE, elev. 701m, Forêt sclerophylle, malaise, 3–17 April 2005, M. Irwin and R. Harin’Hala [MG-27-32] ( CASENT 9056332, 1♂, CAS). Fianarantsoa Province: Fitovavy, Fitovinany Region, District of Ifanadiana, 12Km W of Ranomafana, Radio Tower, 21º15.05ʹS, 047º24.43ʹE, elev. 1127m, malaise, canopy trap in open area at forest edge, R. Harin’Hala and M. Irwin, 22–31 March 2009, [MG-09B-243] ( CASENT 9053028, 1♂, CAS), 31 January–4 February 2009 [MG-09B-198] ( CASENT 9042996, 1♂, CAS), elev. 1130m, malaise, mixed tropical forest, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 23–30 October 2005 [MA-02-09B-127] ( CASENT 9032856, 2♂, CAS), 11–18 November 2006 [MA-02-09B-164] ( CASENT 9042521, 1♂, CAS), 11–18 November 2006 [MA-02-09B-164] ( CASENT 9042521, 1♂, CAS), 23–30 October 2005 [MA-02-09B-127] ( CASENT 9032856, 2♂, CAS), 27 February–9 March 2003 [MA-02-09B-54] ( CASENT 9030917, 1♂, CAS), 8–22 July 2004 [MA-09b-96] ( CASENT 9062701, 1♀, CAS); Parc National Ranomafana, BelleVue at Talatakely, elev. 1020m, 21°15.99ʹS, 47°25.21ʹE, malaise, secondary tropical forest, 28 May–6 June 2003, M. Irwin and R. Harin’Hala [MA-02-09C-62] ( CASENT 9030931, 1♂, CAS), 15–28 May 2003, M. Irwin and R. Harin’Hala [MA-02-09C-61] ( CASENT 9030902, 1♂, CAS); Parc National Ranomafana, Talatakely, Research cabin, 21º14.9ʹS, 47º25.6ʹE, 9–30 April 1998, C. Griswold, D. Kavanaugh, N. Penny, D. Ubick, M. Raherilalao, J. Schweikert and S. Ranorainarisoa ( CASENT 9006087, 1♂, CAS), from “burrow on Trial F”, [Dong Lin photos of burrows, this publication, Fig. 2D View FIGURE ]; 17 April 1998, C. Griswold ( CASENT 9006088, 1♀, CAS); Parc National Ranomafana, Talatakely, 21º14.9ʹS, 47º25.6ʹE, walking on tree trunk near stream, 26 April 1998, C. Griswold, ( CASENT 9006089, 1♀, CAS); Talatakely forest, 42.3 km 58˚ NE Fianarantsoa, 21˚15ʹ28.0ʺS, 47˚25ʹ21.8ʺE, elev. 1050m, montane rainforest, general collecting, 24 December 2005 to 14 January 2006, H. Wood, J. Miller, J. J. Rafanomezantsoa, E. Rajeriarison, V. Andriamananon, [HW009] ( CASENT 9024032, 1♀, CAS); Ranomafana National Park, 2.3 km N of Vohiparara village, collected on road cut at night, elev. 1100m, 21°12ʹ58ʺS, 47°22ʹ59ʺE, 10 April 1998, D. Kavanaugh ( CASENT 9006090, 1♀, CAS), 10 April 1998, C. Griswold, D. Kavanaugh, N. Penny, D. Ubick, M. Raherilalao, J., Schweikert and S. Ranorainarisoa ( CASENT 9006091, 1♀, CAS); Vohiparara, Sahamalaotra forest, 41.1 km 54ºNE Fianarantsoa, 21º14ʹ19.9ʺS, 47º23ʹ39.2ʺE, elev. 1200m, montane rainforest, general day collecting, [DNA voucher Mad-059], 26 December 2005 – 14 January 2006, H. Wood, J. Miller, J.J. Rafanomezantsoa, E. Rajeriarison, and V. Andriamananony ( CASENT 9024011, 1♀, CAS); Ranomafana N. P., by river, in burrow in moss on rocky cliff, 24 March 1992, V. and B. Roth, Kariko/Roth Voucher Collection, ( CASENT 9006085, 1♀, MCZ); Ranomafana, ca. 21º12ʹS; 47º27ʹE, 19–20 March–April 1992, V. and B. Roth ( CASENT 9006086, 1♀, CAS); extreme northern limit of R.S. de Ivohibe, along Hefitany River, ca. 7.5 km ENE Ivohibe, camp #4, 22º28.2ʹS, 46º57.6ʹE, elev. 1200m, mid elevation forest, partially disturbed by cyclone, pitfall traps #10–12, 3–9 September 1997, S. Goodman [SG1997-04] ( CASENT 9006102, 1♀, FMNH). Toamasina Province: Montagne d’Anjanaharibe, 19.5 km 27°NNE Ambinanitelo, 15º10ʹ42ʺS, 49º38ʹ6ʺE, elev. 100m, montane rainforest, general collecting day spiders, 12–16 March 2003, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team [BLF8156] ( CASENT 9017839, 1♀, CAS).

Natural history. Collection records for Uduba evanescens are from lowland to montane forest, including disturbed and intact forest, and even in sclerophyll forest, i.e., Ambohitantely, 46 Km NE of Ankazobe, elev. 701m, “Forêt sclerophylle”, CASENT9056332 . Individuals have been found walking on the ground at night or walking on vegetation. At least some males will climb into the forest canopy, as revealed by a collection from a canopy trap at Ranomafana. Individuals of this ecribellate species may also construct burrows: at Ranomafana in southeast Madagascar individuals have been taken from terrestrial tubes and burrows ( Fig. 2 D View FIGURE , ♀, CASENT9006088 ) .

Distribution. Most specimens of Uduba evanescens were collected in the eastern forests of central to southern Madagascar ( Maps 7 View MAP , 16). A northern specimen from north of Antongil Bay

(CASENT9017839) is much larger than typical U. evanescens (21mm compared to 15mm or less) but has other no obvious differences from those in central east Madagascar, hence identification as U. evanescens . There is one case of sympatry with the closely-related species U. pseudoevanescens at Ranomafana (Map 16): females of U. pseudoevanescens have been collected there on 5 March and 19-20 July 1992, whereas males and females of U. evanescens have been collect- ed in the Ranomafana area virtually throughout the year. The absence of collections U. evanescens at Ranomafana in August and September seems only to be an artifact of fieldwork.

DAHL, F. (1901 a). Uber den Wert des Cribellums und Calamistrums fur das System der Spinnen und eine Uebersicht der Zoropsiden. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin 1901: 77 - 199.

DAHL, F. (1908). Die Lycosiden oder Wolfspinnen Deutschlands und ihre Stellung im Haushalt der Natur. Nach statistischen Untersuchungen dargestellt. Nova Acta, Abhandlungen der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher 88 (3): 175 - 678.

LEHTINEN, P. T. (1967). Classification of the cribellate spiders and some allied families, with notes on the evolution of the suborder Araneomorpha. Annales Zoologici Fennici 4: 199 - 468.

PETRUNKEVITCH, A. (1928). Systema Aranearum. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 29: 1 - 270.

POLOTOW, D., A. CARMICHAEL, AND C. E. GRISWOLD. (2015). Total evidence analysis of the phylogenetic relationships of Lycosoidea spiders (Araneae, Entelegynae). Invertebrate Systematics 29 (2): 124 - 163. <doi: 10.1071 / IS 14041>

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FIGURE 2. Uduba spp., nests and live individuals. A, C, U. schlingeri, ♀, CASENT9006058. B, D, U. evanescens (Dahl, 1901), ♀, CASENT9006088. A. Tubular nest surmounted by funnel of cribellate silk, Ranomafana. B. Nest opening on soil surface, Ranomafana. C. Tubular nest, Ranomafana. D. Nest opening on soil surface, Ranomafana. E. U. madagascariensis (Vinson, 1863), ♂ CASENT9006030, specimen from suburbs of Antananarivo. A–D. Photos by Dong Lin, Ranomafana, April 1998. E. Photo by Nikolaj Scharff, November 1993. Scale bars = 20 mm.

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FIGURE 7. Habitus photos of Uduba spp., females, dorsal views. A. U. pseudoevanescens, CASENT9006007, from Forêt Marovato, MNHN Paris. B. U. evanescens (Dahl, 1901), CASENT9006090 from Ranomafana National Park. C. U. volana, Holotype (CASENT9006072) from 1400m elevation at Ambohimanga. D. U. goodmani, Holotype (CASENT9006074) from Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d’Andohahela. E. U. salegy, Paratype (CASENT9006045) from Parc National Montagne d’Ambre. F. U. ibonia, CASENT9006033 from Ranomafana National Park. G. U. schlingeri, CASENT9006075 from Parc National Ranomafana. H. U. barbarae, paratype (CASENT9006064), from Lokobe Forest on the island of Nosy Be. I. U. kavanaughi, paratype (CASENT9003517) from Parc National Ranomafana. J. U. woodae, paratype (CASENT9017834) from spiny forest at Lake Ranobe. K. U. woodae, CASENT9006092 from Ambovombe, Carougeau, Muséum Paris. L. U. madagascariensis (Vinson, 1863), CASENT9006029, from forest near village of Ambohimanga. Scale bars (see A, I) = 5 mm.

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FIGURE 8. Habitus photos of Uduba spp., males, dorsal views. A. U. rinha, MRAC174.445 from 25 km W Morarano Chrome, Toamasina Province. B. U. pseudoevanescens, Paratype (CASENT9006006) collected at 57 km Route d’Anosibe de Moramanga. C. U. evanescens (Dahl, 1901), (CASENT900687) from Ranomafana. D. U. fisheri, (CASENT9002693) from montane rainforest near Anjozorobe. E. U. rajery, Holotype (CASENT9026393) from littoral rainforest in Forêt Ambohidena, Ile Sainte Marie. F. U. valiha, Holotype (CASENT9026394) from Forêt de Vevembe. G. U. rakotozafy, Holotype (CASENT9006024) from forest at Parc National Périnet. Scale bars = 2 mm.

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FIGURE 20. Uduba spp., females: cribellum or colulus, and base of anterior lateral spinnerets surrounded by soft, flexible cuticle, anterior to top. A. U. halabe, CASENT9017873 from Parc Nacional Ranomafana, entire cribellum. B. U. ibonia, CASENT9006035 from Parc Nacional Ranomafana, divided cribellum (note small size of spinning plates). C. U. pseudoevanescens, CASENT9006008 from Parc Nacional Périnet, divided cribellum. D. U. evanescens (Dahl, 1901), CASENT9024032 from Parc Nacional Ranomafana, colulus. E. U. madagascariensis (Vinson, 1863), CASENT9006028 from Forêt Analavelona, colulus. F. U. goodmani, holotype (CASENT9006074) from Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d’Andohahela, colulus. G. U. schlingeri, CASENT9006028 from Parc Nacional Ranomafana, divided cribellum (note large size of spinning plates at posterior margin of soft cuticle). Illustrations by Charles Griswold. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.

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FIGURE 29. Uduba spp., color-coded comparisons of male left palpal tarsi, ventral views. A. U. evanescens (Dahl, 1901) (CASENT9024032) from Parc National Ranomafana. B. U. rakotofrah, paratype (CASENT9062794), from Anosyenne Mts. C. U. madagascariensis (Vinson, 1863) (CASENT9006026) from Ambohimanga. D. U. halabe, holotype (CASENT9006018) from Parc National Ranomafana. E. U. schlingeri, (CASENT9006062) from Parc National Ranomafana. F. U. ibonia, (CASENT9006036) from Parc National Ranomafana. G. U. rakotozafy, holotype (CASENT9006024) from Parc National Périnet. H. U. fisheri, (CASENT9007941) from Anjozorobe. I. U. rinha, (MRAC174.445) from 25 km W Morarano Chrome, Toamasina Province. Conductor (C), yellow; Median apophysis (MA), blue; TA1, purple; TA2, green; TA3, red. Illustrations by Charles Griswold and Jenny Speckels, not to scale.

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FIGURE 35. Uduba evanescens (Dahl, 1901), (CASENT9006087) from Parc National Ranomafana, left male palpus. A. Prolateral. B. Ventral. C. Retrolateral. Illustrations by Daniele Polotow. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.

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FIGURE 36. Uduba evanescens (Dahl, 1901), (CASENT9006087), from Ranomafana, right male palpus, SEM. A. Tibia and tarsus, retrolateral. B. Tibia and tarsus, ventral. C. Tibia and tarsus, prolateral. D. Bulb, retrolateral. E. Bulb, ventral. F. Bulb and cymbium, apical. C, conductor; MA, median apophysis; TA2, proapical apophysis of the tegulum, arising just prolaterad of distal notch; TA3, retroapical apophysis of the tegulum, typically with apex extending to prolateral. Scale bars: A, C–F = 100 µm, B = 200 µm.

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FIGURE 37. Alcohol preserved syntypes of Calamistrula evanescens Dahl 1901 (= Uduba evanescens (Dahl, 1901)). A. ZMB30811, juvenile, dorsal. B. ZMB30808, juvenile, lateral. C. ZMB30813, juvenile, fragments. D. ZMB30812, juvenile, fragments. Scale bars = 5.0 mm.

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FIGURE 38. Slide mounted syntypes of Calamistrula evanescens Dahl 1901 (= Uduba evanescens (Dahl, 1901)). B, D, E, F. Lectotype female, ZMB30810. A, C, G–I. Syntype. A. ZMB30809, legs and mouthparts. B. ZMB30810, legs. C. ZMB30808a, legs and endites. D. ZMB30811a, abdomen. E. ZMB30811a, abdomen with spinnerets. F. ZMB30811a, ♀ genitalia. G. ZMB30809, palpal tarsus and leg tarsus. H. ZMB30810, leg tarsi. I. ZMB30809, chelicerae. Scale bars: A–C = 5.0 mm, D = 1.0 mm, E, F = 0.5 mm, G–I = 0.25 mm.

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FIGURE 71. Uduba spp., female genitalia drawings. A, B. U. pseudoevanescens, new species, holotype (CASENT9006008) from Périnet. C, D. U. irwini, new species, Paratype (CASENT9009383) from Parc National Tsingy de Bemaraha. E, F. U. evanescens (Dahl, 1901) (CASENT9024032) from Parc National Ranomafana. G, H. U. rinha, new species, paratype (CASENT9018660), Parc National de Namoroka. A, C, E, G. Epigynum, ventral. B, D, F, H. Vulva, dorsal. Illustrations by Charles Griswold. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.

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FIGURE 80. Uduba spp., ♀ genitalia. A, B. U. schlingeri, new species, CASENT9006075 from Vatoharanana, Ranomafana National Park. C. U. madagascariensis (Vinson, 1863), CASENT9006029 from forest near Ambohimanga Village. D. U. woodae, new species, CASENT9006092 from Ambovombe, Carougeau, MNHN, Muséum Paris. E, F. U. goodmani, new species, Holotype (CASENT9006074), from Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d’Andohahela. G. U. evanescens (Dahl, 1901) CASENT9006083 from Forêt Ambohimasoa. H, I. U. valiha, new species, Paratype (CASENT9006071) from Massif Andringitra. J. U. pseudoevanescens, new species, CASENT9006007 from Forêt Marovato. A, E, H. Epigynum, ventral. B–D, F, G, I, J. Vulva, dorsal. At, atrium of epigynum; BS, base of spermatheca of vulva; CO, copulatory openings of epigynum; EF, epigastric furrow of abdomen; FD, fertilization duct of vulva; HS, head of spermatheca of vulva, including spermathecal poreplate; LL, lateral lobe of epigynum; LP, lateral process of epigynum; ML, median lobe of epigynum. Scale bars = A, B = 0.5 mm, C–J = 0.25 mm.

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MAP 7. Distributions of Uduba evanescens (Dahl, 1901) MAP 8. Distributions of Uduba woodae, Uduba lavitra and Uduba lehibekokoa. and Uduba milamina.

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FIGURE 77. Uduba spp., female genitalia drawings. A–C. U. goodmani, new species. A, B. Paratype female (CASENT9009538) from montane rainforest at 900m elevation at Col du Sedro in Parc National d’Andohahela. C. Holotype (CASENT9006074) from camp #5 at 1875m elevation in Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d’Andohahela. D–F. U. volana, new species, holotype (CASENT9006072) dug from a burrow at 1400m elevation at Ambohimanga. A, C, D, E. Epigynum, ventral. B, F. Vulva, dorsal. Illustrations C–D by Jenny Speckels, A–B, E–F by Charles Griswold. BS, base of spermatheca of vulva; CD, copulatory ducts of vulva; CO, copulatory openings of epigynum; EF, epigastric furrow of abdomen; FD, fertilization duct of vulva; HS, head of spermatheca of vulva, including spermathecal poreplate; LL, lateral lobe of epigynum; LP, lateral process of epigynum; ML, median lobe of epigynum. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.

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FIGURE 1. Uduba spp., live individuals. A, B. U. kavanaughi, Holotype ♂ (CASENT9029870) from evergreen forest at 970m elevation at Talatakely, Parc National Ranomafana, January 2009. C, D. U. kavanaughi, Paratype ♀, CASENT9003517, Talatakely, 1.68 km SW Ranomafana, Parc National Ranomafana, January 2009. E. U. kavanaughi, Juvenile ♀, Parc National Ranomafana, April 1998. F. U. madagascariensis (Vinson, 1863), ♂ CASENT9006030, specimen from suburbs of Antananarivo. Photos A, B, F by Nikolaj Scharff, C, D by Charles Griswold, E by Dong Lin. Scale bars = 10 mm.

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FIGURE 57. Uduba rakotofrah, new species, paratype (CASENT9062794), from Anosyenne Mts., left male palpus. A. Prolateral. B. Ventral. C. Retrolateral. Illustrations by Daniele Polotow. RTA, retrolateral tibial apophysis on male palp; TA1, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA2, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA3, retroapical apophysis of the tegulum; UTA, basal tibial apophysis on male palp; VTA, ventral tibial apophysis on male palp. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.

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FIGURE 32. Uduba balsama, new species, (CASENT9000543), Kirindy, right male palpus, SEM. A. Tibia and tarsus, retrolateral; arrow to cymbial scopula. B. Tibia and tarsus, ventral. C. Tibia and tarsus, prolateral: note how embolus arises retrobasally, disappears behind cymbium, and apex appears distally from behind tegulum; arrow to cymbial scopula. D. Bulb, retrolateral. E. Bulb, retroventral: note how embolus apex extends from behind tegulum. F. Bulb, prolateral: note concave apical margin of TA3. C, conductor; Cm, cymbium; E, embolus; EB, embolic base; MA, median apophysis; ST, subtegulum; T, tegulum; TA1, proapical apophysis of the tegulum; TA2, proapical apophysis of the tegulum, arising just prolaterad of distal notch; TA3, retroapical apophysis of the tegulum, typically with apex extending to prolateral. Scale bars A = 200 µm, B, D, F = 100 µm, C = 300 µm, E = 30 µm.

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FIGURE 72. Uduba spp., female genitalia drawings. A, B. U. heliani, new species, holotype (CASENT9006106) from Forêt Classée Andriantantely. C, D. U. hiragasy new species, paratype (CASENT9064772) from Tsinjoarivo Forest. E. F. U. fisheri, new species, (CASENT9065339) from 2 km W Andrambovato along River Tatamaly. G, H. U. valiha, new species, paratype (CASENT9006071) from Massif Andringitra. A, C, E, G. Epigynum, ventral. B, D, F, H. Vulva, dorsal. Illustrations by Charles Griswold. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.


Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (Zoological Collections)


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


California Academy of Sciences


Museum of Comparative Zoology


Field Museum of Natural History











